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Where we left off: https://www.patreon.com/posts/44669649

Harry flew through the air, ignoring all that surrounded him. That wasn’t easy to do. The Slytherin quidditch team weren’t openly cheating like they might have tried to do in years gone by, but that didn’t mean the beaters wouldn’t aim bludgers at him when the opportunity arose.

Relations between Slytherin and the other houses were better than they’d been at any point since Harry came to Hogwarts (and for decades before that, he would assume.) Before, the annual Gryffindor-Slytherin quidditch match would have brought about a level of nastiness and hatred between both houses. That wasn’t here this year, but the competitive spirit was still there. That had led Head Girl Daphne Greengrass and #1 ranked student Hermione Granger to make a wager on the match, with Harry as the prize. The winner got to have him for the night, and the loser had to serve as their slave until morning. There was really no downside to the bet from Harry’s perspective, but if a night fucking Daphne while Hermione obeyed her commands meant that he had to lose his final quidditch match against Slytherin, it wasn’t something he was going to accept easily.

Chants from the students of all four houses rang out, but Harry tuned them out. He deftly avoided the bludgers, ignored the Slytherin seeker who didn’t register in his head as an obstacle and chased the Golden Snitch. He even kept his eyes on the prize and resisted the temptation of admiring Ginny Weasley’s arse in her tight quidditch trousers as he flew right by her during her race to throw the quaffle into the hoop. Ginny’s bum was nice, and he’d gotten more than one chance to play with it during their club meetings, but today it was the Golden Snitch that he couldn’t look away from.

He could feel the Slytherin seeker coming on hard, but they were way too late. Harry shot forward on his Firebolt, flew around a Slytherin beater to avoid a head-on collision, and grabbed the little flying golden sphere before it could get away.

The Gryffindors in the stands roared, and Ginny flew by him, grinning widely. He had a feeling she would probably attempt to hump him right now if they hadn’t been flying through the air on their brooms.

Daphne Greengrass groaned, ignoring the teasing from Tracey Davis beside her. Hermione Granger smiled smugly, happy that her best friend had pulled through and her wager had paid off.


“You should have known better than to bet against Harry,” Hermione said, taunting Daphne.

“I wasn’t so much betting against Harry as I was attempting to show pride in my house,” Daphne said quietly.

“And how did that work out for you?”

She knew what answer Daphne would give before she actually gave it. They were in Harry’s bedroom in the private quarters reserved for the Head Boy and Head Girl, and Hermione was in bed cuddling with Harry while Daphne was on her knees on the floor with her head bowed, just as instructed.

“Not well,” Daphne admitted. Hermione grinned.

“I guess this was our final real battle, huh?” Hermione mused. “We’ve been fighting over the top spot in our year since we were just firsties. And even though I was always ahead overall, I could never manage to get ahead of you in ancient runes.” It was a frustrating point for her. Harry sometimes was ahead of her in DADA, but that was more forgivable just because of whom he was and what he’d been through. Daphne consistently staying ahead of her in runes had been tough for a perfectionist like Hermione to deal with.

“But you were always first overall,” Daphne said, which was true. “And you were made a prefect while I was not.”

“And then you were Head Girl, which is the greater honor,” Hermione said. “But aside from our NEWTS, this game was our last chance to compete before we leave Hogwarts.”

“And you won,” Daphne said, which made her smile.

“Well, I won, technically,” Harry pointed out, but Hermione just rolled her eyes.

“Yes, and since I’m the one who backed you to win, that means I won too,” she said. “Which also means that Daphne has to do whatever I say, within reason, for the rest of the night.” She’d already started giving out commands. That was why she was on the bed with Harry and Daphne was kneeling on the floor. But she was just getting started.

“Samhain with you was amazing, Harry,” she said, smiling up at him. “I’ve been waiting for a chance to do it again ever since.”

“It was amazing for me too,” he said, and his smile made her heart melt. “I’ve been hoping you would want to do it again.” It was the truth she could sense in his words that really did it for her. It was no secret to her that he had many lovers to choose from, and that she could make such an impression on him and leave him wanting more made her feel so sexy and desirable.

“Your hopes are about to be answered,” she said. She gave him a kiss, and moaned into his mouth as he kissed her back and wrapped his arms around her body. It was difficult for her to pull away, but she had to do so if she wanted to make the most of her slave for the night.

“Daphne, be a dear and get him ready for me,” she said. She patted the bed, encouraging her slave to come up and join them.

