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The sound of the alarm Harry had set went unnoticed by both occupants of his room. Harry might have heard it, in some distant part of his brain, but he was far too busy attempting to pound the Head Girl into his mattress to care.

It wasn't like Daphne was objecting. She hadn't returned to her own room after their memorable first night as Head Boy and Head Girl, and when they'd woken up with his erection digging into her bare arse she'd been more than willing to roll onto her stomach and have him fuck her in the early morning. Harry was feeling refreshed after a good night's sleep, and that plus the sex appeal of Daphne Greengrass made it very easy for him to lose all concept of time, so much so that they continued to fuck well past the point that they should have been showering and getting dressed to head down for breakfast.

At the point that his friend Hermione, her friend Tracey and everyone else from the '8th year' all the way down to the new 1st years were sitting down for breakfast and getting their class schedules, Harry was cumming inside of Daphne's pussy for the second time in less than 24 hours. It was only after the dust had settled and they were cleaning themselves up that they realized they were running very, very late.


"I can't believe we missed breakfast on the first day!" Daphne said nothing in response to Harry's remark as she followed him towards the door that led out of their shared suite. She seemed surprisingly unconcerned about the whole thing, though he couldn't tell whether she just didn't care or if she had slipped into the 'ice queen' role that she seemed to exhibit out in public.

They were already too late to hope to sit down for breakfast with their friends, but Harry wasn't too worried about that. He could always just tickle the painting of the pear, sneak into the kitchens and ask the elves to give him something. Of greater concern for him was that they hadn't gotten their class schedules, not to mention they'd made a pretty bad first impression as Head Boy and Girl by missing breakfast on the first day of classes.

"I guess we should go to Dumbled--err, I mean McGonagall's office," he said. McGonagall being the Headmistress and occupying Dumbledore's former office would take some getting used to. "Hopefully she'll give us our schedules, and she won't be too mad at us."

"She isn't mad, but she is disappointed."

Harry's head jerked as he looked up and saw Fleur Delacour standing just outside the Head suite. She grinned at him, flashing her perfect white teeth.

"Fleur? What're you doing here?" he asked. He hadn't seen her since the attack on Hogwarts the night Dumbledore had died. Her engagement to Bill Weasley had fallen apart shortly after that, for reasons Harry hadn't been told and certainly hadn't asked anyone about, not wanting to pry. She'd returned to France that summer, which had a great deal to do with his current surprise at seeing her standing just outside his private quarters in Hogwarts.

"Why am I in Hogwarts, or why did I come here looking for you?"

"Uh, both, I guess?" Harry said, shrugging. He should probably be in more of a hurry, but most blokes weren't in any hurry to leave Fleur's general vicinity once they saw her and he was no exception to that.

"I am here because I got a transfiguration apprenticeship under Headmistress McGonagall, who is the foremost expert in all of Europe," Fleur said. "As for why I am here? She had other things to attend to, so she asked me to give you two these once it became obvious that you would not be making it down to breakfast."

She thrust out two schedules towards them, and Harry sighed in relief.

"You're a lifesaver, Fleur," he said. He took his schedule and skimmed it quickly, mainly focusing on what he had first so he could figure out what corner of the castle he needed to try and get to as quickly as possible. But then he double checked it and felt a little bit of the tension leave him.

"I have a free morning," he said. Well, that was a freebie. Apparently he didn't need to go running off anywhere after all.

"I have Ancient Runes," Daphne said, folding her schedule up and putting it into her bag. "I suppose that means this is where we part for now, Lord Potter."

"Uh, yeah, guess so," he said. "You know, you don't need to call me Lord Potter all the time. If we're going to be working this closely together, why don't you just call me Harry? We're equals, after all." And he'd cum inside of her. Twice now, come to think of it. Shooting your seed inside of a woman should lead to a certain level of familiarity, right?

"That's fine with me, Harry," the blonde said easily. Then she gave a nod of thanks to Fleur and walked off, presumably towards her Ancient Runes classroom. Harry watched her go, and once again found his eyes following her arse. He couldn't get a very good look at it with her robes in the way unfortunately, but he knew what she had to offer under there.

