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Summary: Harry and Hermione say their vows and make their public commitment to each other as husband and wife. Once in the wedding suite, Hermione makes a request of Harry that will change everything. (Harry/Hermione)

Content Warnings/Themes: Wedding night sex, fluff and smut, rough sex, creampies

In the end, Hermione had chosen to embrace her muggle roots for her second wedding rather than the magical world she spent the majority of her time in these days. She had listed off several reasons for that decision to Harry, all of them valid. It was definitely easier to keep the date a secret from the nosy wizarding public since nothing related to the magical world had to be used, purchased or prepared for the ceremony. Doing it muggle style also meant that Hermione’s mother got to be much more involved this time around, as opposed to her first wedding. Her relationship with her parents had still been somewhat strained back then; more time had been needed to heal the hurt of her erasing their memories of her and sending them off to Australia to escape the war. Attending her decidedly magical wedding and feeling completely out of place probably hadn’t helped much with that. But Hermione had a much better relationship with her parents these days, and Harry had been around enough while she and her mother discussed their plans to see what a bonding experience it was for them. He had given his opinions when Hermione sought them out, and he’d also voluntarily taken on some of the less exciting duties just so she didn’t have to handle everything herself. But the lion’s share of the planning had been done by Hermione and her mum, and Harry had been happy to leave them to it.

He didn’t feel particularly connected to the muggle world, personally, but he had no problem standing at the church altar while he waited for Hermione to arrive. He would’ve stood and waited in the middle of a desert as long as he knew Hermione was coming.

Neville made eye contact from the front row, giving him a grin and a nod. Harry nodded back at his best man, and smiled at Ginny, Hermione’s maid of honor. Hermione hadn’t wanted to do a full wedding party, but they had asked Neville and Ginny to stand with them. Though they hadn’t had as much time together after Hogwarts, Ginny was Hermione’s longest female friend. Hermione had also decided that she’d rather not have anyone who had an ongoing sexual relationship with him serve as her maid of honor, which had ruled out basically every other woman present at the small, intimate wedding ceremony other than Hermione’s mother, Ginny’s girlfriend and Hannah Abbot, who had come with Neville. Ginny had been his first, but he hadn’t shagged her in years, and she seemed much happier and more comfortable now that she was dating Jordanna.

Jordanna was there as Ginny’s plus-one, and Harry had caught her admiring her redheaded girlfriend’s body in her dress more than once. He didn’t blame her; he still thought Ginny was sexy, even if there wasn’t any spark between them anymore.

Ginny wasn’t the only Weasley present. Ron obviously wasn’t there, and Hermione had thought it a good idea not to invite Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. Charlie was out of the country during Charlie things, and Percy hadn’t come, which meant that Audrey and Penelope were free to hold hands and sit very close together. Bill and Fleur were there, with Bill steadfastly ignoring the flirty smiles Fleur gave Harry any time he looked her way. Gabrielle was on her sister’s other side, and she gave Harry smiles that felt almost romantic.

George and Angelina were there, with Angelina already having prevented her husband from testing one of the latest Wheezes prototypes out on the vicar officiating the wedding. Harry was glad Angelina was there to keep him in line, and also glad that Katie and Alicia had come too. His past and potentially also future quidditch teammates smiled and waved at him, and he smiled and waved back. He’d agreed to try out for the position of seeker for the Dorchester Dragons, along with the incumbent Connor Smythe and several other potential replacements. If Harry was still a good enough flier to earn the position, he would take a sabbatical from his job at the Ministry and at least give quidditch a shot for a season. If he wasn’t good enough to earn the position with his flying, so be it. But he had Hermione’s blessing and encouragement to try it out, and the smiles Angelina, Alicia and Katie gave him were a nice motivation to give it his all. He was sure that he and the chasers would have a great deal of fun on the road together during the season, should he make the team.

Luna was also there, sitting in the very back row all by herself and wearing a dark turquoise dress that probably would have looked odd on anyone else, but seemed to fit her perfectly. That she would be invited was obvious from the beginning, but she’d been off somewhere so remote that the owl hadn’t been able to find her to deliver it. They hadn’t known if she would be attending or if she had even received the invitation until about two days ago, but there she was, smiling and looking around the church as if it was a strange and wondrous place that held undiscovered mysteries to explore. For all he knew, maybe it did.