Daphne had been in this bed before, Hermione was sure, but only for her own benefit. She knew that Harry and Daphne often got up to shagging while up here in their quarters, but this time she was here for Hermione’s amusement rather than her own pleasure.

“Not with your mouth,” she said when Daphne looked like she was about to start sucking his cock. “I don’t need you getting carried away. Use your hands only, please.”

Daphne nodded stiffly and did as she was told. She surely could have gotten Harry hard faster if she’d used her mouth, but even with just her hands she was more than capable of getting the job done. She rubbed the head, stroked his shaft and played with his balls, and it didn’t take very long for her to have Harry ready to go.

“Okay, that’s enough,” Hermione said. “You can stay on the bed if you want, but give me plenty of room.”

Daphne scooted down and sat on her knees at the foot of the bed while Hermione mounted Harry and slowly sank down onto his cock.

“Oh, yes,” she said, sighing as she felt her best friend’s cock filling her up again. “I’ve been looking forward to this.” It really hadn’t even been that long since their first time together. That had been on Samhain, and the Gryffindor vs. Slytherin match had kicked off the quidditch season not even a week later. But she had thought back on her night with Harry constantly ever since, and it felt like far more than a matter of days had passed as she took him inside of her again.

“So have I,” Harry said. His hands held her hips, and he watched from his back while she slowly started to gyrate on top of him. “Fuck, you look so sexy on top of me.”

“The view is pretty good from where I’m sitting too,” she said, smiling down at his handsome and familiar face while she started to bounce on his cock. She’d been through so much with him; there wasn’t a person in the world who she trusted more or who meant more to her. That it was Harry she was sharing this with, her beloved and trusted best friend whose cock she was riding, made it all so much better.

That his cock was so big didn’t hurt matters either. Harry scarcely resembled the skinny young boy he’d been when she first met him. He was all man now, and he had a cock that would put just about any other man to shame. (She didn’t have a breadth of hands-on experience to stack it up against, but she’d done her research, and Harry’s size was considerable.) Feeling that big cock hit deep inside of her motivated her to bounce harder and build up speed.

How many times had Hermione quietly fingered herself in the tent, imagining this scenario when it was just the two of them? How many times had she visualized looking down at him while she rode his cock, and pictured the look of lust in his eyes as he watched her breasts bounce? How many times had she wondered what it would sound like when she drove herself down onto his cock so quickly that her arse clapped down against his thighs? It had all happened so fast during their first time, and there had been so many other women to share him with during that Samhain celebration that she hadn’t been able to savor him or keep him to herself for very long. But tonight was all about her. She could spend the rest of the night doing whatever she wanted with him, and there would be no one else to take his attention off of her. Daphne was in the room with them, but she was only there to do whatever Hermione told her to do, which right now was merely watching while she took the Head Boy for a ride.

Hermione wanted to take her time, but once she got moving she could not make herself stop. She rode Harry’s cock fast and hard, unable to resist the temptation of slamming herself down onto him with reckless abandon. Harry looked surprised at her energy, and in truth she was even surprising herself. She didn’t know she had this in her, but it seemed that Harry brought out a wild side of her that she hadn’t fully been able to discover on her own.

She came with a scream, her body as overwhelmed as it had been when she orgasmed on his cock on Samhain. Harry followed close behind her, squeezing her hips and groaning as he came inside of her. Hermione didn’t think she’d ever felt as powerful or as sexual as she did when she milked this orgasm out of him. Last time he’d been doing the moving, but this time around she was on top and she was the one who’d done the fucking. His orgasm was all her doing, and if she could read his face as well as she thought she could, it felt as good for him as it had for her.

“I never knew you had that in you,” Harry said, looking up at her with renewed respect as they came down the other side after reaching their shared peak.

“I’m not sure I knew I had it in me either,” she said, laughing. “But I guess you inspire me.” She felt giddy, and she wanted to hold onto the feeling for as long as she could. She didn’t want this night to end any time soon, but she needed a break after riding him so hard. Fortunately she had Daphne here to take over whenever and however Hermione wanted her to.

“You’re up, Greengrass,” she said. “Let me tell you what you’re doing next.”


“I have to hand it to you, Daphne,” Hermione said. “You know how to eat pussy.”

Daphne did not reply, other than to continue to do her best to please Hermione with her lips and tongue, just as she’d been commanded. The Head Girl was following her orders to the letter; there could be no questioning that. And that she was doing so well even while Harry buggered her hard said even more about not just her skill but her commitment to following through as well.