"See something you like, Harry?" Fleur asked. His eyes snapped to hers, embarrassed, and saw her smirking knowingly at him. She'd probably had men gawk at her enough throughout her life to have become very perceptive when it came to wandering eyes. 

The Harry of fourth year, the 'leetle boy' who had been too intimidated by the mature and impossibly beautiful witch from Beauxbatons probably would have blushed as red as a Weasley at that. Even the Harry of sixth year who had been at least marginally more comfortable in her presence wouldn't have had any idea how to respond to such a comment. But that wasn't who he was anymore. He was a grown man now, and he'd had his fair share of interactions with beautiful women. Admittedly there were few if any women in the entire world as beautiful as Fleur Delacour, but he wasn't going to be awed by her pretty face or her amazing body. Well, he wouldn't be too awed at least.

"I see something I like right now," he said, looking directly at her and smiling. Her eyebrows rose and her mouth hung open for a second or two; clearly that hadn't been the sort of response she'd expected from him. But then her face split into a wide, happy smile.

"Well done, Harry!" she said. "Most wizards would have had drool running down their chin by now. But you're not most wizards, are you? You're special, Harry Potter." He almost shivered at the way she purred his name, but shook his head and did his best not to let it show.

"The only thing that might make me drool right now is the smell of a sausage breakfast," he said. As if on cue his stomach chose that moment to growl, and they shared a laugh at that. "And since my schedule is free right at the beginning of the day, I think I'm going to grab something from the kitchen, bring it back to my room and eat it before I have to go down to the dungeons for potions."

"Would you care for some company?" Fleur asked. "I don't have anywhere to be, and I'd really like to catch up and see how you're doing. And I have to admit I'm very curious to see what the inside of the Head Suite looks like."

Was Fleur Delacour actually flirting with him? Harry wouldn't have believed it to be possible, but all of the signs were there. He'd always thought she still saw him as a 'leetle boy.' He knew she respected him; she'd warmed up to him a great deal after he'd pulled her little sister Gabrielle out of the lake at the end of the Second Task. But he'd always assumed that it never went beyond respect and gratitude, maybe a little protectiveness, almost like he was a younger brother or cousin or something. Maybe that had changed with time, or maybe he'd just been shite at reading women back then and had missed signs that weren't escaping his notice this time around.

He had no clue if she was just being playful or if she might actually be looking to move beyond flirting, but he definitely wanted to find out. Yes, he'd just shagged the gorgeous Head Girl (twice in fact, including a nice morning session that had only just ended twenty or so minutes ago, but they weren't in any sort of relationship and certainly weren't exclusive to each other. Besides, it was Fleur Delacour.

"I'll never say no to a meal with a beautiful woman," he said, extending his arm for her to take.


"He really turned into a ferret?! And bounced up and down?!"

Fleur giggled, and Harry decided that he'd heard few sounds as pleasant. Granted he'd much rather listen to her moaning into his ear, but he would take what he would get.

"Swear to Merlin," he said, nodding at her seriously. Fleur shook her head, still giggling, put her hand on his bicep and squeezed. Harry looked down at her hand on his arm and then back up into her eyes, and smiled at her. 

There was absolutely no mistaking Fleur's flirtations now. She wasn't trying to hide them at all. There was a wink here, a suggestive comment there, a lingering touch and a batting of her eyes at him. He didn't know how far Fleur wanted to take this, but he'd decided that he was going to let her make the first move, more out of curiosity than anything else. He was sure she was used to men throwing themselves at her feet and begging for a bit of affection or attention. How would she react if he made her be the one to act?

"So the Head Girl, this Daphne Greengrass. She is very beautiful, don't you think?" Fleur asked. She pulled her hand off of his arm but did not pull away from him on the couch in his and Daphne's shared common room.

"Of course she is," he said bluntly. "Blokes have been throwing themselves at her for years from what I understand, not that any of them have had any success."

"Not until you, at least," she said matter of factly. He felt a flicker of surprise, but did his best to school his features and give nothing away. Had they been that obvious?

