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Halloween, or Samhain as it was more commonly known in the wizarding world, had always been an eventful day in the life of Harry Potter, usually in a negative fashion. Obviously the first and most tragic Samhain event for Harry still remained Voldemort murdering his parents, attempting to murder him and giving him his famous scar when he failed to do so. His first Halloween in Hogwarts had ended with him and Ron saving Hermione from the troll and forming a lifelong friendship with the bushy-haired genius in the process, which made it the best Samhain of Harry's life even if it had involved a life or death situation.

Then the next year the basilisk petrified Mrs. Norris, and the year after that Sirius Black snuck into Hogwarts and slashed the Fat Lady's portrait when she refused to let him into Gryffindor tower (ultimately Sirius had been trying to get at Peter Pettigrew and not him, but at the time Harry thought the Azkaban escapee had been trying to kill him. And of course the next year Harry's name had come out of the Goblet of Fire, kicking off a whole ordeal that turned the school and even Ron against him for a time, saw him nearly get singed by a dragon, go underwater with the grindylows and the mermen to rescue his hostages from what he'd though was a grave situation (it hadn't been, but it had earned him the affection of first Fleur and more recently Gabrielle, so he would count that as a win), and ultimately ended with Voldemort's resurrection.

The point here is that Samhain was a big day in the wizarding world, but an even bigger day in Harry Potter's life. There were some major positives to be found (the aforementioned friendship of Hermione and affection of the Delacours, chiefly), but he hadn't been able to help feeling at least a little tentative when the calendar neared October 31st this year. His 8th year had been a delight thus far, but this felt like the day where the other shoe might drop if it was going to happen.

Then he'd been given an idea of what to expect, but he hadn't quite believed it. His Advanced Sexual Education club had been (and continued to be) surreal enough, but there was no way the school would ever allow something like this to happen! He attended the feast in the Great Hall and ate with his friends, having a pleasant time but experiencing nothing too out of the ordinary. But that was all about to change.

After the traditional feast ended and the underage students were sent off to bed, Headmistress McGonagall clapped her hands and announced that the true festivities had officially begun, and all restrictions on public displays of affection as well as teacher/student relations were lifted for the night. Harry listened to McGonagall intently, still struggling to believe she was actually saying them. It had been easy to convince himself that it had all been a big joke when Tonks and Sinistra first told him about it. Daphne's matter of fact confirmation had been a bit harder to write off, but he'd chalked that up to her getting a bit of payback for him not choosing her as the winner of the sex contest she'd arranged during the last Hogsmeade trip. But there was no way McGonagall would play along with the farce, especially not in front of the entire school (or all of the adults in the school, at least.) Improbably, this actually seemed to be real.

"On Samhain we celebrate life and love," McGonagall said. "Nothing is off-limits in that celebration, so long as both the witch and the wizard are willing. Students, teachers and even ghosts can participate in the celebrations with each other. You may celebrate anywhere on the castle grounds other than in your dormitories as that is where the underage students. Now, ladies, you may begin!"

McGonagall shot an orange spark into the air, and the atmosphere in the Great Hall changed completely. Students and even teachers began congregating, with the witches being the ones to initiate contact in every case. Harry was still marveling over the castle ghosts suddenly gaining corporeal form when he felt a tug on his sleeve and saw Ginny grinning at him.

"You know there's nobody else I'd go to," Ginny said. "We might not be together, but there's no other wizard I'd rather spend my Samhain with."

Harry just nodded. He'd paid attention to the supposed rules of the Samhain celebration even when he'd been convinced it was all bollocks, and he was glad he had. One of things that had been stressed was that it was the women who would approach their chosen wizard, and it was up to the wizard as to whether he would accept or decline. While he and Ginny had not gotten back together and he was not sure they ever would, he still thought she was hot as hell. They had fun together during the club meetings, and they would have fun together tonight as well if that was what she wanted.

But as McGonagall had said, there were no restrictions here. That included the number of partners you could have. If he were to look around the Great Hall right now he would see Pansy Parkinson gathering up several Slytherin males for a gangbang, Parvati and Lavender both going for an ecstatic Dean Thomas, and two Hufflepuff seventh year couples huddling together for a foursome.

Harry wasn't too concerned with what anyone else was doing though, because Ginny was not the only witch who went straight for him; far from it, in fact. Susan Bones dashed over from the Hufflepuff table and smiled at him.

"You were my first, and so far you're still my only," Susan said. "I'd like to keep it that way for at least a little while longer, if you don't mind."