Harry wasn’t short on beautiful women in his life and his bed, and most of them were sitting in this church as invited guests. In fact, all of them were there save for Lavender, who had been more of a passing fling he and Hermione had hooked up with by chance as opposed to a recurring guest. But no matter how many beautiful women were there or how many smiles he had sent his way, there was only one woman in the world who Harry had eyes for today.

The music changed, and Harry’s eyes widened as she came into view, walking down the aisle on her father’s arm. He had a general idea of what style of wedding dress she had picked, but this was his first time he’d seen her wearing it.

Harry Potter was lucky enough to have a very active sex life with no less than nine women, including two veela, who were literal physical perfection. And he would swear on his life then and there that for as long as he lived, he was never going to see anything as beautiful as Hermione Granger dressed in white and smiling from ear to ear as she walked down the aisle, looking straight at him as she prepared to become his forever.


They’d elected not to write their own vows, which had surprised several of their friends when they’d been told. But as Hermione had succinctly put it when asked, they’d already said everything that needed to be said. This wedding ceremony was more a formality than anything else. It was them making their commitment to each other official in front of everyone, putting it down on paper and allowing their friends to witness their union. It was a chance for Hermione and her mother to bond and make up for what they’d missed out on the first time, and an excuse for them to throw a party with some of the people they cared about most.

There was no need for elaborate speeches or declarations of love and commitment here on this altar; not between them. Maybe they would say a few words during the reception later, and Harry was sure he would be telling Hermione he loved her many times over once they were alone tonight. But here and now, there were only two words that mattered to either of them.

“I do,” he said, once it was finally the right time to say it. He’d almost jumped the gun several times in his eagerness, which had made Ginny smile in amusement at him every time she’d seen his mouth start to open. But the time was right now, and Hermione’s smile when she heard him say those two simple words was dazzling. She continued to smile at him, and he lost himself in that smile and those warm brown eyes while the vicar continued the ceremony. He’d done his part, so he didn’t need to pay any attention now. For Harry, the vicar, Neville, Ginny and the people they’d invited to sit in the small church and watch them all faded from existence. It was just him and Hermione alone right now, and he was waiting to hear her say the two magic words that were going to make her his forever.

“I do,” Hermione said at the appropriate time. Unlike him, she hadn’t opened and closed her mouth multiple times in trying to get the words out. But he could see that those two words were as meaningful to her as they were to him. Everything else from that point on was just going through the motions and waiting for the end of the ceremony that would bind him to this woman who had meant so much to him since he was eleven years old. They’d taken a long, strange journey to get here, but they were both finally right where they were meant to be.

Hermione beamed as he slid the ring onto her finger, and the giggling from Ginny and some others in response to him getting tongue-tied didn’t even register for him. All he heard was Hermione speaking smoothly and warmly about her love and devotion as she slid his ring onto his finger, making him hers. And he was hers, unmistakably, even if she was willing to share him with a number of other girls at times.

Harry was proud to let the whole world know that he belonged to Hermione Granger—make that Hermione Granger-Potter.


Because of its rather dark origins, Hermione hadn’t wanted to do the whole ‘being carried over the threshold’ thing when they entered their bedroom suite. Instead, she had wanted to enter the room on her own two feet while walking hand in hand with him, which was just fine by him. She’d had him help her take her dress off and carefully put it away, and now he got to admire the view as she stood in front of him in her white garter belt, stockings, strapless bra and thong. She looked incredible in it, but he couldn’t wait to get it off of her.

He was allowing her to set the pace, though, and it was obvious to him that she wasn’t ready to hop into bed just yet. She was content to lean back in his arms, let him hug her from behind and kiss her neck while touching her body. Harry was already aroused, and he hoped she would suggest that he start undressing her soon. Until then, though, he was content to kiss her neck and squeeze her breasts through her bra.