"How do you mean?" he asked mildly. Fleur grinned and shook her head.

"I am a veela, Harry," she said, as if reminding him of something obvious. "We are very sexual creatures. When it comes to sex our senses our heightened. I can smell her all over you, and vice versa. You fucked her this morning, didn't you? That's why you missed breakfast."

"Yes," he said after a moment's hesitation. There wasn't much point in denying it, was there? "And last night too." Her smile grew wider at that, and she threw her head back and laughed.

"Very good, Harry!" she said. "That explains why the scent was so strong then. I'm guessing it must have been a pleasant first time for her then, if she was so willing to come back for more."

"It's more like she never left," he said, "but yeah, I think she enjoyed herself. I definitely didn't hear any complaints."

"I'm sure you didn't," Fleur said, nodding sagely. "I can tell that you aren't the same unsure young man that you were the last time I was around you. You've really grown into a man now."

"I've learned a thing or two, yeah," he said, grinning back at her.

"I'm happy for you." She looked away and chewed at her lower lip. "You wouldn't be able to satisfy a veela like myself, of course, but I'm sure your little virgin Head Girl will be very happy to share this suite with you all year." That wiped the grin off of his face.

"Wait, what was that?" he asked. "You think I'm not good enough to take care of you?" She looked back at him, widened her eyes and patted his shoulder.

"Do not take it personally, Harry," she said, trying to reassure him, or at least pretending to do so. "It is not an insult. There just aren't many men in the world who can make a veela feel good, or keep up with our sexual appetites. Perhaps you'll get there some day, but you still have a long way to go."  

Harry wasn't stupid. He knew exactly what she was doing. She was trying to get a reaction out of him; trying to wound his pride and compel him to rise up to the challenge and prove her wrong. Ordinarily he would not have responded well to someone trying to manipulate his emotions like that to get him to do what they wanted him to do, but this was not any ordinary situation. This was Fleur Delacour, and what she was trying to goad him into doing was giving her a hands-on demonstration of his sexual prowess. This was one manipulation he would happily lean into.

"I think you'll find that I am up to the challenge," he said, looking at her confidently. Her stare at him became more intense and more focused as she realized that he was taking the bait. She looked like she was a predator who smelled blood and was going in for the kill, and given what Harry knew about veela that might not be very far from the truth.

"Is that so?" She scooted even closer to him on the couch, so close to him now that their legs were pressed against each other, and leaned in so her face was mere inches from his. "Do you really think you can keep up with moi, Harry?"

"I don't think it," he said, shaking his head, not backing down or even flinching from her closeness. God, she was even more beautiful up close! "I know it."

"Then I look forward to you attempting to prove it," she said. She leaned her head back, though she didn't scoot away from him. "Let me know when you think you're ready."

"Why wait?" he said. "I'm ready for you now." Now it was his turn to issue the challenge. "Unless you're all talk after all." Her nostrils flared and her eyes flashed, and he knew his challenge had gotten to her.

"I am not all talk," she said heatedly. "I merely believed that I should give you a fair chance. You have little hope even at the best of times, but with only a limited amount of time before you have to get to your first class, and after already having slept with your little Head Girl? This isn't even fair."

"I still have plenty of energy left for you, and I don't need all day," he said. "I've still got about a half an hour until I need to start thinking about heading down for Care of Magical Creatures." And it's not like Hagrid would punish him if he were a few minutes late anyway. "That's more than enough time for me to make you scream your pretty little French head off."

"Prove it!" Fleur said. Her voice was more of a growl now, making her sound more like an animal than a human. It was the veela part of her overriding the witch, he was sure. He would take them both on.

Harry wasted no more time with words; despite his bravado he really did have a limited amount of time to work with, so if he was going to succeed he couldn't really afford to waste any of it. Their lips met in a kiss that was more heated than any Harry had experienced. He felt like he'd become a fairly skilled kisser, and he had no doubt that Fleur was an excellent one, but neither of them were concerned with technique right now. It was a frenetic mashing of lips from two people eager to devour each other, and that eager heat was also evident in the way their hands pawed at each other's clothing. It was a miracle that she didn't rip his new school robes off in her animalistic desperation to strip him, not that Harry would have noticed if she had. He was far too preoccupied with getting her out of her powder blue dress, and then pulling off her bra and knickers. 

