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"Are you serious about this?" Harry asked, staring at Daphne Greengrass skeptically. The blonde nodded her head, thankfully doing so carefully under the circumstances. "It's jut that I know some women would probably get upset listening to a man brag about his previous lovers,. And, well, I'd really rather not upset you, what with my cock between your lips and all."

Daphne paused in her blowjob and then pulled her mouth off of him with a slurp, and Harry suddenly questioned his own wisdom. It had been an unusual request to be sure, but why would he say anything that would make her stop sucking his cock?

"I am completely serious," she said. Thankfully she didn't go anywhere. She stayed on her belly between his legs, wrapped her hand around his cock and slowly pumped it up and down. "I promise I won't get upset with you. I never asked you for exclusivity, nor did I expect it. I merely wish to know what other witches have found their way underneath the Head Boy. I already know about Fleur Delacour of course; she's shared your bed often enough." 

"I wouldn't say often enough. She could never be in my bed often enough for my liking," he said with a smile. "But I take your meaning." He'd been slightly nervous the first time Fleur dropped by the head suite while Daphne was there, but the Head Girl hadn't even batted an eye. She'd just gone into her room to study, but not before nonchalantly stating that she was going to put up a silencing charm on her room and so Fleur could feel free to be as loud as she liked. The gorgeous veela had been more than happy to take her up on that offer, and had been a recurring bedmate of his ever since. Her duties with McGonagall kept her too busy to visit as often as either of them would like, but when she was able to make time for him it had never been anything short of incredible.

Daphne went back to sucking his cock, taking him between her lips and slowly bobbing her head on him. Thinking back to her unbothered attitude that first time and every other time he'd brought Fleur back to their suite for some fun, he decided it was safe to be honest with Daphne.

"Well, I hooked up with Nymphadora Tonks while I was out on my patrol the other night," he began. Daphne's blue eyes looked interested but she kept on sucking. He decided not to tell her about how Tonks had morphed into Hermione mid-fuck or how it had turned him on; that seemed oddly personal for some reason. 

"That's it, at least as far as women I've been with since I came back to England at the end of the summer." He thought about it for a second, then corrected himself. "Well, that's it for women I've gone all the way with at least. I also played with Susan Bones on the Hogwarts Express while Hannah Abbott watched, but we didn't get as far as actual sex."

Daphne's head paused and she pulled her head off of his cock again, much to his disappointment. 

"You didn't claim her?" Daphne sounded surprised. "Did you displease her in some way?" She did reach underneath and play with his balls while she spoke, which was at least some consolation for no longer being inside of her mouth.

"Nope," he said, smiling as he remembered how Susan had come undone on the train thanks to his mouth and his fingers. "She definitely had a good time." Her adorable cries and bucking hips had left no doubt about that. "She just wasn't ready for more yet. She's still a virgin, or at least she still was as of the train ride." 

"And she hasn't come back for more since then?" Daphne asked curiously. "I find that hard to believe." 

"No," he shook his head. "I did run into her on my patrol, her and Hannah. Tonks seemed to think she was still interested, but she didn't come right out and say it."

"Don't be cruel, Harry," Daphne said. She sat up on her knees and stared at him, looking surprisingly intense. "She's waiting for you to take charge and make a move. Don't make her wait any longer. She deserves to have the best first time possible, and I know from experience that you're the wizard to give it to her. I'll even help you."

"You will?" Now that was intriguing. He hadn't had a true threesome since returning to Hogwarts, and Daphne had never expressed any interest in joining him and Fleur in bed.

"Of course," she said. "You're building alliances here, Harry, and so am I."

He wondered whether Daphne wanted to form an 'alliance' with Susan for purely political purposes, or if she also found the busty redheaded Hufflepuff as delectable as he did.


"Are you sure about this? We can go back to my room if you'd rather not do this with Daphne here." Daphne didn't look thrilled with that suggestion but Harry ignored her for the moment. Tonight was going to be all about Susan Bones.

