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Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender

Summary: Zuko makes an unusual request of Sokka in an attempt to calm his sister down. Suki not only okays it but offers to help—and so does Ty Lee. (Sokka/Azula/Suki/Ty Lee)

Content Warnings/Themes: Foursome, post-canon, loss of virginity, cunnilingus, face-sitting

Patreon Exclusive/Early Access


“I have tried everything I can think of,” Zuko said. “Our mother wants to believe that there is still good in Azula. For her sake, I have been trying to reform my sister.”

“Yeah, I get it,” Sokka said, nodding. Zuko finally found his mom in Hira'a after many years of not knowing if she was safe or even alive. Sokka would never have the same opportunity to reconnect with his mom, but if he did, he knew he'd do anything he could to make her happy. Even if she asked for something physically impossible, he'd probably bang his head against the wall repeatedly to try and make it happen anyway. "But Azula is...well, Azula.”

“Right.” The Fire Lord sighed, and his head drooped. He was sitting on his throne, but at the moment, he looked powerless. "No matter how hard I try, I've had to accept that there's no way for me to fix what's broken inside of my sister."

“Of course not,” Sokka said. “Who could? She’s crazy.” Ty Lee, who was present as one of the Kyoshi Warriors, snickered. “I mean, no offense. I know she’s your sister and everything, but…”

“Yeah," Zuko said. "I know exactly what you mean." He glanced at his girlfriend Mai, who was standing close to his throne. She wasn't his wife or his betrothed just yet, but she still stood in a position of prominence. "But Mai and I have been talking, and we think we’ve come up with something new to try.”

“Oh, really? What are you gonna try next?" Listening to Zuko spend the last several minutes describing the various ways he, Mai, Ty Lee, his mother, and his uncle had all tried and failed to break through and reach Azula, Sokka didn't see what else they could have left to try.

“It’s not something that I can try,” Zuko said. He turned his head to look at the wall. Was it Sokka, or was Zuko trying to look anywhere but directly at him? “We’ve talked about it, and, well, we kind of think that a lot of Azula’s problems could be easier to resolve if she wasn’t so, uh...pent-up.”

“Pent-up?” Sokka repeated, frowning.

“Horny,” Mai said bluntly, stepping in to clarify when words seemed to fail Zuko. “She’s horny. Even if she doesn’t know it, she needs to get laid.” Ty Lee laughed openly at that, and Sokka could even see his girlfriend Suki cracking a smile despite being on guard duty.

“Uh, are you sure that’s it?” Sokka asked. “I mean, I don’t always get to do it as much as I want to, but it never makes me want to fly off into a murderous rampage or anything like that.”

“No, but you do have sex eventually,” Mai said, eyes flicking in Suki’s direction briefly. “Eventually, you get to fuck until you’re satisfied. But Azula has never experienced that release, unless I’m wrong. And I don’t think I am.”

“Azula’s a virgin?” Sokka blurted out, shocked. “I mean, really?” He was about to point out that she was incredibly sexy, blood lust aside, but he held back at the last second. Sokka felt like he still had a lot to learn about this whole boyfriend thing, but he still knew enough to recognize that calling another woman sexy with his girlfriend in the same room to hear it was a bad idea.

“As far as we know, yes,” Mai said. “It was definitely true as of a certain trip to the beach we took once, back when we were still friends.”

“If we ever were,” Ty Lee interjected. Mai shrugged her shoulders, not either agreeing or disagreeing.

“Either way, she’d never had sex back then,” Mai continued. “And I don’t see how she would have had the time since then. I’m pretty sure that she’s still a virgin. And everyone in this room knows what a relief it can be to experience the release at the end of great sex.” Zuko was blushing and looking away. Even Mai, who was the one actually saying this, looked like she was trying to appear calmer than she actually was, considering how she kept licking her lips and looking away. But Sokka could imagine how much more awkward it would be for Zuko to talk about any of this, so it made sense that Mai was handling it for him.

