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Summary: After being saved from the rancor pit by Luke, Oola rewards him after the end of the war with a night she hopes will become more. (Luke/Oola)

Oola watched Luke Skywalker, her own personal savior, share hugs and back slaps with Han Solo and Princess Leia, among others. The Twi’lek dancer kept her distance for now; this felt like a private moment for the true heroes of the rebellion, and she wouldn’t intrude on it. But she did plan to have a private moment of her own with Luke later.

She could still remember the humiliation of being forced to dance for Jabba, and the all-encompassing terror that had run through her body when she thought she was about to be eaten by the rancor because she refused to give the repulsive Hutt more than a dance. But before that could happen, she’d been saved by the arrival of Luke. Like an answer to her desperate prayers, the Jedi had appeared out of nowhere, killed the beast and saved Oola’s life.

She’d been so sure she would die that day, and when she’d emerged from Jabba’s palace she knew she didn’t want to waste the life that had been given to her. It had been an easy decision for her to join with the rebels and aid them in whatever way she could in the fight against the empire. She might not have been a fighter like Luke, but she’d done her small part and could now smile and take in the celebration. And tonight, when the public celebration was finished, she hoped to have a more private celebration just for her and the handsome man who had saved her.


Luke watched her gyrate in front of him, and she loved the look she saw on his face when she looked back at him over her shoulder. He was staring at her swaying ass with open interest.

"You don't have to do this, you know," he said. "I don't want you to feel like you owe me anything, Oola." His eyes suggested that he wanted her to continue, but his chivalry compelled him to offer her a way out.

"I do owe you something," she said, continuing to gyrate. "I owe you everything. But that's not why I'm doing this. I'm doing it because I want to." This was nothing like Jabba's palace, where she'd been forced into anything. She'd worked hard to become a good dancer, and she was happy to show her hero her ability. She had her freedom and her life back, and she chose to spend it dancing for the man who had done so much for her.

She didn't stop at just dancing though. She untied the skimpy bottoms she'd changed into, let them hit the floor and gave her hips and even more exaggerated swivel now that it was her bare ass shaking for him.

They'd been building up to this since he'd saved her from the rancor. Oola had been interested in him pretty much right away. How could she not be, after what he did for her? She'd been pretty sure he was receptive too, but she hadn't made a move on him until tonight. He'd had enough on his plate as it was with so much of the responsibility of the rebellion resting on his shoulders, and she hadn't wanted to give him anything else to worry about or be distracted by. But as things progressed she'd vowed to herself that if they both made it through the end of the rebellion she was going to go for what she wanted. Now they were here, and she wasn't going to waste any more time.

He'd seemed shocked when she pulled him aside after the party and invited him back to her room, but he'd followed her all the same. All it took was one look at his face once she slipped her top off and bared her green Twi'lek body to him fully for her to be absolutely sure that she hadn't imagined his attraction to her. He wanted this as much as she did, and that was exciting to have confirmed. Oola knew she had a nice body; men and women of various species weren't shy about letting her know so. But there was something about the earnest desire in Luke Skywalker's eyes as she slowly walked to the chair she'd guided him to that meant more to her than any lewd comment or lusty gaze she'd ever had directed at her.

She sat down in his lap and slowly rolled her hips. She could feel Luke's cock, already hard inside of his pants, and she rocked against it. "I want to do this too," she said, smiling at him. His hands, both real and cybernetic, rested on her hips loosely. She wasn't sure if he was a virgin; that wasn't information he'd offered, and it seemed impolite to ask. But she'd already been pretty sure that if he had any sexual experience it was minimal, and his uncertain reaction now seemed to back this up. Luke, so confident and capable in so many ways, was a bit out of his depth here. This was one area in which Oola would actually be able to help him rather than the other way around. That was fine with her. She would be perfectly happy to take the lead and do something for Luke for a change.

"But do youwant to do this?" she asked as she got off of his lap and sank to her knees on the floor in front of him. "Do you want to do this with me?" she specified while putting her hand on his groin and rubbing the bulge his cock made. She knew what his body wanted, but she wanted to hear it from him as well. She didn't need a confession of his undying love for her or anything like that, but she did at least want him to say out loud that he wanted this and wanted her in particular, even if it was only for tonight. She hoped for more than that of course, but if tonight was all she got she would do her very best to make it a night they would both look back on fondly.

"I do," he said, and even if he seemed a bit out of his element right now he still sounded sure of his answer. "I should warn you that this isn't exactly something I've had a chance to practice, so I might not be what you're expecting."

"Don't worry about that," she said. All she'd needed to hear was that he wanted her to do what she was about to do. "I'll take care of everything. Just leave it to me."