Fleur's body was heavenly, and in a different circumstance he might have taken hours simply to caress it and gaze upon it in admiration. He didn't have time to bask in the veela's perfect form right now though; he had a point to prove, and not that much time to prove it in. He got off of the couch, sank to his knees in front of her, flung her legs over his shoulders and dove in, attacking her beautiful pussy with his mouth and his fingers. 

There was no time to waste in starting off slow with the cunnilingus and gradually increasing the intensity. He got down to business straight away, using every trick at his disposal and making use of whatever he had available to him. It quickly became obvious that veela were no different from the average woman when it came to how sensitive the clitoris was. If anything Fleur might have been even more sensitive, and even more receptive to all the attention he paid to her clit. He batted it with his tongue and sucked it into his mouth, focusing on that particular spot early and often, knowing from the way she moaned and whimpered that it was having exactly the impact he wanted.

His fingers were active as well. He rubbed at her lips and then stroked her from the inside, curling his finger and focusing on brushing against her g spot. Ordinarily this would have been ample stimulation for any woman, and he wouldn't have dared to do any more for fear of it being too much for her. But he needed to do this well and do it within a relatively short window of time, and he felt confident that his veela lover could take it. So he not only mercilessly kept up the dual assault with his mouth and fingers but put the rest of his face into it as well, rubbing it from side to side and brushing his nose and cheeks against her pussy. Whatever he could do that he thought might speed this along and make her cum faster, he did. 

This was a first for him. Usually he took his time when he had a chance to get his face between a beautiful woman's legs and savored the experience, but this was the first time he'd ever focused on speed, on making a woman cum on his face as quickly as he could and used everything he had to make that happen. While he wasn't exactly keeping time in his head and he didn't have a watch or clock to keep his eye on, he was pleased with the result. 

"Oui! Oui, 'Arry! Oui, oui!" Fleur grabbed at his head and thrust her hips up off of the couch against his face. "Zat is so good, so good! You are making me cum, 'Arry!" She broke off into a string of French curses and incomprehensible exclamations of pleasure after that. A distant part of Harry's mind noticed that her command of English, which had gotten much better over the years, seemed to fail her when she was feeling particularly good. She hadn't called him "'Arry" once today until now, and the z's hadn't crept in at all either. It would be an amusing thing to tease her about later, but for the moment Harry was too focused on seeing Fleur through her climax.

Watching a veela orgasm was always a sight to behold, as Harry was learning now. Her body quivered and thrashed on the couch above him, her hands grabbed his hair so hard that he briefly worried that she might rip it out, and her thighs clamped around his face, holding him in place and making sure he could go nowhere. He wouldn't have gone anywhere even if he'd had the ability though; there was nowhere else in the world he would have rather been in that moment than on his knees in the common room of his suite, with his face between Fleur Delacour's legs as she screamed in ecstasy. 

Her erotic cries were almost melodic, and of course her gorgeous body writhing around was something he couldn't bear to look away from. She even tasted divine; he eagerly lapped up her sweet nectar with his tongue, deciding then and there that he would never be able to have enough of it.

He licked his lips once her legs relaxed, her body settled down and she let go of his hair, and it wasn't just because he was licking up the remnants of her climax. He was feeling quite pleased with himself as he stared up at her and watched her settle back down. Watching this gorgeous creature bask in her orgasm and knowing that he was solely responsible for making her feel so good was a far greater accomplishment than the Voldemort nonsense as far as he was concerned.

He wasn't done yet though. He'd made her cum, sure, but his cock had gone ignored to this point and was probably harder than it had ever been. And besides, after all of that talk about veela and their sexual appetites, there was no way she'd be satisfied after one single orgasm, even one as powerful as the one he'd just given her.