Susan had beamed when Harry approached her after lunch to invite her back to his suite, and had eagerly thrown her arms around his neck and kissed him hard once they made it back to the common area of said suite. He'd happily kissed her back, but she'd broken off and looked much less certain of herself when Daphne walked out of her room and calmly asked if she would like any assistance. She had relaxed when the blonde didn't make a big deal out of it and hadn't protested when Daphne suggested that the three of them retire to her bedroom, but she was suddenly looking jumpy now. As excited as he was about the potential of shagging the cute Hufflepuff with Daphne's help, he didn't want Susan to go through with it if she wasn't comfortable.

"Yes," Susan said, shaking herself. "I'm not nervous about her being here; it's not like I don't have experience with another girl watching." He smiled; that was true enough. "I'm just nervous in general, you know? This is a big thing--a big thing!"

"And that's exactly why I'm here," Daphne said gently. "You deserve the best first time possible, Miss Bones, just like Harry gave me. I'm going to help make sure you enjoy yourself."

Harry wondered about that. Daphne had looked pretty excited when they got Susan out of her school robes, and had dropped to her knees to remove her knickers before Harry cold even think of it. Her hands had barely left Susan's body yet, whether she was fondling her breasts or simply resting a hand on her hip.

"Please do," Susan said, grinning at Daphne and surprising her by pulling her head towards her and kissing her. Harry's eyes widened at the unexpectedly forward move from Susan, but maybe he shouldn't have been. He'd seen what she and Hannah had been up to when he and Tonks found them out after curfew, after all. 

Daphne returned the kiss, and now both women's hands were wandering down each others' nude bodies. Harry was excited by the sight, and while simply standing in the background and watching these two beauties at play wouldn't have been a bad way to pass a night in Hogwarts, that wasn't what they were here for. He had a beautiful witch to deflower.

Deciding to make his presence felt once again, he stepped up behind Susan, wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her full breasts. He could hear her moan into Daphne's mouth, and he knew he had her attention.

"How about we move this to the bed?" he asked, looking into Daphne's eyes over Susan's shoulder. She nodded at him and broke away from Susan.

"Let's go," Daphne said. She took Susan by the hand and led her over to her bed. She sat down on one side of Susan, looked at Harry and nodded to Susan's other side. Harry nodded at her and sat down on Susan's left side.

Daphne kissed Susan on the lips, and Harry decided to make the most of her turned head by kissing the back of her neck. They stayed like that for a minute or so before Susan broke her kiss with Daphne and kissed Harry instead, and Daphne pressed kisses to the redhead's shoulder.

The Head Boy and Head Girl continued to take turns kissing Susan, who readily accepted all of the attention they were lavishing on her. Their kissing eventually wound up with Susan flat on her back and both Harry and Daphne kissing her face, lips and neck while rubbing her body with their hands. There was a bit of competition there as both Harry and Daphne wanted to get their hands on as much of this redhead's busty body as they could, but eventually Daphne got her hand between Susan's thighs and came into contact with the sweet spot. Harry looked on with more than a little envy as Daphne ran her fingers across Susan's labia, making the beautiful virgin Hufflepuff moan.  

"I was going to suggest we work on getting you ready, but I can see now that it's not necessary," Daphne commented. She pulled back her fingers, which definitely looked slick to Harry's eye. Without even really thinking about it he leaned his head over, took Daphne’s finger between his lips and sucked on it, which drew a groan from Susan. He maintained eye contact with her while he sucked the finger clean and then pulled back.

“You taste good,” he said, smacking his lips. “As good as I remembered.” Her cheeks flushed adorably, but she smiled too.

“I’ve thought about that,” Susan admitted. “Ever since that day on the train, I’ve thought about how much I wanted you to lick me again.”

“There’s always time for that,” Daphne said. “But that’s not what you want tonight, is it?”

“No.” Susan shook her head, staring up at Harry.

“And what do you want?” Harry asked. All three of them knew where this was headed but he still wanted to hear her say it.

“I want you to fuck me, Harry,” she said. He could see the slightest trace of nervousness on her face, but she looked determined also. “Finish what you started on the train.” She took a deep breath and gave him a nod.