Hermione had been in the mood to have some sort of physical interaction with Daphne; some way to exercise the control she had over this situation. Having the Head Girl become a Head Girl in a far more literal sense seemed like an amusing way to do that, and since she certainly didn’t want Harry to be left out in her fun, she’d added in the buggering as well.

Harry wasn’t taking it easy on his fellow Head either. Hermione had encouraged him to fuck her arse roughly, and that’s precisely what he was doing. While Hermione relaxed on the bed with her legs draped over Daphne’s shoulders, Harry drove his hips down into the Head Girl repeatedly. If Hermione stopped and paid attention she could hear the sound of his hips slapping against Daphne’s bum cheeks as he buggered her hard. She didn’t know if they had ever done this together before, but if they hadn’t, Daphne was adjusting quickly.

“Yes, I can see why Harry likes having fun with you,” Hermione said. She played with Daphne’s blonde hair while the Slytherin licked her. “You’re very talented and eager to please.” Daphne continued to work, licking along Hermione’s slit and dipping inside briefly before turning her attention to her clit.

Daphne knew what to do with that most sensitive of areas as well. At first she circled around it with her tongue, but once she decided Hermione was ready she started to lick it and built up to taking it into her mouth and lightly sucking on it. It felt certain by now that Daphne had to have at least some experience going down on women, because this felt like more than just natural talent. She had to have done this before; she was playing Hermione’s body too well. Not that this was a problem, of course. Daphne’s experience just resulted in pleasure for Hermione, and that was nothing to complain about.

“That’s it, Head Girl!” she shouted, grabbing onto Daphne’s hair and pulling. “Lick me! Keep it up! Show me how you earned that position!”

Hermione wasn’t really angry about Daphne being made Head Girl. While she’d entertained fantasies about the position in her younger years (and had definitely pictured her and Harry serving side by side much as Daphne was actually doing), the war had changed her. She knew what was truly important now, and it wasn’t titles or positions or even grades. She would always strive to do her best, and she was going to give all the effort she could to try and get Outstandings in every single subject when she sat her NEWTs at the end of her Hogwarts tenure.

But the important thing was to enjoy her life and treasure her experiences. Doing her best was what she demanded of herself, but she would no longer be so obsessive as to lose sleep revising for subjects she already knew nearly as well as the professor, and she certainly wouldn’t beg for a time turner so she could take more subjects than was humanly possible. She’d been somewhat disappointed when McGonagall chose Daphne rather than her for the position of Head Girl, but she understood it and even felt it was a good idea to have a Gryffindor and a Slytherin hold the positions, serve together and show the rest of the school that the war was over and it was time to put old grudges aside. She might have been disappointed, but she wasn’t angry.

That didn’t mean she couldn’t have a little fun with it though. She and Daphne had always been competitive with each other but had never really hated each other like Hermione had hated Pansy or Draco. The competition had been real though, and Hermione was enjoying the chance to exert a bit of authority over the witch who had always been her closest competitor for top marks in most subjects.

She’d never really thought their competition would go from the classroom to the bedroom, but the Hermione who had survived the war was a very different witch from the one who had left Hogwarts after her sixth year to support her best friend as he bore the burdens of the entire world on his shoulders. This Hermione was a lot more willing to let her hair down and have fun, and she was relishing the chance to rub her pussy in Daphne’s face and enjoy her oral attention. That said oral attention was excellently performed only made it better.

The formerly uptight bookworm began to hump her hips up off of the bed and against Daphne’s face as her lips and tongue brought her closer to the end. That might have made things a little more difficult for Daphne, but she coped with that challenge just as she continued to cope with having Harry bugger her for all he was worth at the same time. When Hermione felt her end approaching, she grasped onto it. She also grasped onto Daphne, so to speak. She wanted to cum right in Daphne’s face, and she didn’t want the blonde to even think about getting away or pulling back.

To make sure that Daphne could not do so, Hermione tightened her legs around her neck. She didn’t squeeze her hard enough to hurt her, but she held her firmly enough that Daphne would not be able to slip out or free her head without a struggle. One might not think that Hermione’s legs would be all that strong, at least not compared to someone like Ginny or Cho who spent so much time controlling their broomsticks, but that would be a mistaken belief in this case. Hermione had spent the better part of a year traveling the countryside with Harry (and Ron, at least for most of it), and she hadn’t been able to get by with just her magic ability and knowledge. She’d had to toughen up physically as well, and even if she’d settled into a more regular routine now that she was back in school, there was still enough strength in those legs to keep Daphne’s head right where she wanted it.