She pulled his pants off, and his underwear with him. When Oola saw what was waiting for her under there she hummed in satisfaction. "You may not be experienced, but you definitely have the right equipment for the job." It wasn't mere flattery. Luke had a very nice cock. It wasn't like she had a ton of experience with humans, but as far as she could tell he appeared to be well above average for a human male.

Luke chuckled somewhat nervously, and then his breath caught in his throat when Oola's tongue made first contact with the tip of his cock. She slithered her tongue along his head before taking it between her lips and beginning to suck on it. She knew human men to be very sensitive on the tip, and Luke's reaction verified it. He groaned and his hands grabbed onto the sides of the chair tightly. A less considerate man might have grabbed onto the lekku tentacles that protruded from her head, but Luke was a gentleman and he kept his hands to himself.

This was a fortunate thing for Oola, because like most Twi'lek her lekku were extremely sensitive. Rubbing them could actually lead to tremendous pleasure for her if done right, but there was a potential for it to really hurt as well so it had to be done very delicately. Maybe that was something they could experiment with some other time, assuming that this thing between them went beyond just tonight. She would be happy to guide Luke on how to properly touch her lekku some time, but there were other things that took priority tonight.

Other things such as sucking his cock, which was what she put her focus on now. Oola hadn't sucked a cock in awhile; not since she'd escaped from Jabba's palace. But she knew what she was doing, and she found that her skills did not desert her due to lack of use. She slid her lips along Luke's cock, bobbing her head on him slowly not because she didn't feel capable of going faster but because she didn't want to overwhelm him too quickly. He hadn't specifically said whether he was a virgin or not, but his lack of experience was evident enough. The last thing she wanted was a premature end to their night, and sucking Luke with more vigor than he might be ready for was one way that she might cause that to happen.

Oola sucked him off well enough for him to enjoy himself, but not so well that he lost control and came in her mouth. For several minutes she worked, taking her time and giving Luke a taste of what she could do for him. When he started to groan a little more loudly and she judged that he might cum if she kept it up for too much longer, she pulled her mouth off of him and sat back on her knees.

"Let's move over to the bed," she suggested. She wouldn't have had any problem fucking him in the chair, but something told her that their first time together should be in an actual bed.

Luke pulled his shirt up over his head quickly, and Oola liked what she saw there as well. He wasn't a rippling muscleman or anything like that, but he was in good shape. He couldn't afford to be otherwise, obviously. She doubted he would have been able to take down Darth Vader or the Emperor without all the hard work he'd put into his training, and she was happy to look at and touch the results of his work.

He stood up and held a hand out to her, and she took it and allowed him to pull her back up to her feet. As soon as she was up she took over, guiding him over to the bed and putting her hands on his shoulders.

"How about you get down on your back and just leave everything to me?" she said.

He nodded and got into position as she requested. It was nice to see that he wasn't like many of the men she'd been with. Most of them would have chafed at the idea of letting her lead, as they would have seen it as a blow to their masculinity in some way. But Luke was more of a man than any of them, and he didn't feel threatened at all about doing what she asked and having her get on top. He understood that this was one area where his experience trailed hers, and he had no problem ceding to her superior ability. Just as she'd put her faith in him to get her out of Jabba's palace safe, he was putting his faith in her to make their first time together as great as it could be.

She would make sure that he was rewarded for his faith. She straddled his hips and rocked against his cock slowly, simply rubbing along the length and letting him get a feel for her. He was obviously already hard, and she was more than aroused enough to slide him right in. She was doing this only because she wanted to draw out this moment for as long as possible. She didn't know how many times in her life she would get to make love to Luke Skywalker (hopefully the number was very high), but there would only be one first time.

When his lips twisted into a frustrated frown and his blue eyes looked up at her pleadingly, Oola knew she could delay no longer. She needed to get on with it; she needed to stop teasing and give Luke what he wanted. Fortunately it was what she wanted too, and there was nothing but eagerness and anticipation flowing through her body as she raised up off of his body slightly and reached down with her hand to hold his cock steady. She saw that same eagerness mirrored back at her on Luke's face as she slowly slid down until the head of his cock slipped inside of her.

Was this Luke's first time ever? Oola didn't know, and she wasn't going to ask. But it wouldn't have been any surprise to her if it was, and the way he gasped as she gradually worked her way down and wiggled her hips suggested that even if he'd had sex before he'd never felt anything quite like this; like her. The thought made her smile. As much as she was looking forward to finding her own pleasure with Luke, it was even more important to her that she take care of him. She wanted to feel good, but she needed Luke to feel good. She was doing this because she wanted to, but she still wanted him to feel like he'd been properly rewarded for all he'd done for her whether he'd expected any reward or not.