Harry scooted down Susan’s body, planting kisses on her sweet skin as he went, and he didn’t stop until he was on his knees between her legs. She spread them automatically for him, making room and inviting him in. He stared down at Susan’s cunt and licked his lips. It obviously wasn’t his first time seeing it; he’d gotten very closely acquainted with her lovely pussy back on the train. It was different now though, because he knew he was about to be inside of it. He was about to fuck Susan for real.

“Are you going to stare at her, or are you going to put it inside and claim her?” Daphne asked, reminding him of why he was here, not that he’d needed any reminder.

He took his cock in his hand and guided it towards her pussy. He left it at that for just a second, but he didn’t linger long. She’d already made it clear that this was what she wanted, and he wasn’t going to waste any more time. He’d waited long enough between the train ride and now; now it was time to take her.

Carefully and deliberately he pushed forward, sliding his cock inside of her. His eyes looked back and forth between the point of penetration and Susan’s beautiful face, unable to decide which viewpoint fascinated him more. She was very tight; not the tightest he’d ever felt, but that wasn’t really a fair comparison since he’d been with both a veela and a metamorph who could shape her body however the hell she wanted. Harry’s enjoyment was in no way diminished just because he’d been fortunate enough to fuck Tonks or because Fleur was a semi-regular visitor to his bed. This was all about Susan Bones right now, and sliding his cock into Susan’s pussy felt damn good.

She was still a virgin but she’d already lost her hymen, so it was a relatively smooth path forward for Harry. He still took his time of course; he wanted to take care of her and make sure that she had an enjoyable first time. He wanted her to look back on this day fondly, because he knew he would.

“How does it feel?” Daphne asked. Harry had been so focused on Susan that he’d all but forgotten about Daphne, but when he looked up at her he saw that she had not been idle. She was playing with one of Susan’s breasts, squeezing it and lightly rubbing her nipple. “How does it feel to finally have his cock inside of you?”

“It’s amazing,” Susan breathed. “Better than I’d imagined.” Now that was a nice ego boost!

“I know what you mean,” Daphne said, and now his ego was in danger of reaching Malfoyesque proportions. “Now just wait until he actually starts to claim you.”

“I can’t wait,” Susan said. She looked up at him and bit her lip, and that look had him badly wanting to pin her legs behind her ears and fuck her as hard as he could. She wasn’t ready for something like that though. Maybe one day, after she’d had more experience and was used to taking his cock, he’d be able to give her that kind of pounding. He was getting to that point with Daphne, and Fleur had already come to him capable of handling whatever he wanted to throw at her. With luck Susan would come to his bed often enough that she would get to that point herself someday, but that day was not today. Tonight he needed to take care of her, make love to her, and make her first time everything she was hoping it would be.

Harry rocked his hips back and forth, sliding his cock inside of Susan’s tight pussy and groaning in pleasure. Daphne had been his first virginal lover, and now Susan was the second. There was a unique sort of satisfaction there in knowing that he was the first man she’d ever been with, that no cock other than his had ever pushed inside of this tight, wet heat. He felt it was his obligation to do everything he could to make sure Susan enjoyed it at least close to as much as he did, and her cute little gasps told him he was doing a good job of it so far.

It wasn’t just him who was focused on pleasing Susan either. Daphne was in on the action too, and her efforts on Susan’s sizeable chest had progressed well beyond mere groping now. At first she’d been licking and kissing the flesh of Susan’s breast but now was focusing on her nipple instead. She had it between her lips and was sucking on it, looking and sounding quite like a baby. Under different circumstances it might have creeped Harry out, but it was hard for one hot woman sucking on another hot woman’s breast to not look pretty sexy.

“You’re squirming too much,” Daphne said, pulling back and chiding Susan gently.

“I can’t help it!” the Hufflepuff whined. “It’s all so good!”

“Hmmph.” Daphne looked up at Harry, who had continued to slowly but steadily work his cock back and forth inside of Susan’s pussy. “Harry, do me a favor, would you?”

“Whatever you want.” She was the one who’d urged him to finally come right out and proposition Susan, and she’d even joined in herself. He owed her quite a large favor.

“Pin her arms down to the bed, please.” That wasn’t a command that Harry had any problem following. He put his hands on her forearms and pressed them down to the bed, pinning them down by her sides. This allowed Daphne to resume her mouth work without Susan’s arms getting in the way, and she quickly made the most of that opportunity.