"Of course, Susan." Like he would ever turn down another chance to shag the beautiful, busty Hufflepuff girl! He held out his right hand to her, and she slid her smaller hand into it happily.

The two gorgeous redheads would have been plenty to make sure Harry had a great Samhain, but his entourage of interested witches didn't end there. Next to approach him was his first crush, Cho Chang. He was surprised to see her; she'd graduated during his 6th year.

"Cho? What're you doing here?" he asked when she walked over to him. As far as he knew this was restricted to active adult students, professors and castle ghosts.

"If you mean why I'm in the castle, I've taken over from Hooch teaching flying to first years," she said. "If you're asking why I'm in front of you, well, I've always wondered what might've been between us. Maybe we missed our chance as a couple, but I'd like to know what it's like to shag you at least once."

"I guess there's only one way to find out," he said, grinning. As many great experiences as he'd had once the war ended, he'd always lamented missing out on his chance with the first girl he'd ever fancied. He was thrilled to be able to make up for it now. He gave her his left hand, and she took it with a pretty smile.

Harry had already been lucky enough to shag one pretty professor since Sinistra took a hands-on approach to the Advanced Sexual Education club, and now a second professor walked up to take advantage of the one night of the year where relations between students and professors were allowed. Septima Vector was a blonde-haired beauty with one blue eye and one green eye. She had fueled the masturbation fantasies of many a Hogwarts boy, and Harry had definitely stroked himself a time or two while thinking about the arithmancy professor.

"I could have some fun with Aurora, like I usually do on Samhain," she said, and that certainly got Harry's mind racing. "But I think I'd like to sample the young man she talks so much about instead, if you'll welcome an older lady to your group."

"You're welcome any time," he said honestly. She smiled and put her hands on his left shoulder.

It was not just professors that were available but ghosts too, and the Grey Lady called on him. She looked as haughty as ever, only now she had a fully physical form.

"I suppose I should reward you for freeing my mother's diadem from corruption and freeing the castle from the Dark Lord's control," she said. She put her hand on his leg, and he looked down at it, feeling her solid touch.

"Reward away," he said. She nodded regally and sat down in his lap.

Several other witches looked in his direction, but they seemed to give it up as a lost cause when they saw just how many had already claimed a spot with him. Harry thought that these five were going to be it, and he had no complaints whatsoever about that. He already had a larger group of witches congregated around him than anyone else did as far as he could see. But then Ginny turned her head away from him and tapped whoever was seated to her left.

"Hermione? Are you going to admit what you want now? You'll never have a better chance to finally shag Harry without needing to worry about the consequences."

Ginny shifted enough to let Harry see his best friend biting her lower lip. Was Hermione actually interested in him? He knew things were over between her and Ron, who had elected not to return to Hogwarts and instead started working at the joke shop with George, but he'd never thought she held any desire towards him. But she was still sitting at their table and hadn't made a move for anyone else, so maybe Ginny knew more than he did on this issue.

Hermione looked at him, took a deep breath and nodded. "Harry, I've always wanted to share this with you, but I was too afraid it might hurt our friendship. I couldn't bear that."

"Neither could I," he agreed.

"Promise me that if we do this today, you'll still be my best friend after Samhain," she said seriously.

"I promise." He couldn't imagine his life without Hermione as his best friend, sex or no sex.

"Sounds like it's settled!" Ginny said. "But I'd rather find an area of the castle that's just ours instead of fucking where everyone else can watch."


Harry nearly suggested going back to the private suite he shared with Daphne, but he pulled out the Marauder's Map and saw Daphne's dot in the common area, right next to Fleur Delacour's dot. And just on the other side of Fleur was Tracey Davis. He decided to give the Head Girl her space and find somewhere else to spend his Samhain.

Professor Vector suggested that they head to her bedroom in the castle, and their group headed in that direction. On the way they passed Daphne's sister Astoria getting fucked against a suit of armor by Blaise Zabini, Hannah sucking off Neville (were they together now, or was Hannah just having a good time with him during Samhain?), and Professor Sinistra riding the cock of a 7th year Ravenclaw that Harry did not recognize. She looked up at Vector as their group passed and gave her friend a wink.

There were other scenes of debauchery taking place all around the castle, but Harry didn't slow his step much. He was too eager to have his own fun to worry much about what anyone else was getting up to, and the girls seemed to feel the same way. They pushed their way into Vector's bedroom, and she closed and locked the door behind her.