"I mean, yeah, I guess I see what you mean," Sokka said, shrugging. He did know how satisfied he always felt after he and Suki finished. No matter how tired, frustrated, or upset he might have felt beforehand, having sex with his girlfriend always cheered him up. He could understand their logic, and it wasn't like they hadn't exhausted almost every other option. "But why did you call me here to discuss this?" He could call Zuko a friend at this point, as he would say about anyone who had been part of Team Avatar. But where did he fit into this whole 'reforming Azula' strategy session?

"We, uh, we were hoping that you'd try to take care of this for us," Zuko said, still not looking at Sokka. It took a second for what he was asked to settle in, but Sokka stared at Zuko warily when it did.

“Are you, uh, asking me to, uh, handle your sister?” Sokka asked hesitantly. Seriously, was this a trap? Was Zuko about to start flinging fire at him if he said yes?

“Yes, let’s go with that,” Zuko said quickly. “Handle. Yeah, that’s good. Would you try handling this for us, Sokka?”

“He wants you to handle popping his sister’s cherry!” Ty Lee said, cackling. Leave it to Ty Lee to ruin the delicate juggling act that Sokka and Zuko had been performing as they both tried desperately to avoid coming right out and saying it.

"Yeah, that's correct," Mai said. It again fell to her to speak because Zuko was groaning and hiding his face in his hands. Sokka wasn't in any position to think about it at the moment, but she was really exhibiting the qualities of a partner the Fire Lord could rely on. “If this is going to work, we need a man to seduce her—a man who we can trust to seduce her without trying to take advantage of it and hold it over the Fire Nation.”

“There’s no one I’d trust with this more than you,” Zuko said, finally looking directly at Sokka.

“As weirdly touching as that feels, I still have to say no,” Sokka said, shaking his head. “I’m already taken, you know.” He smiled over at his girlfriend. “Suki’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I’m not gonna mess it up by sleeping with any other girl.” There, that had to earn him major boyfriend points, right?

“Oh, I wouldn’t mind if you wanted to do it,” Suki said casually. Sokka’s smile froze on his face, and he stared at his girlfriend while waiting for the laugh. She couldn’t possibly be serious. This was the trap. It wasn’t Zuko’s fire bending he had to worry about; it was Suki humbling him even more than she had in training on Kyoshi Island when they first met.

“I’m not falling for that!” he said, shaking his head. “This is a test. You’re trying to see if I’d jump at the slightest chance to get a sexy woman into bed. Well, it’s not going to work! You’re the girl for me, Suki!”

“So you do think she’s sexy, then,” Suki said, smirking at him. Sokka froze. That smirk was powerful enough at all times, but she felt even more dangerous while wearing her Kyoshi Warrior face paint like she was now. “Haha, don’t give me that look! I’m just teasing, Sokka. I think she’s pretty sexy too, you know.” Sokka sucked in a breath when he heard her say that. Fuck, the images that put into his head!

"I can see your imagination running wild right now, Sokka," Suki said with a smile. She seemed to be enjoying teasing him throughout this very awkward situation. "But hey, this isn't a test, I promise. I really won't have any problem with it if you want to try and get Azula into bed." She licked her lips. "Actually, I wouldn't mind joining in."

“You what?” Sokka gasped. “You want to seduce Azula?”

“Why not?” Suki shrugged. “I never told you this before, but I’m attracted to girls too. And Azula really is sexy. Seducing her together could be really fun, don’t you think?”

Could he do it? There was still a chance that this was a trap after all, but his imagination was escaping his control now that Suki's words had put both her and Azula in bed with him simultaneously. Maybe it would all blow up in his face, but it was getting pretty hard to convince himself that the possibility of it being real wasn't worth the risk.

“Hey, if a threesome is on the table, would you mind if I jumped in to make it a foursome?” Ty Lee said suddenly. “Fucking the crazy out of Azula sounds fun—and I’ve always thought Sokka was cute!”

This was a dream. It had to be. That was the only explanation that made any sense to Sokka, especially once Suki responded to Ty Lee's insane request not by shooting her down and telling her to back off but by laughing and saying that she wouldn't have any problem with it. The two girls began to talk about what it might take to seduce Azula, and Sokka watched on dumbly. If he tried to speak, he'd probably wake up. And this was one dream Sokka didn't want to wake up from.


