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((In book canon Romilda is two years behind Harry, while in the movies she’s apparently meant to be in his year. I split the difference and put her one year behind him, meaning she’s in the same year as Ginny.))

Where we left off: https://www.patreon.com/posts/45111729

Harry made it to Gryffindor Tower without interruption. Most of the portraits were sleeping or otherwise occupied, but the Fat Lady was there as always, guarding entrance to the Gryffindor common room. As she looked at Harry expectantly, he realized that he might have a bit of a problem.

"I have no idea what the password is," he admitted. The Fat Lady chuckled and rolled her eyes.

"You're one of the truest Gryffindors that ever lived," she said. "So long as you're a student here, you can enter this tower whenever you please." The door swung open for him, and Harry shrugged.

"Would've been handy if you'd let me in without a password when I was a firstie, but I'll take it," he said. He stepped into the Gryffindor common room, wondering who else from Gryffindor would be up this early in the morning, especially after a rousing victory over Slytherin that had surely resulted in a raucous party.

He didn't need to wait long to find out, because the sender of the letter was waiting for him on a couch that faced the portrait hole. As soon as he stepped inside, she saw him and smiled.

"Hello, Harry. Welcome to the party," she said, bold and confident as always. She stretched on the couch, letting him see more of her nude body.

"Uh, hi," he said. He'd rejected the advances of Romilda Vane back in his sixth year, but her physical attractiveness hadn't been the reason why. He'd definitely taken note of her beauty, but in the end it was her year mate Ginny that he'd been drawn to. But he wondered if he would've been able to resist her if instead of trying to slip him a love potion, she'd simply dropped her clothes and let him see her naked. She'd chosen a more Slytherin route back then, but if she'd been a bold Gryffindor like she was being now she might have gotten what she wanted.

"Congratulation on leading Gryffindor to another win," she said. "We overheard the bet between Granger and Greengrass, so we left you to your private celebration last night. But we were hoping you would continue the celebration with us this morning."

'Us' was an apt term, because Romilda was not alone. There were three other girls with her, all of them sexy and all of them naked. They were her regular group of friends who always followed Romilda around, laughing at her jokes and sharing in her gossip. Now they were apparently going to share in this as well. He had never really spoken to any of them and didn't know their names; all he knew was that Ginny tended to stay away from Romilda and her group, preferring to spend her time with Hermione or Luna as opposed to the other Gryffindor girls in her year.

"I'm not sure I've ever really been introduced to your friends," he said, looking at Romilda. He was already set on taking her and her friends up on their obvious offer; he wasn't stupid, and after a bit of rest felt recovered enough from his night with Hermione and Daphne to continue the party with Romilda and her sexy friends. But he wasn't about to shag anyone without at least knowing their name. That was just good manners.

"I'm Jessie," said a slender girl with brown eyes and reddish-brown hair tied back in a ponytail who was sitting next to Romilda on the couch. The only thing she wore on her body was a pair of silver stud earrings, and when she saw Harry looking at her body she gave him a playful wink.

"I'm Miranda," said a girl with a hint of an Australian accent. She had black hair that was straight as opposed to Romilda's curly hair. She had deep blue eyes that were quite pretty, but Harry didn't look at her face for very long. She was standing up and leaning with her hands on the side of the couch, and was clearly angling her body in such a way to draw his attention to her arse. What an arse it was too! Her bum was wonderfully round and apple-shaped. Harry wondered how he'd never noticed an arse like this before. Had he really been so caught up in his own stuff? Even if she was a year below him and Romilda tended to dominate any interactions he'd had with her group, he felt sure he would remember it if he'd ever gotten a good look at her from behind.

"And I'm Ann." The last member of Romilda's clique was sitting alone in a chair to Romilda's right. She was a beautiful girl with platinum blonde hair tied in twin tails. She didn't really even seem to be trying to be blatantly seductive with her pose, aside from obviously being naked, unlike playful Jessie or posing Miranda, but pulled it off anyway. She had the effortless beauty of a model, and could probably make a real career out of it if she put in any effort into it.

"Nice to meet all of you officially," he said. Jessie gave him another wink, Miranda smirked and deliberately stretched to push her arse out even more, and Ann smiled bashfully. As for Romilda, she sat back on the couch with legs spread and a wide smile on her face. This was all her doing, he had no doubt.

"So what'll it be, Harry?" she asked. "Are you going to help us continue the party, or did your night with Granger and Greengrass take too much out of you?"

By way of answer, Harry took off the outer robe he'd been wearing to show that he had on only a pair of boxers underneath it. And as for those, he pushed them down his legs and kicked them to the side. Romilda's smile widened.

