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So the first poll for February is still currently accepting nominations, but I've had an idea for a potential modification to the monthly setup that I'd like your feedback on. 

I was considering leaving one poll as is, with backers at $5 or above nominating short prompts that then go into the poll. But instead of doing the same thing twice each month, the second poll would take the form of a choose your own adventure type story (with a smutty twist, obviously.)

The basic idea is this: I'd choose a specific universe and premise (I'm thinking it'd be set in Harry Potter, during Harry's "8th year", but I'd be open to other ideas there). Then the backers at the Nominator tier would get to nominate an option for the direction the next chapter would take. So for example, if the intro is Harry boarding the train, I'd leave it up to the nominators to choose the options for how he spends his time on the train/who he shares a carriage with, where smutty good times would of course occur. Then the options would go into a poll, and the winning option would shape the direction of the next chapter.

I'd probably incorporate a slight change to the tiers at the same time. Nothing would really change for the $5 and $10 tiers beyond one of the two monthly polls becoming dedicated to this CYOA story, but the $3 Voter tier (that has no current backers anyway) would be replaced with two different levels: the lowest would get to vote in the normal monthly poll only, while the next one up would get to vote in both that and the CYOA. I haven't figured out the exact pricing that those tiers would have, but it'd probably be either $1/$2 or $2/$3.

I'd love to hear feedback on this, from patrons and non-patrons alike. Current backers, does this brainstorm sound good to you, or would you like the poll structure to remain as it is currently? Non-backers, would all of this make you more or less likely to back in the future?    


Alex Holcomb

That sounds like it would be really cool