Fleur's eyes blinked when she felt him hook his arm underneath her legs and pick her up off of the couch, but she got the message quickly enough when he moved both of his arms around her body, held her by the arse and lowered her onto his cock. Some women would have groaned and shook their head, too sensitive and tired after their orgasm to welcome any further touching so soon afterwards. But not Fleur. Fleur hooked her legs around him, wrapped her arms around his neck and sighed as his cock slid inside of her.

"Oui," she moaned. "Oui, 'Arry! Fuck me, fuck me! Do it, do eeeet!"

Harry gave her what she demanded. He'd taken a quick glance at his pocket watch before springing into action, and while he'd gotten her off quickly with his mouth he still didn't have much time left before he needed to get ready for his first class of the term. He would need to be quick about this.

The moment his cock pushed into her, he knew that wasn't going to be a problem. He was lucky he didn't come within seconds of being inside of her. Daphne (his first virgin) had been very tight, but Fleur Delacour was on a different level entirely. He supposed it had something to do with her veela genes. There was something there, something acting to make her pussy feel like it had been designed specifically for his cock. It was the only explanation that made any sense.

He hissed at the feeling of perfect tightness that enveloped him, but he refused to allow her pussy to make him cum instantly as it was trying to do. He wasn't going to give in that easily. He'd assured her that he could keep up with her and satisfy her sexual hunger, and while he'd already earned himself major points with that cunnilingus he wanted to leave her with the best impression he possibly could. He wanted to make her cum for a second time if at all possible, and in order to do that he was going to have to hold on as long as he could.

He held her by her arse and bounced her on his cock, cognizant of both his soon-to-be busy schedule and the undeniable fact that he was not going to be able to last long at all, not when dealing with a pussy this wet, tight and perfect. The rest of her body wasn't doing any favors for his staying power either. Her pert breasts bounced along with the rest of her as he held her in the air and fucked her, her face was awash with pleasure and she moaned and whined in a combination of English and French that was driving him crazy.

This was going to be an even greater challenge than he'd thought, but he wasn't going down without a fight. He carry-fucked her over to the wall and pinned her against it so he no longer had to worry about supporting her weight and could focus fully on thrusting his cock inside of her. 

While the instinct was to just try and slam his cock deep inside of her without any rhyme or reason to it, he resisted that urge and used his head. He tried out different paces and flexed his hips, trying to figure out what would work best at that particular moment. When he found the perfect motion to brush his cock against her g spot he repeated it over and over again, making sure to hit that center of pleasure with every single thrust of his hips. It was working too. Fleur's cries had already been extremely enthusiastic but they reached another decibel and level of intensity now.

"Ah, yes, oui, oui! Fuck me, 'Arry, yes, oui, yes! Plus fort, plus fort ! Aller plus vite!"

Harry didn't understand all of that, but he was pretty sure he got the general gist: you're doing something right, you're making me feel good, now keep doing it. He kept her body pinned against the wall and fucked her hard, hoping against hope that he could make her cum again before his time was up. He knew by now that his own body would be finished at least slightly before it was time for him to run off to class, but he just hoped Fleur would be there to join him at the finish line.

His prayers were answered when she shrieked into his ear and he felt her pussy squeeze around him. Evidently veela were designed to cut their mates off and give him no choice but to shoot his seed inside of her once he'd gotten her to climax. He was only a man and was powerless to resist veela biology, not that he had any reason to want to resist it anyway. He'd succeeded in making her cum for a second time, and that's all he'd been hoping for. Now that he'd done that he felt no shame in surrendering to the veela's demands, wiggling his hips around as much as her pussy would allow and filling her with his seed.

"Oui!" she growled against his ear. "Fill me, Arry. Give me your seed. Give it to me, all of it, give it to me!"

Her pussy continued to squeeze him, prolonging his orgasm far past the point it would have normally ended and milking more semen out of him than he'd ever produced in any one orgasm before. To be honest he wasn't sure that any two orgasms he'd ever had before could measure up to this one in terms of both how long it lasted and how much he ejaculated inside of Fleur's veela pussy. Though he had taken measures to make sure he wouldn't get any witch pregnant, would they work on veela? He assumed the protection would hold up, but could he really be 100% sure?