"Welcome to my home, such as it is," she said. "It's not much, but I think it will suit our purposes adequately."

"I'm up first!" Ginny called out before anyone else could speak. There was some general grumbling, but no one protested. "You've buggered me and you've fucked me during our club meetings, but you've never gone down on me and it's time to change that. I want to ride your face, Harry."

"Then I call his cock!" Susan said quickly. "I've been waiting to feel it inside me again ever since he first took my virginity."

There didn't seem to be any disagreement there, so Harry allowed Cho and Septima to undress him while Ginny and Susan took care of themselves. He stood there and let them take his robes and underwear off, and Cho gasped when she got her first look at his cock.

"Merlin, is that what I missed out on?" she mumbled. "How stupid was I?"

"Very stupid," Ginny agreed, "and so was I for not tossing him down and riding him like a broomstick when we were dating. But I made up for that mistake, and you'll get your chance too." She was naked now, and Harry admired that sexy quidditch-toned body briefly before Susan took over.

"But you'll have to wait your turn, Cho, because I'm up first," Susan said. Septima laughed and led him over to her bed.

"You heard the lady, Mister Potter." His professor playfully shoved him down onto her bed, and the pair of redheads swarmed him. He got to watch Susan's busty body straddle his lap and start to rock against his cock, but that was all that he got to see before Ginny's freckled leg swung over his head and she sat down on his face.

"I've been too busy hopping on your cock to try out your tongue during our club meetings, but I can't wait to see what you can do," Ginny said. He got right to work licking her, and was already drawing moans out of her before Susan got tired of rubbing his cock against her and sat down to put him inside of her.

"Ooh, there it is!" Susan said, groaning as she wiggled around with him inside. "I've really missed this, Harry! Your cock is so good! I'm so glad it was the one to make me a woman!"

It was his second time with Susan; while they'd both expressed their interest in doing it together again, it hadn't come together until now. That time it had been Harry in control, Harry who did the moving and made sure Susan's first time was as good as he could make it (along with plenty of help from Daphne.) While Susan had seemed perfectly happy to have him in control back then, she also seemed to like being on top and calling the shots herself this time. She was in complete control of her movement, and after a few experimental wiggles and some stops and starts as she rode a cock for the first time, Susan got into the swing of things. She experimented with rapid up and down bouncing for a bit (and he was sure it would have offered an amazing view of her bouncing breasts if his face hadn't been buried between Ginny's legs), but Susan eventually seemed to decide that she preferred only the occasional slow bounce mixed in between lots of swiveling and grinding. That was fine with him; Susan was welcome to ride his cock however she pleased.

It took Ginny far less time to decide what she liked and what she wanted from him right now. What she wanted was to rock her hips back and forth, grind her pussy against his face and dictate the pace. He still kept his tongue active and did all that he could to enhance the experience for her, but it was Ginny who drove herself forward and had her way with him. Just as with Susan, he was perfectly fine with Ginny taking what she wanted from him. These girls had chosen him to spend their Samhain with, and Harry would do whatever necessary to make sure none of them regretted their choices.

"I often used to think about throwing Harry down after a quidditch match and riding his face right there on the pitch," Cho commented. "Ginny's making it look every bit as sexy as I imagined it would be." Harry couldn't say much on how it looked, aside from his own view of Ginny's cunt humping him, but he knew he liked her taste and Ginny's frequent curses and exclamations told him she was having a great time, so that was enough for him.

"I never knew Susan had this in her," Septima said. "She always seems so quiet and shy in class."

"Harry's cock is too good!" Susan shouted. "It brings out my naughty side!"

If Harry was responsible for bringing this side out of Susan, that might well be an accomplishment on the same level as any of the things he was routinely celebrated for. He loved seeing the Hufflepuff come out of her shell like this, and more importantly he loved how amazing it felt to be inside of her. That he was still the only man she'd ever been with was a great honor, and that she had trusted him with her first time and had now come back to try her hand at being on top with him filled him with pride. But what stood out even among the pride was the feel of her tight pussy taking him in as she slowly bounced in between her steady grind. Susan Bones was in control, and for her first time in that position he felt she was doing a damn good job of it.

Since Ginny had been the one to settle into her quick, rough grinding early on, she was also the one who broke first. She pulled at his hair hard and cursed in a way that would make Mrs. Weasley blush or scream or do something. But Mrs. Weasley wasn't there, and Ginny was free to express herself as loudly as she wanted to as she squirted onto Harry's face and into his mouth.