Sokka wasn't dreaming. He knew he wasn't dreaming because there was no way that he would have been able to stay in a dream like this for long before his guilty conscience woke him up. Not even his wildest sex fantasies would have ever let him get away with something like this, which meant that the real Suki was even better than the one in his dreams.

It wasn’t like she was doing this just for him, though. She’d said she was attracted to girls too, and watching her kiss one of Azula’s breasts and rub her inner thigh with her hand, Sokka could see the truth in that. He hadn’t known about that side of Suki before her little admission on that fateful day two weeks ago when Zuko asked him to seduce his sister, but he was never going to forget it now. Watching his girlfriend put her hands and mouth all over Azula's body, all while one of Azula's hands squeezed Suki's ass, was just about the sexiest thing Sokka had ever seen.

His girlfriend and the crazy yet undeniably sexy Fire Nation princess kissing and groping each other would have been arousing enough on its own, but Ty Lee was involved, too. If Sokka took his eyes off Suki and Azula, it was only so he could admire Ty Lee's ass while she remained on all fours and sucked on Azula's other tit. She must have been able to sense when his eyes were on her butt because she always seemed to give her hips a little wiggle any time he looked her way. If the three girls had only invited him to play with himself while he watched them get naked and fool around in bed, Sokka would have considered himself a very lucky man.

But he wasn't relegated to just watching. He had to give most of the credit for this seduction to Suki and Ty Lee. Ty Lee knew Azula far better than either of them did, so she'd been the one to devise a plan on how best to seduce Zuko's sister and get her interested in hopping into bed with them. Suki had played her part in the seduction beautifully, building up Sokka's sexual prowess and raising Azula's interest in him. All Sokka had really done was follow the plan the two girls had laid out for him, and it had brought him here. Here, in this case, was standing at the foot of the bed with his cock erect and begging for attention. He kept his hand away from his dick because he couldn't be sure that he'd be able to stop once he started playing with himself. The scene in front of him on that bed was mouth-watering, and he knew that he would have to do his very best if he wanted to live up to the lofty expectations that all of Suki's bragging had created.

Azula looked up and saw him standing there when Suki pulled her head away from her breast, and the princess’ amber golden eyes returned to his cock. Their seduction had confirmed that she was indeed still a virgin, and she had been fascinated earlier when the three girls had worked together to strip him naked. Ty Lee, who was not a virgin, had been quick to assure Azula that Sokka’s length genuinely was as impressive as it seemed to her. They were words every man loved to hear, especially if they came from a girl as beautiful as Ty Lee.

The excited look Azula gave him now was pretty damn flattering, too, if he was being honest. Suki and Ty Lee had done a great job stoking her curiosity, and he was now the lucky recipient of that heated look.

"Well?" Azula said, raising her eyebrows and rubbing her legs together. "Are you going to come and join us, or are you just going to stand there?" She spread her legs wide, letting him see her on full display. Sokka took a long look at her smooth pussy, licking his lips as he stared. "Your girlfriend seems to think you have what it takes to make this a memorable night for me, that you actually know how to use that thing between your legs. Let’s see if she’s right.” She sounded as confident and challenging as ever, but Sokka could see the excitement in her eyes. Even if Suki and Ty Lee had done much of the work in getting them to this point, he knew he was responsible for that look of anticipation in her eyes now. Those eyes followed his cock as he climbed onto the bed and moved into position between her legs. Her evident hunger for him and what was coming next gave Sokka all the confidence he needed. He lined his cock up and rubbed the tip against her pussy lips to tease her.

“Fucking put it in!” Azula snapped impatiently. Ty Lee giggled.

“You heard her,” Suki said. “Don’t keep her waiting, Sokka. Show her what you can do.”

Sokka nodded at his grinning girlfriend, and then he focused his attention on Azula. Those fierce eyes were watching him impatiently, but they went wide, and a sharp gasp tumbled out of her as he slid his cock inside of her. Not even Azula could keep up the arrogant facade as she took her first dick. Sokka was never going to forget the look on her pretty face as he slowly fed more of his cock into the virgin Fire Nation princess. He rarely saw her looking like anything but the picture of arrogance, self-assurance, and even madness. But right now, she looked like a beautiful young woman struggling to grasp everything that she was currently feeling for the first time. This was his doing. It was him and his cock that brought that expression to her face. He didn't think he deserved much credit for the seduction, but this was all him.