"I've been waiting two years to see that cock," she said. "Ginny beat me to it, but she's not going to interrupt us now." Harry wondered what she meant by that, but then Romilda made eye contact with Jessie and snapped her fingers. Jessie gave her a thumbs up, got up from the couch and hurried over to drop to her knees in front of him. Wondering what Romilda had meant suddenly became secondary when a blowjob seemed imminent,

"Now this is one impressive cock," Jessie said as she wrapped her hand around his shaft and gave him a few pumps. She swirled her tongue around the cockhead and then stared up at him. "Think I can handle it?" she asked with a wink.

Of course she could. Harry wasn't fooled by her act, and he doubted he was supposed to be. She was playing with him, teasing him, and practically daring him to take charge. So that's what he did. He put his hands on the back of her head, grabbed her by her brown hair and pulled her down onto his cock.

Harry wasn't in the mood to be teased right now. They'd called him down here and he was going to play along, but he wasn't going to let Romilda and her group lead him along. He was going to show them what he could do, and it started right now when he fucked Jessie's face. He held her hair tight and shoved his cock down deep. His balls smacked against her chin, and when he forced his cock all the way down her throat and held it there she gagged helplessly. But she didn't hate it. On the contrary, she loved it. The look in her brown eyes as he fucked her face was wild and excited, and when he pulled her off of his cock to let her catch her breath she was even clearer about how she felt.

"Now...that....is...what...I'm....talking about," she said in between heaves and gasps for breath. "Never..been...used...like...hmmph!"

Harry cut her off by pulling her back down onto his cock. The way he saw it, if she had enough breath to talk, she had enough breath to have her throat fucked some more. He went right back to using her, and as he did so he met Romilda's eyes. She looked surprised by what she was seeing, but she was also squeezing her breast and playing with her nipple while she watched her friend get throatfucked so she was clearly turned on too. He smirked at her, and then returned his attention to Jessie.

The brunette not only took his facefuck but reached around his body to squeeze his arse while he used her. She was a kinky one. He wondered how many guys she'd teased, and how many of them had gone along with the teasing and let her have her way. As for Harry, he'd tossed her teasing aside and dominated her in short order, and she'd reacted just as he'd known she would. He kept slamming his cock down her throat until he felt his orgasm coming, and then he pulled back again. It wasn't so he could preserve his stamina and move on to the next girl though. After a good night's sleep (because who wouldn't sleep well with Hermione and Daphne snuggled into either side?), he was feeling refreshed and full of vigor. He was going to dominate all three of these women one by one right in front of Romilda, and then finish off with her.

He finished his domination of Jessie by holding his cock to aim it and make sure that all of his semen landed on her face. He caught her on the forehead, across her nose and down her cheeks. The finale was down around her mouth, and she parted her lips to allow him to finish up on her tongue. She swallowed what ended up in her mouth, and licked up anything that her tongue could reach.

"Next--"Romilda said, but Harry cut her off.

"Next it's Ann's turn," he said. He rounded on the blonde, whose blue eyes were wide as he approached her in her chair. She looked frozen like an unarmed and helpless witch with a wand pointed at her heart. "Unless you're not feeling up for it?" He wasn't going to force her; if she didn't want to take part, he would skip her and go for Miranda instead. He made sure to stand directly between her and Romilda so her friend and the leader of the clique couldn't make eye contact with her or do anything to influence her. He wanted this to be Ann's choice.

The blonde still looked dazed by what she'd seen, but she gave him a little nod. That was enough for Harry, who picked her up out of her chair and sat down in it himself. He pulled her down with him so she was straddling his lap and sitting directly on his cock. He held her by the arse and pulled her down to sheathe himself inside of her.

"You're not a virgin, are you?" he asked.

"N-no," she mumbled. He nodded.

"Good." He doubted she could have handled what he had in mind if this was her first time.

What he had in mind was a way to prove to her, and more importantly to Romilda, that he was in control here no matter what. She'd been the one to send a letter to his suite to summon him to the Gryffindor common room, where she had not only waited for him completely naked but got three of the members of her clique to do the same, but he was still going to call the shots here. And Ann might be on top of him, but he was still going to be the one doing the fucking.

Ann never seemed to think anything to the contrary. Despite her position, she never attempted to get into position so she could actually ride him. Instead she clung to his neck and allowed him to use her however he wanted. He held her by the arse and thrust up into her from below, showing both her and Romilda that he could dominate even while technically on bottom. From Ann’s gasps and squeals as he hammered his cock into her, he could tell that she got the message.