Susan wasn't much quieter when her own time came shortly thereafter. She didn't curse like Ginny did, but she screamed out in pleasure as she ground her way to an orgasm on top of him. It was a struggle for him to avoid cumming into her when he felt her orgasm hit, but Harry held on. He knew he still had four witches left to see to, and he didn't want to make them wait any longer than he had to.

"Time to switch, girls," Septima said. "Maybe you'll get another turn after the rest of us have gotten one, but for now you need to step back and let us have our fun."

Ginny and Susan vacated their spots, albeit reluctantly, and Cho joined him on the bed. Harry welcomed her into his arms happily, hardly daring to believe that this was finally happening. The first girl he'd ever fancied was naked and in his bed (well, Professor Vector's bed, but it was him she was sharing it with). They kissed briefly, and it was a lot less wet than their previous one had been.

"Much better than last time," she said. They moved so they were on their sides, Harry spooning her and thrusting into her from behind. "And that is everything I ever dreamed it would be."

Harry couldn't agree more. He'd had plenty of witches in his bed; more than he could have ever imagined, to be honest. But there was really something to be said about being with your first crush. He and Cho had liked each other but too much had stood between them for them to make a relationship work, but now he was finally getting a glimpse of what it might have been like had they been more successful at it. He knew he wouldn't have moved with this much confidence back then though. It was only because of the training he'd undergone in Madrid and all of the additional practice he'd gotten since then that he was able to fuck Cho so well and make her feel so good. He couldn't really find it in himself to regret their missed opportunity, not when he got to share something so great with her now.

Cho was even more beautiful now than she had been back then. The adult woman she'd grown into had bigger breasts that he was happy to cup and squeeze, and a fuller arse that shook as his hips drove into her. There was also the fact that there was no baggage between them as there had been back then. Harry no longer had Umbridge annoying him and Voldemort poking around in his head, and while he was sure Cho still missed Cedric she had been able to move on from her grief. They were two mature adults now, and they were able to enjoy the pleasure of a nice shag without getting caught up in anything else.

"Oh, Harry!" Cho gasped. "So good! Merlin, that's so good! Keep going! Give it to me! Give it to me!"

Harry did exactly as she begged. He was beyond thrilled to have Cho Chang in his arms at last, and he gave everything he could to make sure it lived up to her expectations just as it was for him. He kept driving his hips into her, and he also moved one of his hands off of her chest and reached between her legs to play with her clit. Cho had already been enjoying herself, but now she got much louder. Her cries became more desperate, and her hand grabbed his wrist and squeezed as she came.

Harry had been able to withstand Susan's orgasm (only just), but Cho's tightness squeezing around him was too much in his weakened state. He grunted and pressed his hips against her arse as he came inside of her. She didn't seem to have any problem with that since she cooed happily and her hand went from grabbing his wrist hard to stroking his knuckles tenderly. It was a surprisingly sweet moment, all things considered. They might be doing this in the middle of an orgy, but they were both still happy to make up for the missed opportunities of their failed teenage romance.

Cho gave him a lingering kiss on the lips before moving out of his arms. Septima and the Grey Lady joined him on the bed, and he took a deep breath.

"I think we may have to wait to take our turn, Helena," Vector said.

"Agreed," the daughter of Rowena Ravenclaw said. "But we can at least clean him up and get him ready for his next round."

"You took the words right out of my mouth," the arithmancy professor said with a grin. Then she turned that grin on Harry. "Get ready, Mister Potter. I've been assured that I'm quite good at this."

The gorgeous blonde took the head of his cock between her lips, and he quickly came to agree that Septima was indeed quite good. Between her soft lips sliding down his cock and her tongue swirling around him, she was doing a most excellent job of not just cleaning him up but getting him excited all over again. If she kept it up she was going to have him ready to go in very short order.

"It's been ages since I've done this," the Grey Lady said. "I usually choose not to partake in the Samhain festivities, since so few men that pass through these halls are worthy of my attention. But you proved yourself to be worthy last year, Harry Potter."

Rowena joined Septima at his cock, and however long it had been since she'd done this, she clearly knew what she was doing. Their tandem blowjob was so good that Harry would have sworn they had been practicing together for years. When one of them was suckling at the head of his cock, the other would lick around the base or kiss his balls. If they weren't doing that they would be licking either side of his shaft at the same time, or they would both lick around the tip and their tongues would brush against each other. It was magnificent work, and if they weren't careful they were not only going to get him hard but make him cum.