“I remember that feeling,” Suki said lightly. She moved onto her side next to Azula, watching the face of Zuko’s sister as Sokka gradually increased the pace of his thrusts. “Was I right, or was I right? My man was the perfect choice to break you in.” She kissed Azula’s neck and started playing with her tits again, and Sokka groaned.

He was trying to start slowly to let Azula adapt to having a cock inside of her newly-deflowered pussy, but that was easier said than done. She felt so fucking tight, and all he wanted to do was pound away and use her body to get off. He held back from wildly fucking her out of consideration for her enjoyment, but Suki snuggling up against Azula's side to kiss her neck and fondle her tits was making it much more demanding for him to control himself. And then there was Ty Lee, who moved around and loosely hugged him from behind while he fucked Azula. He could feel her bare boobs against his back, and she reached around his body to rub his balls when she had the chance. This was getting hard to hold back now.

“Can you tell that he’s holding back, Azula?” Suki said suddenly. “He’s taking it easy on you, because he thinks you can’t take more. How do you feel about that?”

Azula’s eyes suddenly snapped wide open to stare up at Sokka. She’d looked distracted by the pleasure of her first fuck before, but now she was looking at him with the same kind of intensity that had once made him fear her.

“Don’t you fucking dare take it easy on me!” Azula snapped. “I came here to be fucked, and that’s what you’re going to give me! Unless you aren’t as much of a man as your girlfriend seems to think you are?”

Sokka knew a challenge when he heard it. Azula's eyes demanded that he give it to her and promised retribution if he refused. There was no reason for him to refuse, of course. He'd been keeping the force of his thrusts down out of concern for her, but if she was outright demanding that he fuck her hard, there was no reason for him to control himself any longer. He put his hands on Azula's thighs, lifted her legs into the air, and put more weight, not to mention more force, behind every thrust from that point on. Azula's demanding stare was swiftly fucked off of her face, and she was left moaning while her eyes closed.

“Looks like she wasn’t all talk,” Ty Lee commented, resting her chin on his shoulder. “She really was ready to get fucked for real.”

Sokka could only agree. He hadn’t been capable of fucking this hard when he and Suki had first started sleeping together, and he doubted that she would have been able to take it anyway. But he knew what he was doing now, and Azula wasn't in over her head. She had been ready for this after all because even with him putting so much weight and intensity behind his thrusts, Azula just kept moaning with pleasure. She'd still been a virgin as of a few minutes ago, but this was a woman who had a natural affinity for hard sex.

He was happy to be the one to first introduce her to the pleasures of getting her legs pulled up into the air while she got hammered on the bed. It had taken some coaxing, first to believe that Suki really was okay with this and even excited to take part in it, and later to stop treating Azula with any gentleness. But now he was here. He was pounding Azula hard enough to shake the bed, and she was moaning loud enough to match the sound of his hips smacking against her ass. It felt incredible to let go and give it his all to nail Azula, and it was made all the more remarkable by having Suki and Ty Lee there to see it all.

“Damn, you really did need a good pounding, didn’t you?” Suki murmured. “Listen to you! You’ve got me not wanting to wait for my turn.” She wasn’t kidding. Sokka could see his girlfriend squirming on the bed and rubbing her thighs together.

“So, why wait?” Ty Lee said. She stopped hugging Sokka’s back and moved to sit on her knees at the corner of the bed.

“He only has one dick, you know,” Suki said.

"It's big enough to count as two, if you ask me," Ty Lee giggled. "But that's not what I meant. You're letting Azula borrow your boyfriend's dick. Why don't you sit on her face? Seems like a good way for her to pay you back." Sokka held his breath at the incredible possibility Ty Lee had just suggested and the way Suki's head cocked in interest. He looked down at Azula, whose face bore a surprised expression for a few seconds. But then she licked her lips.

“I suppose that would be fine with me,” Azula said. “I’ve never used my mouth on anyone before, but I’m sure I’ll figure it out easily enough.”