Susan whined and groaned as the Head Boy and Head Girl continued to team up to please her. Between the thrusting of Harry’s cock and the seal that Daphne’s lips had formed around Susan’s nipple, the redhead looked like she didn’t know what to do with herself. This surely wasn’t how she’d imagined her first time going, but she was rolling with it and enjoying her time in the head suite.

“Oh, yes!” she moaned. Her legs came up off of the bed and hooked around Harry’s waist as if to pull him in and keep him there, keep his cock inside of her. It wasn’t like he wanted it anywhere else. He kept sliding his cock in her pussy, enjoying the awed expression on her face that she couldn’t have hid even if she’d tried. She gasped and panted as Harry fucked her and Daphne sucked her, and Harry remembered their time together on the train well enough to recognize exactly what was coming. She was having the time of her life, and it was about to propel her to her first climax of the night.

Susan whimpered and moaned as her orgasm hit, and Harry stared at her face, admiring the way that she looked, the way that he was making her look (with some help from Daphne, of course.) He’d thought she looked sexy enough when he licked her to orgasm on the train but this was much, much better. His cock had brought her to a high that his oral attention hadn’t, and her face was frozen in an expression of surprised, wondrous, wide-eyed pleasure. Even after her orgasm faded she still looked to be in a bit of a daze, staring up at Harry with her mouth hanging open as he continued to move his cock inside of her.

It was tempting to keep right on thrusting until he followed her orgasm with one of his own. It wouldn’t have taken much. All he would’ve needed is a few hard, unrestrained, deep thrusts and he’d be burying his cock inside of Susan and filling her with his cum. But as much as he might have wanted to do that, he held himself back. He still wanted to do more for Susan; he wanted to prolong this first time for as long as he could, for her benefit as much as for his own enjoyment.

After gently prying her legs apart and letting them drop back down onto the bed, Harry pulled his cock out of her Susan slowly, not wanting to give her more stimulation than she might be ready for in her post-orgasmic state. He sat back, giving her a bit of time to recover. She looked to need it too, because she was breathing hard with her eyes closed during her little break. When she opened her eyes she gave Harry a sweet smile, and then smiled wider when her eyes looked away from his face, going lower and confirming that his cock was still erect. After taking a moment to simply stare at it, it was Daphne she turned to. 

"Daphne," she whispered, patting the Slytherin's blonde hair. Daphne had been licking and sucking on her breast the entire time but now she pulled her mouth off of Susan's tit.

"Yes?" Harry was impressed at how casual Daphne sounded even with drool on her chin.

"You've done so much to help make my first time even more memorable," Susan began. "Now I'd like to help you too."

"I'm listening," Daphne said, leaning up and inclining her head towards Susan. The redhead rolled over onto her stomach and then smiled up at Daphne.

"I was thinking Harry could finish by fucking me from behind," she said. That sounded like a perfectly fine idea to Harry. While her breasts were usually the first physical feature most boys thought of (and understandably so), Harry could attest that she also had a wonderful arse that didn't get nearly as much attention as it deserved.

"That sounds more like helping Harry than helping me," Daphne pointed out, to which Susan nodded.

"Maybe so," she agreed, "but I think I can make it rewarding for you too, as long as you spread your legs for me." Daphne looked at her with renewed interest as she took her meaning.

"Are you offering to use your mouth on me?" she asked, and there was no mistaking the desire in Daphne's voice.

"I am," Susan said, nodding at her. "I've had a little bit of practice at it recently while I waited to see if Harry would ask me for more, and I think I've gotten pretty good."

"I can vouch for that," Harry said, thinking back to his nighttime patrol where he and Tonks walked in on Susan, blindfolded and bound, having just licked her best friend Hannah so well that she'd banged against the wall.

"Show me," Daphne said quickly. She got down on her back and spread her legs, scooting herself into the perfect position for Susan to spread her with her fingers and begin to lick her pussy. If Susan's talent hadn't been evident enough by the state he'd found Hannah in on that memorable night, Harry was getting a more direct confirmation now. Daphne sighed and ran her hands through her long red hair, enjoying the thank you Susan was giving her for being here today. Susan hadn't needed much help, not really; she'd been ready for this, and had come here with more experience than the essentially untouched Daphne had had before her first night with Harry. But the Head Girl's involvement had undeniably enhanced the experience, and Susan used her tongue to show her thanks.