"Almost got carried away there," Septima said, sensing his state and pulling away. "I will expect you to reward me for that later, Harry," she said.

"It's a promise," he said with a nod. “I can reward you now if you’d like.”

“Tempting though that is, I think there’s someone else you need to take care of first,” the arithmancy professor said. “I know how long she’s been waiting for this. She’s been in my class for years, after all.”

All eyes turned to Hermione, who blushed at the attention. She did not move towards the bed, however.

“Hermione?” Harry said quietly. “Do you want to join me?”

She looked indecisive for a few seconds more, but then Ginny whispered something into her ear that seemed to fill her with a sense of determination. Hermione pulled her robes over her head, unsnapped and tossed her bra aside and pulled her knickers down her legs. She did it without ceremony or grace, and yet Harry was still immensely turned on. This was his best friend, the woman who had stood by his side, supported and protected him and did everything she could for him since he was eleven years old, and she was now naked in front of him. He’d seen her mostly naked already during their time in the tent, but he’d never seen so much of her.

“Beautiful,” he said as he looked at her.

“Oh, stop,” he said, scoffing. “You’ve been with Fleur Delacour. I know I’m nothing special compared to her.”

“Beautiful,” he said again, staring at her and trying to make it clear that he would not hear any arguments on this. His best friend was fucking beautiful, and she was going to need to accept that. “Now get your sexy arse over here, Hermione. Don’t get that beautiful body out and then just stand there and taunt me with it.”

Hermione giggled, and after a playful swat on her arse from Ginny she walked over to the bed and sat down next to Harry. Of all of the things he’d done since coming back to Hogwarts for his 8th year, wrapping his arm around Hermione’s shoulder and kissing her lips was one of the most surreal. This was saying quite a lot since he had deflowered a veela, joined a hands-on sexual education club and had just had his cock inside the mouth of a ghost who got her body back for the night. Hermione wasn’t a virgin veela or a ghost but she was, well, Hermione. That alone ensured this was going to be a very special occasion for him, and he wanted it to be just as special for her.

She was a good kisser; she met his lips with eager passion, and she moaned so cutely into his mouth as he deepened the kiss and gently lowered her down onto her back. He would have gladly kept kissing her forever but he knew the other five witches in the room wouldn’t be thrilled if he let Hermione monopolize all of his remaining time, and he had an important question to ask her before he went beyond kissing her and rubbing his hard cock against her lovely nude body.

“How do you want this, Hermione?” he asked once he finally broke away from her lips.

“I don’t want anything special,” she said. “Not this time at least. Just get on top of me and give it to me.”

Harry nodded. If Hermione wanted something simple, that’s what he would give her. Her legs were spread for him, so he just had to shift his body slightly to get into position and then he was sliding his cock into his best friend for the first time. Hermione groaned, and Harry watched her face closely as he sank into her. He wanted to see every reaction on that familiar face as he shared this with her, and she did not disappoint him. He’d seen her face scrunch up or frown in concentration, he’d seen it narrow in anger and shine with joy and he’d seen every emotion in between, but he’d never seen her like this. Her big brown eyes were wide as she felt his cock push into her, as if she couldn’t quite believe this was actually happening. That would make two of them.

“Oh, Harry,” she sighed. “I knew it was big, but it feels so much bigger inside of me!”

“Not too much for you to handle, is it?” he asked. He asked partially out of legitimate concern, but mostly to rile her up. He knew how competitive she was and how much she hated even the insinuation that she was incapable of doing something. And sure enough, she stared up at him defiantly.

“Don’t patronize me, Potter,” she said. “Go! Give it to me, Harry! Show me what you can do!”

Harry began to move. He thrust his hips and slid his cock back and forth inside of Hermione’s snug pussy. If he was bigger than she’d imagined, she felt better than he could have hoped for. He’d thought about this a time or two (or six or seven), as he’d admitted to Tonks during their nighttime patrol, but the reality was even better.

Harry didn’t often do straight-up missionary position, but there was a good reason it was as much a staple in sex as it was. He was able to push his cock deep inside of Hermione and build up a steady momentum, but more importantly for him he was able to look into her eyes and watch her as they shared this.

Hermione wrapped her arms around his neck and he leaned in to kiss her again as they fucked. She panted into his ear when he broke the kiss, and he kissed his way down her throat to her breast. You couldn’t often tell based on how she dressed, but she had a pretty nice set of breasts. He worked his way to her nipple and batted it with his tongue, and she groaned and grabbed the back of his head.

