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So with this month's poll concluded and the Harry/Fleur prompt the winner, by my count Harry/Fleur, or a multipairing that includes Harry/Fleur, has won six straight polls combining both the general prompts and Interactive 8th Year. While I like Harry/Fleur as much as the next guy, I don't really want to write it every other week consistently, in addition to any commissions I get featuring it. 

To prevent myself from getting too burnt out on the pairing, I'm going to put a temporary ban on any Harry/Fleur or multipairings featuring Harry/Fleur for at least a month, and more likely a couple of months. This will only apply with the general prompt poll, as with the Interactive 8th Year being an ongoing narrative, I don't want to limit Fleur's potential involvement there. 

Obviously I will still write this month's poll winner featuring Harry/Fleur (and it's a good prompt too!), but the temporary ban will be in place for the November poll at least, and will remain in place until I announce it's been lifted. Once I do, you'll be free to go crazy with all the Harry/Fleur you want.

(If it's not clear, you can still nominate and vote for Harry with others, or Fleur with others; they just can't be paired together or both be part of a multipairing.)  



More than understandable.