“I’m sure you could,” Suki said, grinning and quickly crawling towards Azula’s head. “Honestly, though, I think I’d much rather just ride your face.” She swung her leg over Azula’s head and sat down with her back towards Azula. Sitting this way, Sokka could see the eagerness on his girlfriend’s face. "You did take me prisoner back during the war. Now it’s payback time.”

As far as Sokka was concerned, his girlfriend wiggling her hips around and rubbing her pussy in Azula’s face was the sexiest form of payback imaginable, and he felt almost as privileged about being able to watch it as he did about taking Azula’s virginity. It was such a beautiful sight that he barely took his eyes off of it. Even as he continued to plunge his cock balls-deep into Azula’s pussy with very little time between his thrusts, he kept a close eye on Suki, making herself comfortable sitting on the face of the woman who had once captured and imprisoned her.

Azula wasn't necessarily their enemy now as she was then, but it stood to reason that Suki would still hold onto a bit of residual resentment over what Azula had put her through back then. Taking charge like this had to feel good, and Suki was making the most of her advantageous position. She was rocking her hips back and forth quickly, grinding her pussy across Azula’s face. Suki was moving too fast for Azula to be able to be very active, but as she’d said, this was how she wanted it. Sokka knew how much Suki liked to be eaten out. There were few things he knew of that would make her happier than offering to spend time with his head between her legs. But she wasn’t interested in teaching Azula how to lick her. Suki was using her former enemy’s face not unlike how she’d been using her pillow that one time Sokka had accidentally walked in on her getting herself off, only this time it wasn’t just about pleasure. His girlfriend was savoring the chance to have her way with Azula, and Sokka could see her joy growing as she continued to hump the would-be Fire Lord’s face.

To be fair, Azula didn't seem to mind being used as a masturbatory tool or having Suki's arousal smeared all over her face. Sokka couldn't see the pleasure on her face, as he'd been able to while fucking her before Suki had straddled her head. But he didn't need to see her face to know that she was not opposed to having Suki grinding on her like this. It was clear in how her hands reached up to grab Suki's asscheeks and in the way her hips rolled and bucked slightly as if she was trying to meet Sokka's thrusts. This was Azula’s first time getting fucked and her first time having another girl ride her face, and she was enjoying all of it.

"This is even hotter than I thought it would be," Ty Lee said. Sokka just nodded, unwilling to turn his head in her direction since it would mean looking away from the wondrous sight of his girlfriend humping Azula's face. "Hey, Suki, is Sokka any good at giving head?" Suki's eyes opened, and she looked towards Ty Lee with a dreamy smile.

“He’s fantastic,” she said. Suki switched to moving her hips in circles rather than humping back and forth, though Sokka wasn’t sure if she did it because she found it easier to talk this way or if she just wanted a change of pace.

“So, uh, you wouldn’t mind if I asked him to prove it to me right now, would you?” Ty Lee questioned. Suki shrugged her shoulders.

“Not at all,” Sokka’s girlfriend answered. “Wouldn’t be fair to expect you to be the only one just watching.” Suki turned her grin on Sokka. “Sokka, you’ve got my permission to use your mouth on Ty Lee. Show her that thing you can do with your lips.” She gave him a wink, and Sokka grinned. He knew exactly what she meant, but he hadn’t ever expected to be able to use that little trick on anyone but her.

“You’re the best, you know that?” he said. She laughed and nodded her head.

“Of course I do,” she said. “Now, show her what you can do, and I’ll keep having my fun." She started wiggling her hips faster, rubbing her pussy around against Azula's face. Tempting as it was just to keep watching her, he had other things to do now. He turned his head towards Ty Lee, who was excitedly grinning at him as she remained on her knees in the corner of the bed. Sokka looked at how little room they had, and he frowned.

“Uh, not that I’m not happy to pleasure you, but I'm not really sure we have the room for it," he said reluctantly. It wasn't like he could go far, not without pulling out of Azula and interrupting the great thing they had going as Suki rode her face, and he hopefully fucked the anger out of her. But Ty Lee didn't look worried at all.