Watching the beauties at play was quite enticing for Harry, but not as enticing as what lay between Susan's legs. She was prone, ready and waiting for him, and he wasn't going to waste any time in claiming her. He shuffled forward, got into position above her and shoved his cock back inside of her.

He heard a muffled squeak from Susan as she was penetrated for the second time, but he didn't take it as slow and wasn't as careful with her as he had been the first time. He still didn't go all out to fuck her with all the speed and force that he possibly could; she still wasn't ready for that just yet. But he did come at her with a harder fucking than before, driving his cock forward and drowning out the sounds Daphne was making with the slap of his hips colliding with Susan's bum.

If Susan wanted to prove how good she'd gotten at eating pussy then he was giving her one heck of a chance to do so, because he was sure the force of his fucking and the way it rocked her body was increasing the difficulty significantly. She seemed to adjust to it pretty well though, because Daphne's moans didn't decrease in either volume or intensity even as Harry got into the swing of things and established a steady tempo of thrusting. Hannah must have taught her well. Idly he wondered whether Hannah was the only witch she'd practiced on, or if maybe she'd played with some of the other Hufflepuff women as well.

That was an intriguing question but not one to dwell on right now, not with lovely Susan and her tight cunt right there for him to fuck. He sped up a bit more, sensing she could take it, and now he was really beginning to feel it. He'd been close to letting go when she came for the first time, but he'd been able to bring himself back from the edge just in time. Now he was heading back there in a hurry, and he didn't think he'd be able to stop it this time.

"Ooh!" Daphne moaned. She looked down at Harry with wide eyes. "You must have just fucked a second climax out of her. She's groaning right now."

"...Sorry?" He didn't know what she expected him to say to that, though he was very happy if he'd fucked another orgasm out of Susan.

"Don't be," Daphne said. "It feels fantastic." Then she grabbed Susan's hair and shoved her face more firmly against her crotch, rubbing herself against her. Harry reasoned that Daphne was probably about to cum, but he wasn't all that concerned with her right now. His only focus was on his own orgasm, and it was approaching fast.

Rather than try to pull himself back, he gave in. He'd already done his duty and given Susan a first time to remember, and he doubted she would have been able to last for much longer anyway. He put his all into delivering a few final hard thrusts, putting still more force into the drive of his hips now. That was a sample, a little taste of what she could expect when they'd had some more time together and she was ready for more of what Harry could do.

Harry pulled out and shot his cum across Susan's arse and back, grunting and stroking himself in his hand until he'd given her everything. He sank back onto his knees once he was done, and saw that Daphne was staring at him.

"So how was claiming your second virgin, Harry?" she asked. Susan's face was still between her legs but her head wasn't moving and Daphne wasn't moaning anymore, so Harry assumed that the ladies were done as well. "Any better than the first?"

"I'm not stupid enough to answer that question," he said, chuckling. "Let's just say that the first was amazing, and so was this one. It's not really my own feeling that I'm concerned with though."

Susan pulled her head up, got to her knees and turned around on the bed to face him. Her face was flushed, and also wet thanks to Daphne's orgasm, but what really interested him was the smile on her face.

"It was amazing, Harry," she said. "Thank you so much for giving me my first time." She turned to Daphne, who was sitting up against the headboard now, and crawled forward to give her another kiss. "Thank you both so much. I hope we can do it again sometime."

"We certainly can," Daphne said. "I won't speak for Harry, but you're welcome in my bed anytime. We can give you the password to the main suite, and you can come in and out much like Fleur does whenever she's in the mood for some fun with the Head Boy."

Susan's head whipped around to Harry, and she stared at him wide-eyed.

"Fleur Delacour, Harry?" At first he was afraid she was offended, but then her lips spread into a smile. "Wow! She's gotta be the most beautiful woman I've ever seen! I guess I should feel honored you even made time for me if you've got Fleur fucking Delacour coming in here regularly."