Oola gently rose and fell on Luke's lap. Despite his size she probably could have gone at least a little bit faster without it really feeling uncomfortable, but she wasn't in the mood to go all out and ride him as hard as she could. There was no need to hurry; they had all night to enjoy themselves, and she wanted to take her time and enjoy it for as long as she could. Luke certainly didn't seem to mind her slow bounces on his cock. His hands held her by the hips slightly and he smiled up at her with such open affection that it threatened to take her breath away.

"Does it feel good?" she asked as she paused while barely the tip was inside of her and carefully moved her hips from side to side.

"It feels great," he said. "You feel great. I'm honestly afraid I'm going to wake up any second and find myself alone in bed. I would hate for this all to be a dream."

Oola grinned down at him, put her hands on his pale face and stroked his cheeks tenderly. "If it is a dream, let's do our best to never wake up," she whispered. She slowly slid down his cock again, taking her time and not stopping until he was buried all the way inside of her. There she stayed for several long and pleasant moments, simply enjoying the feel of him inside of her before she began her slow trip back up.

Luke didn't seem to know what to do with his hands, but Oola wanted to feel them on her, all over her body rather than just on her hips. She grabbed his hands and guided them onto her ass, and she smiled and moaned quietly as he gave her cheeks a little squeeze. He got a little bolder after that, and after playing with her butt some more he brought his hands around to her front and stroked her belly.

His hands worked their way up to her breasts, and Oola tensed, fearing she would feel the rough groping of her flesh or a painful flicking of her nipples. Some men would do such things to show some kind of dominance over her, and even some who were genuinely trying to please her would make the same mistakes out of ignorance. She knew Luke would not be in the first category, and thankfully he didn't make the mistakes of the second either. He held her tits in his hands and gave them a squeeze, but he didn't apply so much pressure that it hurt. And when his fingers did touch her nipples they did so gently, enough to make her shiver and moan with pleasure rather than grunt in dismay.

Oola rode him a bit faster after that, too turned on to maintain the same slower pace she'd held until then. She moaned as his cock hit inside of her, brushing at just the right angle to give her all of the pleasure she could have ever asked for. And Luke groaned back at her, feeling the pleasure as keenly as she was. His hands tightened on her breasts, still not quite enough to hurt, but enough to remind her that she was dealing with a man who probably wouldn't be able to last long under this kind of pace.

It was too late for her to turn back now, but that didn't mean she couldn't do all she could to make sure she joined him. She started to push down and grind her pelvis against him more, and leaned her body back so she could hold onto his legs. She wanted a position and an angle that would stimulate her in the most efficient way possible, because if Luke was nearly there himself than she needed to work hard to join him.

Her modified position paid off, because when Luke was getting close she was right there with him. She actually surged ahead of him, moaned and tightened around him in orgasm before he got there. She only just beat him though, because she was still in the early stages of her pleasure when Luke gave her a warning.

"I'm not going to be able to hold out much longer, Oola," he managed to get out. She could see the tension on his face and in his hands, and she knew he was hanging on by a thread. He didn't want to give her any unwelcome surprises, and wanted her to have a chance to pull off of him if that was what she wanted.

She didn't. Her hands went to his, which were on her hips as he seemingly considered pulling her off himself, and covered them. "Let go, Luke," she said through her own moans. She was in the middle of an incredible pleasure, and she wanted him to join her. She wanted to share this moment with him. "Do it. Come inside of me."

His eyes widened in surprise, but he didn't have a chance to question if she was sure. He'd barely been hanging on as it was, and Oola's assurances plus the way she moved atop him was too much for him to withstand. He grunted and his hips bucked up against hers as he lost his struggle and began to cum inside of her. Oola smiled and moaned even louder. As wonderful as her own orgasm was, looking down at Luke and watching his face as he finished inside of her gave her just as much satisfaction.

She could have remained on top of him and kept his cock inside of her all night and been very happy for it, but eventually Luke wrapped his arms around her and pulled her down on top of him in an embrace. Oola sighed and rested her head on his chest. Listening to his heart beating reminded her that this was real. He'd saved her from the rancor and freed her from her chains, and he and the rest of the rebels had survived and defeated the Empire. The war was over, and they had both survived it. They were here, and this was no dream. This was real.

Luke's hand wound up on one of her lekku, but she barely flinched. She trusted him, and somehow he knew not to touch her too roughly. She felt the fingers on his flesh hand delicately stroke her sensitive tentacle, and she smiled. This was a perfect moment.

"Can we go again?" he asked eventually, breaking the silence.

She lifted her head off of his chest and looked into his eyes. "Whenever you're ready," she said.

He was ready right then and there, because he quickly rolled them over, flipping their positions so now she was on her back and he was on top of her. He looked to be in the mood to try and take charge himself, and his cock was definitely ready for the job. She felt him press against her, and she smiled up at him and moaned as he pushed inside.

The war was over, and the music and other sounds from the party outside were dying down as well. But it seemed that Oola's private celebration with her hero was only just beginning.


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