“Oh! Oh! Oh!” Ann gasped every time he pushed his cock deep inside of her, and that dazed expression he’d seen on her face when he approached her and gotten even more pronounced. He believed her when she said she was not a virgin, but he would wager that she had less experience than anyone else in Romilda’s group, and there was no way she’d ever been fucked at a speed or an intensity that even approached this. She looked like she was in way over her head, and yet any time he relaxed his body as if he was going to stop, she grabbed him tighter and rocked against him, asking him without words to keep going. He wondered if she even knew she was doing it, or if her body was taking over for her frazzled mind and making sure it got what it wanted.

With how obviously she was out of her depth, Harry knew it wouldn’t take long for the blonde to cum. Sure enough, after only a few minutes of thrusting into her Ann squeezed his neck tighter than ever, lowered her head to rest on his shoulder and whined into his skin as she shook with orgasm. Even with her using his arm to muffle her screams, she was still loud enough that he had no doubt Romilda had heard it.

He stood up from the chair so he could put Ann back down like she’d been before he struck. She was back in her seat, but she looked very different than she had before Harry got his hands on her. The nervous blonde’s arms and legs splayed out, her eyes stared up at the ceiling and her mouth hung open as she tried to recover from something she’d never felt in her life.

Miranda seemed to know he was headed in her direction next, and she started to stand up straight. He shook his head immediately.

“No, Miranda,” he said. “Stay just like that.” Obediently she settled back down, keeping her hands pressed against the edge of the couch and leaning over so her magnificent arse jutted out. She stayed in that position as he walked over and circled around behind her. Harry whistled as he got a good look at her unclothed bum.

“Now that is a magnificent arse,” he said. He ran his hand across the smooth skin of her cheeks, and then gave her rump a quick spank that made her gasp out in surprise. “It’s made for buggering, I’d say.”

“N-no, wait!” she said quickly before he could even cast any charms to prepare her for a potential buggering, much less actually get on with one. “I’ve never done that before!”

“Something to consider for next time then,” he said. He was mildly disappointed, but he wasn’t going to force any of them to do anything that they genuinely didn’t want to do. They were here to party. “I’m assuming you have no problem with me fucking you regularly though?”

“No,” she said, relaxing when she realized he was not going to press the issue. “That’s no problem at all.”

“Excellent.” He put a hand on her hip and thrust his cock inside of her hard. Just because he wasn’t going to bugger her didn’t mean he was going to let his control of this situation slip away. He was still going to fuck her hard.

Oh!” she cried as he penetrated her roughly. He’d been fortunate enough to hear many erotic cries from a variety of women, but this was the first time he’d bedded a witch with an Australian accent. It was a nice change of pace.

Far nicer than listening to her voice, of course, was actually fucking her. He drove his hips forward harshly right from the beginning, and though the physical feeling of sliding his cock back and forth was as nice as always, he had an ulterior motive for wanting to take her so roughly. Fucking her from this angle, he could make her bum shake right before his eyes every time that he hilted himself inside of her, and watching that perfect apple bottom ripple from the contact was all the motivation one could ask for. Maybe he’d see about buggering her some other time, if she was interested, but for now he would content himself with this.

Well, that wasn’t entirely true. He also worked in plenty of squeezes and spanks in the middle of fucking her. Any time he slowed the pace of his fucking even slightly, it was so he could get his hands on her arse. It truly was a work of art, and if anyone got the opportunity to bugger it some day they would be one lucky bloke.

She was obviously a bit more experienced than Ann, so a bit of additional stimulation was going to be required if he wanted to get her off quickly enough to leave time for him to give Romilda the fuck she deserved before anyone else came down. He reached around her body and between her legs to play with her clit while he continued to fuck her, and that got the desired reaction out of her. She moaned loudly, and the combination of his pounding cock and the fingers dancing across her clit had her throwing her hand over her mouth as she came.

Harry followed soon thereafter, spending another minute or two slamming into her before he pulled out and came on her arse cheeks. Her bottom was covered with his seed by the time he was done, and he smiled in approval. He may not have gotten to bugger her today, but at least he’d left his mark on that bum.

It was only Romilda left now, and by the time he actually made it over to her she was fingering herself and writhing on the couch. She’d watched him fuck all three of her friends and had gotten so worked up that there would surely be a wet spot on the couch where she was sitting. He cupped her chin, looked down into her eyes and grinned.

“So, Romilda,” he growled. “Are you ready to party now?” Romilda, breathing rapidly and staring up at him with dilated pupils, nodded as best she could with him cupping her chin.

“Yes,” she said. “Please.