"The honor was mine, Susan," Harry said. He crawled up behind her and hugged her from behind. "Fleur is beautiful, yes. So are you. I'm so honored you chose me to share your first time with, and I hope you'll consider choosing me for your second time too." She giggled and put her hands on his arms, rubbing them tenderly.

"Second time, third time, seventeenth time: as long as you'll have me, as long as you don't start dating someone exclusively or something, I'll come to you," Susan said. Then she turned back to Daphne. "And if you want to join us, I'm absolutely fine with that."


Clubs Now Accepting Members

Harry saw the sign that he and Daphne were in charge of posting all around the school and cocked his head curiously.

"Since when do we have clubs?" he asked. "Other than quidditch, I mean. And that horrible dueling club with Lockhart."

"Are you serious?" Daphne asked, narrowing her eyes at him.

"Uh, yeah," he said. "Those are the only clubs I've heard of. Unless you count the potions club that I went to during sixth year, but that was less an actual club and more just a place where people could work on potions outside of class."

"Did you really not know that we have formal clubs?" Daphne sighed, but she was grinning slightly. "Just how absorbed have you been in all those ridiculous escapades you, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley got into every year?"

"...Pretty absorbed, I guess," he admitted. "Sorry. So what clubs are there?"

"There is a dueling club, a real one; that might interest you. There are clubs for most of the major school subjects, magical society and etiquette, study of Wizengamot procedures, wand crafting, curse breaking, magical photography, and quite a few others. I'm not going to list all of them, but I'm sure at least one of them will be of interest to you," she said. "I'm sure you won't need to go searching for potential clubs to join anyway. They'll likely be lining up to try and recruit you. You'd be the coup of all coups.  You're welcome to join me in the Advanced Arithmancy club; I'm the president. But based on what I know about you I'm assuming that's not the club for you."

"I agree." He'd seen Hermione's arithmancy homework enough to know that the subject did not interest him in the least no matter how practical it might be. But her comment raised another question. "If these clubs have always been there, why didn't anyone ever try to recruit me before now?"

"You can thank Dumbledore for that," she said. "He always made sure to warn the presidents of all the clubs not to approach you about joining. He did it to me when I became the president of the Arithmancy club in our 5th year, and again in 6th year. Something about you 'having quite enough on your plate already'," Daphne quoted.

"That sounds like him," he muttered. He knew Dumbledore had tried to help him and protect him in his own way, but sometimes the way that man's brain worked made no sense to Harry. Him joining a club that likely included members from all four houses would have been a great way for him to broaden his horizons and spend time with people outside of his very small group of friends. There was no use getting worked up about it though. The man was dead, and arguing with a portrait seemed pretty pointless to him. "Well, I guess I could join one for this final year at least."

"You really should," Daphne said. "It would look strange for the Head Boy to not be part of any club. You still have quidditch of course, but you only work with Gryffindors there. Being part of a club will allow you to interact with students of all four houses and show them that the Head Boy doesn't favor his own house at the expense of the others."

"Hmm. I guess I should look at a list," he said. He wanted to narrow down his options some before the club presidents came recruiting. She was right; he was the Head Boy as well as the man who'd just beaten Voldemort, and he was unattached to any club. There was surely going to be a frenzy of recruitment, with one club president after another doing everything they could to try and attract him into their club.  

July 2020 poll question:

What is the fallout from Harry's first patrol?

(Winner: Daphne urges Harry to claim Susan's virginity, and offers to help out; 56%)

August 2020 poll question:

What club (if any) does Harry join, and how do they successfully recruit him?



As before, you can submit your August answers at any point, whether here in the comments or to me privately, but they'll only be included in the poll if you remain a patreon at $5 or higher in August.

Red Jacobson

I'm sure that Parvati and Lavender would like to encourage Harry to join the Divination club, but I'm not sure they would be successful. I can see him joining the Dueling Club, just to keep in shape, and Luna (the club secretary) would recruit him by telling him about the nude dueling that the female members of the club do, and saying they want additional pointers. I'm not sure that the nude dueling is a thing, but it would be sure to get Harry's attention, especially if Luna offers a sample *GRIN*