"Leave it to me!" she said. The former circus acrobat scooted, so she was in front of him and then bent her body backward into a handstand with her hands on either side of Azula's body. Her right foot was planted on the bed near Sokka, and her left leg stuck straight up high in the air. The impressive position put her pussy right in front of Sokka's face. "There! That'll work, right?"

“Sure works for me,” Sokka mumbled, as impressed as he was aroused. He couldn’t have pulled this off to begin with, and he definitely couldn’t have held it for more than a couple of seconds if he’d somehow wound up getting contorted like this. But if Ty Lee could hold this position, he’d be able to eat her out and continue to fuck Azula at the same time.

He went to work, putting his head between Ty Lee’s legs and sticking his tongue out to lap at her pussy lips. The acrobatic girl moaned, so he took that to mean that she wasn’t worried about holding herself up like this and was instead concentrating on the pleasure he could offer her. That, plus the obvious state of her arousal given how wet she was on his tongue, encouraged Sokka to get serious about his cunnilingus. He licked at her pussy faster, and when she responded with louder moans, he moved closer to her clit. Some gentle stimulation with his tongue caused Ty Lee to get even louder in her moaning, confirming that she was as receptive to having her clit licked as Suki was.

Most of the time, Sokka would have to spend quite a bit of time licking Suki's pussy and building her need, getting her closer to cumming before he started going directly after her clit. But that wasn't going to be necessary with Ty Lee. Watching everything that had happened until now had done most of the work for him so he could focus on finishing the job. He licked Ty Lee's clit directly for a bit, enjoying her moans of pleasure before he proceeded to show her the trick that Suki had spoken so highly of. Sokka gave Ty Lee's clit some kisses, and then he took it between his lips and gave it a gentle suck.

It was just as effective on Ty Lee as it had always been on Suki. The beautiful, flexible girl screamed his name as she came, squirting hard all over his face and around his mouth. Sokka smiled into Ty Lee’s pussy, wondering how he’d gotten so lucky to have a girlfriend like Suki, who was not only okay with this but was the one who had set it all up in the first place.

This wasn’t all about him, of course. Suki was having a great time herself, and even if he couldn’t see her with Ty Lee’s pussy right in front of his face, he could hear her continuing to moan while she had her fun. It had been him that Zuko had awkwardly asked to seduce his sister and try and calm her via sex, but Sokka was more than happy to share the sexy firebender's body with his girlfriend.

He never forgot about that original assignment, either. Fucking Azula had remained a central focus even while he ate Ty Lee out and finished her off in short order. His hips had continued to thrust into her hard, giving her the serious fuck she had demanded, and that consistent screwing finally brought Azula to what was her first climax with a partner, if not her first ever. He couldn't see her or hear her, for that matter. But he didn't need to do either to tell that he'd just made her cum. Her pussy squeezing so tight around his cock as she came was all the evidence he needed that he had succeeded in getting Azula off during her first time. Whether this would accomplish what her brother hoped it would was something they couldn't figure out until later. But if nothing else, trying to fuck the anger out of Azula had been a whole lot of fun.

After Ty Lee broke out of her handstand, Sokka could see how much the first fuck had taken out of Azula. Her eyes were closed, and she was breathing hard as she tried to recover. Of course, it wasn’t him alone who was responsible for taking so much out of her. Her face was dripping thanks to Suki too, and his girlfriend looked pretty smug about it, kneeling next to Azula’s head and patting her hair.

"She's definitely not ready for anything more right now," Suki said, stroking the dazed Fire Nation princess's head.

“Who wouldn’t be?” Ty Lee said. “I’m kind of jealous she got to have such a great first time. Mine wasn’t nearly as memorable.”

"Poor girl," Suki said. "Maybe Sokka should make it up to you." She winked, crawled towards him, and wrapped a hand around his cock, which remained hard after pulling out of the exhausted Azula. "You've already felt what his mouth can do. Do you want to try his dick out next?"

As Sokka watched a giddy Ty Lee get down on her back and start pulling her legs towards her head, he knew two things. One, he had the best girlfriend in the world. Two, he really hoped that just one fuck wouldn’t be enough to brighten Azula’s mood.


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