Harry joined Romilda on the couch and positioned her body how he wanted her. While he was kneeling, he pulled her onto her side with one arm and leg bent and the other leg flung over his shoulder. He fucked her hard from this position while also playing with her breasts, which she really seemed to enjoy. Her breasts were of average size but plenty of fun to play with, and her nipples seemed even more sensitive than most of the women he’d slept with. Either that or she was just really, really horny. She had said she’d wanted this for years, and she’d gone from trying to slip him a love potion to waiting for him naked in the common room and getting three of her friends to go along with it. That spoke to a certain level of desperation.

Another sure sign of how desperate she was came in how she constantly moved her free hand around his body, rubbing and squeezing whatever she could reach before settling on his bum and squeezing it. But the biggest sign of all came from her mouth.

“Yes!” she moaned. “Yes, fuck yes, Harry!” The others had tried to watch their voices at least somewhat, and Harry had followed suit, but Romilda didn’t seem to care at all. She was getting the shag she’d wanted for over two years, and she wasn’t shy about letting him know it. “Fuck, it’s even better than I thought it would be! I’m so jealous that Ginny got to you first!”

Ginny hadn’t gotten to him first, strictly speaking. She’d been his first girlfriend, but they’d never gotten very far in a physical sense during their brief time together in his sixth year. He’d shagged her now of course; between the Samhain party and the Advanced Sexual Education club, she’d had plenty of turns on his cock by now. But pointing out either of these facts to Romilda seemed meaningless. Ginny wasn’t his concern right now; fucking this scheming Gryffindor was.

He had already run through Jessie, Ann and Miranda, but he had plenty left to fuck Romilda harder than any of her friends. As the ringleader of this entire thing, she deserved the strongest effort he could give her. He hammered into her, rocking her body on the couch and making her curly hair fall into disarray as she experienced all that he had to give. She had wanted him, and now she was getting him.

The irony was that if she had succeeded in seducing him or even ensnaring him with those chocolates that she’d spiked with love potion, he wouldn’t have been able to live up to her expectations. He’d been utterly clueless about girls back then, whether how to talk and flirt with them or how to fuck them. But he was a completely different man now than he’d been back in his sixth year, and he was showing Romilda just how far he’d come. She would never actually know that, but that was fine. She only had the man that he was now to base her opinions off of, and he knew that the kind of fuck he was capable of giving her now was more than living up to whatever expectations she’d had when she sent him that letter.

She’d probably thought that she was going to be the one running this party, but he’d disabused her of that idea very quickly with how he’d manhandled her friends. Now he was letting her feel it for herself. With every thrust of his cock, he made his control of this situation abundantly clear. She’d wanted to fuck the Chosen One two years ago, and now she’d wanted to fuck the man who had beaten Voldemort. She was getting it, only he was the one fucking her. And as her voice became an all out scream, he knew she wouldn’t have it any other way.

“Oh, fuck!” she shouted. “Fuck, yes, yes! I’m cumming, Harry! YES!

She tightened around his cock and continued to moan and shout as she came, and Harry was driven to dig deeper and fuck her just a little bit faster and harder. He pulled out just in time to cum down onto the side of her face and into her curly hair, something he decided to do on a whim but greatly amused him after the fact. She didn’t seem to mind getting his cum in her hair since she just moaned when she felt it, but maybe she would feel differently when the heat of the moment wore off. Either way, she couldn’t say that this hadn’t been one hell of an early-morning party.

“Romilda, are you crazy?” Ann hissed. “You were so loud! What if someone heard you?!”

“Oh, relax,” Romilda said. She sat up on the couch and spoke to Ann casually, as if she didn’t have Harry’s cum in her hair. “I warded both sets of stairs so no sound goes up, plus only we seventh year Gryffindor girls can freely come up or down for the next hour. Everyone else will suddenly decide to go back to bed and have a lie in when they get close to the stairs, or maybe they’ll catch up on homework or do a bit of reading.”

“Really?” Harry was honestly surprised. “That’s an impressive bit of magic.”

“I may not be nearly as powerful as you, Harry Potter, but I’m bold and clever,” Romilda said with a grin. “I didn’t want anyone to interrupt our little party.”

Someone cleared their throat, and Harry went on alert as he realized that this had not come from Romilda or any of her friends.

“Sorry to crash your party, but you’re not as clever as you think you are, Romilda,” this new voice said, and Harry spun around to lock eyes with the newcomer.

January 2021 poll question:

What happens when Harry makes it to Gryffindor Tower (or does he make it there at all?)

(Winner: He parties with Romilda and her friends, 71%)


James Trammell

Wow great chapter! It was actually refreshing to see someone different picked this time. You don’t often see romilda getting time with Harry. I was actually kinda surprised that the Ginny option had zero votes. I know she’s not everyone’s favorite but I thought at least she get a couple of votes. Lol! Anyway can’t wait to see next chapter and keep up the great work.