There wasn't time to worry about that right now, and he didn't have the energy besides. Once her pussy was finally finished milking him of everything he had and allowed him to pull back, his cock slipped out of her and he took a step back, allowing her feet to come back to rest on solid ground.

"Well?" he asked, taking a deep breath and watching her as she slowly came back to herself. "How'd I do? Did I satisfy your perfect veela self, or do I still need years of practice?" She smirked at him and laughed.

"You did well enough," she said seriously, though the grin on her face let him know that she was just teasing and he had in fact done very, very well. He didn't know a ton about veela, but he vaguely remembered being told that most veela wore their lovers out long before they themselves were able to even come close to having an orgasm. If there was any truth to that tidbit, he'd passed Fleur's test with flying colors by bringing her not one but two orgasms in the short amount of time they'd had available to them.

"Well enough, huh?" he said, raising his eyebrows at her as he quickly cleaned himself off and then picked up his underwear.

"Oui," she said, nodding. "More practice couldn't hurt anyone though. Even the best of us need to work hard to stay in peak condition, don't you think?"

"Couldn't agree more," he said while pulling his robes back on. "I don't suppose you'd be willing to help me with that?"

"Hmm." She tapped her lips with her finger and made a show of considering it. "Well, I'm sure I'll have some down time while staying here in the castle and serving my apprenticeship under Headmistress McGonagall. I could probably make some time for you every now and again."

"How's tonight sound?" he asked her as they headed to the door. He saw her grin and nod slightly out of the corner of his eye.

Hopefully Daphne wouldn't mind too much if he had some company over tonight.


"So who are you patrolling with tonight?"

"What's that?" Harry asked, distracted. He looked up and saw Hermione roll her eyes at him.

"You're doing your first round of patrols tonight, aren't you?" she asked. "I remember your name being on the sheet for tonight's rounds."

"Ah, right, yeah," he said. "I forgot about that." He honestly had forgotten that he was supposed to do his first round of patrolling tonight. Every night, two of the prefects (and the Head Boy and Head Girl, whether they'd been prefects or not) would patrol the grounds for three hours after curfew to make sure no one was out of their dorm rooms running around, snogging someone or causing general mischief. Basically all of the things he, Ron and Hermione used to do, minus the snogging.  

He'd certainly made up for that so far this term though. They were only a few days in and he'd already shagged the Head Girl several times, plus he and Fleur had been able to get together for a repeat performance. They'd had a little more time to play with, but still not nearly enough for his liking. He was hoping they'd have an entire night to themselves soon, and he'd be able to properly worship her body well into the morning hours like she deserved.

"I'm not surprised," Hermione said. "I just hope your, ahem, extracurricular activities don't get in the way of your NEWTS, or of you doing your job as Head Boy." He hadn't gone into graphic detail, but nor had he gone out of his way to hide what he was doing from his best friend. She didn't know who exactly he was hooking up with, but she had a pretty good idea of what he was up to at the very least. She'd seemed to take it in stride and hadn't really judged him for it, but he knew that probably would change if he showed signs of not taking his studies or his other responsibilities seriously.

"It won't," he said. Truthfully it kind of had already, considering he'd missed the first breakfast because he and Daphne were too busy shagging. Hermione didn't need to know that though. "I promise to assign detention to any mischievous firsties I catch sneaking around under an invisibility cloak after curfew, no matter how much they go on about three-headed dogs or possessed professors."

"Prat." Hermione swatted his arm, though there was no heat in it. "So? Who is your partner for the first patrol? Is it someone who actually takes it seriously, or should I come along and make sure the two of you don't spend the entire time goofing off? Or shagging?" He couldn't tell whether or not Hermione was serious about trailing behind he and his partner to make sure they did what they were supposed to do. He didn't think she'd actually do it, but he'd learned not to put anything past Hermione.

You decide:

Who is Harry's partner during his first nighttime patrol? Do they see anything interesting, or do anything interesting themselves?     




As always, you can submit your answer to the next question now if you'd like to, but it'll only be counted and included in the next poll if you remain a patron of $5 or higher in June.