With her legs trapping Daphne’s head in place, there was nothing for the Head Girl to do but stay there and take it as Hermione began to squirt. She did close her ice blue eyes, but her smooth skin was soon shiny with Hermione’s orgasm. Daphne was very beautiful; Hermione could acknowledge that without a hint of jealousy or self-loathing. But she had never looked better than this, at least not in Hermione’s not so humble opinion.

Daphne kept sucking on her clit even after Hermione’s climax faded, and eventually it became too much stimulation for her to deal with just then. She crawled out of reach of Daphne’s tongue and sat up to watch while Harry finished buggering her arse. Hermione needed a little bit of time to recover after her second orgasm of the night, but watching her best friend thrust his cock into the arse of the girl she’d been competing with for over seven years was going to get her excited again before too long.


“Of all the things I expected to do tonight, this wasn’t on the list,” Harry said. “But that’s not a complaint.” Hermione nodded, since that’s all she could really do in the current circumstances. But she had a feeling he wasn’t talking about what he was doing so much as what he was currently seeingon the other end of the bed.

The Head Girl’s tongue was still at work, but it was no longer focused on Hermione’s pussy. She wasn’t going to repeat anything she’d already done tonight. If this was to be the one and only night where she got Daphne Greengrass to do whatever she wanted, she was going to try out as many different things as she could think of.

For a second she’d thought Daphne might balk and declare it an unreasonable request when Hermione told her to start eating her arse out. Perhaps their magically-enforced wager would have even agreed with her if she’d objected; she wasn’t sure how it would have been interpreted by magic. But there had been no need to find out, because if Daphne had objected to Hermione’s command she had only done so inside of her head. When Hermione had performed a spell on herself to clean up and then wiggled her hips, Daphne had spread her arse apart and started to lick.

Harry wasn’t out of the picture either; Hermione wasn’t going to let a second that she had with her hung best friend stud go to waste tonight. While Daphne was on her knees between Hermione’s legs and using her tongue on her arse, Harry’s cock was inside of his best friend’s mouth. Hermione had always wanted to suck his cock. Some of her first sexual fantasies had involved her getting down on her knees and sucking his cock in gratitude for all the things he’d done for her, and for simply being a true and loyal friend to a girl who hadn’t had any of those until a pair of foolhardy boys rushed into the girls’ loo and rescued her from a rampaging troll.

That wasn’t really what was happening right now though. Harry’s cock was inside of her mouth, yes, but it wouldn’t be accurate to say that she was sucking his cock. She tried to do what she could to enhance his pleasure, but it was really him doing all the work. He was fucking her face, rocking his hips against her and shoving his cock down her throat. With her head sort of hanging upside down in comparison to his position, Harry’s cock pushed very deep.

No amount of reading could really prepare her for this, so she was frequently left gagging around his massive dick when it pushed down her gullet. She was in over her head in thinking she was truly ready for how hard he could fuck her face; she could admit that now, at least inside of her own head. But Harry didn’t stop, and Hermione didn’t want him to. She’d made it abundantly clear to him that she wanted him to fuck her face hard and that he was not to stop, not under any circumstances. She’d had to promise him that she would pinch his leg as an emergency sign if it got to be too much for her, but she hadn’t done so yet and had no intention of doing so. She didn’t care how hard he made her gag or how many times his balls smacked against her face; she was going to take all of it. She was going to take all of it, and Daphne was going to keep licking her arse until he was done, so Daphne had better hope Harry finished fucking her face soon if she wanted to get her tongue out of her arse in the near future.

“Fuck, Hermione!” Harry groaned. “I’m about to cum!” He’d been grunting louder and louder for the last several minutes, and Hermione had assumed he was getting close. This confirmed it, and while she did appreciate his warning before it was too late, there was no way she wanted out of this now. She’d come too far to turn back, and she wasn’t going to waste all of the effort to endure this facefuck by having him finish anywhere but inside of her mouth. She made sure to pull her hands away from his legs, just in case anything that she did might unintentionally be interpreted as a pinch for mercy.

Harry came inside of her mouth moments later, and Hermione did her best to swallow it. That was easier said than done though. Between the odd angle, her own inexperience and the massive amount of cum Harry fed to her, there was no way she could come close to swallowing it all. She might have managed about half of his load at best, but the rest poured out of her mouth and got all over her face. Her face probably looked even messier than Daphne’s would once she pulled her mouth away from Hermione’s rear, but that was fine. Hermione was glad for the experience. And just in case Daphne got it in her head to look down on her for allowing Harry to fuck her face like this, she would have to make sure to come up with something else that would put her in a much more dominant position.