“Yes, lick it, Harry!” she whispered. “Lick it, suck on it! It’s yours, all of it! My body is yours!”

He didn’t know if she was talking about just in this moment or if she wanted something more permanent, but he knew that tonight wasn’t the night to focus on that. This was Samhain, and Samhain was the night to make love without worrying about what it meant for your future. Whether he and Hermione were destined to remain just best friends or if something deeper and more intimate was to develop between them was an issue for them to figure out later, but tonight Harry shut his brain off and enjoyed fucking his best friend.

“It’s worth the wait, huh?” Ginny asked.

Yes!” Hermione said through a moan.

“I agree,” Cho said. “And I have a feeling Harry feels the same way.”

He did, but Harry wasn’t going to waste any time saying that. He was too busy sucking Hermione’s nipple and snapping his hips forward to give any other response, and given how tightly her arms squeezed him and how wantonly she moaned into his ear he felt confident that Hermione got the message loud and clear.

Displays of obscenity and debauchery between students, teachers and ghosts were taking place all throughout the castle, but Harry’s entire world was focused on Hermione at the moment. He would give the others everything that he had when it was their turn, but in the here and now he had eyes only for his beloved best friend. She had done so much for him, and he just hoped that he could express some of his gratitude by giving her the best time he possibly could. He fucked her hard and he fucked her well, all the while watching and listening for the proof that he had done his job.

Undeniable proof came in the form of Hermione moaning into his ear, squeezing his neck tighter and closing her eyes in pleasure as she orgasmed. Her eyes opened again after a few moments, and the look of indescribable pleasure he saw there led him to the conclusion that of all of the faces he’d seen Hermione make, this was hands-down his favorite.

“Oh, Harry!” she moaned. He’d never heard her voice get so low, and if he’d had any willpower left to resist her it would have been gone right there. He pulled away from her nipple and kissed her hard as his cock pulsed inside of her. Hermione returned his kiss, parted her lips and let his tongue in. They snogged like horny teenagers as they rode their respective highs. It was not a side of Hermione he’d ever expected to see, but he was so glad he had. Thank Merlin that she’d chosen him to spend her Samhain with (with an assist to Ginny for giving her the push she needed.)

“That was…” Hermione began, but she trailed off, seemingly at a loss for words for one of the few times in her life. No matter; Harry knew what she was trying to say. He felt it too.

“Yeah,” he said. He nodded and kissed her again.

A loud throat clearing caused Harry to stop kissing her and look up. Septima was staring at him, beautiful blonde body on full display for his eyes.

“I don’t want to interrupt what is obviously a touching moment, but you’ve got five other witches to take care of and hours of Samhain still left,” the professor said. The arithmancy professor who so many Hogwarts students over the years had fantasized about wanted him, and she wanted him soon. As unforgettable as being with Hermione had been, Harry still had work left to do.

“Come here, professor,” he said. He pulled his cock out of Hermione, and when Septima climbed onto the bed he rolled her over onto her back, settled in on his belly and threw her legs over his shoulders. “It’ll take a few minutes for me to be ready again, but in the meantime I hope my mouth will be enough for you.”

“I guess I’ll have to wait and see,” Septima said, before moaning when his tongue took its first lick of her vulva. “Okay, that’s an excellent start.”

Samhain had been an up and down (mostly down) day in Harry’s life, but this year it had become one of the best days in his life, all thanks to the witches who had chosen him.

November 2020 poll question:

Halloween is an important day in the wizarding world, and has always been significant in Harry's life. What happens in the castle this Halloween? (Winner: Harry indulges in a celebratory orgy, w/Ginny, Hermione, Vector, Cho, Susan and the Grey Lady, 39%)



I'm going to offer a priority commission slot soon for a bonus side chapter here, exploring what Daphne, Tracey and Fleur got up to during their own Samhain celebration.

James Trammell

Very nice chapter! Quick question. Is that bonus chapter a December poll chapter or will December have its own poll?


The December poll will be something different. (I'm pretty sure the Gryffindor vs. Slytherin quidditch match is usually in early November, so I'll probably base the next chapter around that.) The bonus chapter idea is just a plot bunny I had when thinking about how to explain why Daphne/Fleur, who have been regulars with Harry, wouldn't come to him during Samhain. I'm going to offer it up as a priority commission, and if someone goes for it it'll be included as a bonus chapter in the story, but the poll will be moving on to something new either way.

James Trammell

Ah ok 👌 Thanks for clarifying.