“We’ve shared so much together, Hermione,” Harry said. “But this is not something I ever thought we’d be doing together.”

“I know what you mean,” Hermione said, smirking at him for a second before the pleasure made her groan. “B-but it’s fun, right?”

“Fuck yes,” he said, and then he groaned as his cock pushed deeper into Daphne’s mouth and down her throat. Hermione, for her part, gave her hips a thrust hard enough to make the Head Girl’s arse jiggle.

How could Hermione exercise her control over Daphne further? What could she do that could compare to making Daphne lick her arse? It had taken Hermione a few moments to come up with an answer, but using magic to attach a dildo to her body and then fucking Daphne with it had been an inspired idea if she said so herself.

Now she was in the very unique but not unwelcome position of fucking a woman together with Harry. She fucked Daphne’s pussy with the fake cock while Harry’s real one was in her mouth, and the Slytherin was rocked back and forth on her hands and knees between the two of them. The feeling was surreal for Hermione, especially since she’d charmed the dildo so she could feel at least a good approximation of the sensations she would have felt if it was really a part of her body. It had taken her a bit of time to get used to the feeling of not only having this cock attached to her but pushing it inside of another woman, and she hadn’t been thrusting her hips with enough force at first. But she’d gotten there eventually, and she and Harry had figured it out together just like everything else.

They made a great team here as they did in all other aspects of their lives. Hermione would thrust the fake cock into Daphne just as Harry was pulling back, and when Hermione’s hips retreated, Harry drove back in to make the blonde swallow him. There was no time for Daphne to rest; she constantly had a cock pushing into her from either end. It was a wonderful way for Hermione to have fun with her successful bet, and also for the Gryffindors to celebrate their victory.

It also happened to feel incredible, at least for her and for Harry. How Daphne felt about it she couldn’t say, but this wasn’t about her anyway. This was about Hermione enjoying her victory and celebrating with her best friend.

And it was about Harry tugging on Daphne’s hair while he came down her throat, and Hermione shagging her hard from behind until she reached a climax of her own.

The Gryffindors were surely throwing quite a party back in Gryffindor Tower right now, but the real fun was taking place up in the private suite of the Head Boy and Head Girl, where a member of the defeated Slytherins was getting spit roasted by a pair of war heroes. Just thinking about it made Hermione smile and spank Daphne’s arse harder.


“That’s good, Daphne,” Hermione said. “Make sure I’m nice and clean.”

The sex was over; all three of them had fucked to the point of exhaustion. They’d left Harry on the bed while Hermione went into the shower to wash up, and she’d brought Daphne in to help her because why not?

Hermione was glad she’d returned to Hogwarts to make up for the 7th year she’d missed. The war was behind her and she would dedicate herself to important things once she was out of Hogwarts, but she was enjoying this year in between where she could relax, go back to classes and spend time with her friends.

And it had also led to her finally making her Harry-related fantasies a reality, and now Daphne Greengrass was scrubbing her body clean after a night of fulfilling whatever commands Hermione had given her no matter how exhausting.

It wasn’t precisely what Hermione had been thinking about when she accepted Professor McGonagall’s offer to return, but she was enjoying her final year at Hogwarts immensely. She couldn’t wait to see what the rest of it had in store for her, and perhaps for her and Harry too.


Come to Gryffindor Tower.

That was all the note said. One of the school owls had been sitting on the table in the common area of his suite with Daphne when Harry emerged from his bed the next morning, having left Hermione and Daphne cuddled together under the covers while they slept off the activities of the previous night. The owl had stuck out its leg immediately when he approached it, and he'd read the note addressed to him.

Harry got dressed quickly and made his way to Gryffindor Tower alone. Daphne and Hermione needed their rest, and as for him, he was very curious to see who had summoned him the morning after Gryffndor's big win over Slytherin, and why.

December 2020 poll question:

November is here, and with it, Gryffindor vs. Slytherin in the first quidditch match of the season. What happens during, after or as a result of this match between the rival houses? (Winner: Hermione and Daphne bet on the outcome, and Daphne had to pay up, 53%)


James Trammell

Excellent chapter! I’m loving this story! Can’t wait for the next chapter. Keep up the great job. 👍