“You’re thinking about something, aren’t you, love?” he asked her eventually while touching her thighs above the top of the stockings. “I can’t see your face, but I can tell that big brain is working hard right now.” Hermione laughed softly.

“The size of someone’s brain has nothing to do with their level of intelligence, you know,” she said. “But yes, I’ve been thinking about something, since you mention it.”

“Oh?” Harry pressed a kiss on her bare left shoulder. “Is it something that’s going to take you a little while to work through? Because if you need a bit of time before we head to the bed, it might be good to let me know now. Holding you and kissing you like this is gonna start to feel like a tease before long.” He moved his hands between their bodies and rested them on the flesh of Hermione’s buttcheeks, taking full advantage of all the skin left bared by her thong. “Especially when you’re wearing so little and looking so fucking gorgeous in it.”

“Flatterer.” Hermione giggled, and then her chest rose and fell as she breathed in and out deeply. “I’ve actually been thinking about my contraceptive potion.”

“Yeah?” Harry gave her butt a little squeeze. “Did you forget to bring some with you or something?” If so, that would be a massive shame. There was a charm as well, but Hermione didn’t like the way it made her stomach feel, so they’d always relied on the potion. Thankfully, she shook her head.

“No, I have some in my bag,” she said. “I was actually questioning whether or not I wanted to take it tonight.” Harry took a moment to absorb that, and his hands stilled and then let go of her arse entirely once he considered the likeliest reason for her to bring it up. If he was right about where this was headed, it didn’t really feel like the right time for him to be squeezing her asscheeks between his fingers.

“Are you saying that you want to start trying for a kid?” he asked, keeping his voice carefully steady. Hermione didn’t say anything, but she did nod her head. “I thought you wanted to wait.”

They had of course discussed their long-term hopes and goals well before he’d proposed to her, so he knew that she wanted to start a family with him in the future. Likewise, she knew that he was very much looking forward to being a father. They hadn’t put an exact date or time frame on it, but his understanding was that she hoped to be further along on her career track before she got pregnant with her first child. She’d asked if he’d be willing to wait up to five or six years before they started trying for children, and he’d been perfectly okay with agreeing to that. She was more than worth the wait.

“That’s what I thought, too,” Hermione said. She turned around so she was facing him while still held in his arms. “But the moment I saw you looking at me today when I was walking down the aisle, I asked myself why the hell I would ever want to wait.” Hermione’s eyes swam with emotion as she looked up at him, and Harry held her tighter in his arms. “I know I’d normally want to talk about this more and come up with a thorough plan before we started trying. This is going to change everything in our lives and shift all of our plans, and I would usually want to discuss it meticulously before making any decisions." Harry almost snorted at the stray thought of Hermione writing up a sex schedule for them, like she’d used to make homework planners for him back in school. “But I don’t need my brain to plan this out, because my heart is telling me this is right. I’ve waited long enough to make it here, Harry. I don’t want to wait anymore. I want to have children.” She smiled. “Your children.”

“You’re sure?” She seemed sure, but Harry didn’t want there to be even the slightest possibility that she would change her mind tomorrow or a week from now. He had been prepared to wait years for her to be ready, but now that she was suggesting that she wanted to start trying here and now, his desire to become a father and start a family with her was shooting to the forefront. He wanted to make sure there wasn’t a chance she might get cold feet about this after the fact, once she was no longer being influenced by the emotions of their wedding that had concluded hours earlier. If he let this hope grow any bigger than it already had, a reversal would crush him.

But Hermione didn’t flinch, and she didn’t look away. She nodded at him while holding eye contact, and her smile only grew bigger. It reminded him of the way she’d looked at him while they slid their rings onto each other’s fingers and finalized their commitment to each other.

“Yes,” she said. Her voice did not waver. “I know I suggested I might want to wait several more years when we discussed this before, but I have never been more certain of anything else in my life than I am about this.” She chuckled. “Save for asking you to make me yours for good when we had our first night together, perhaps. Or saying yes when you asked me to marry you.” He smiled back at her, wondering if he’d ever smiled this widely or felt this happy. “I want to start trying for children, Harry—tonight. I’m ready.” She bit her lower lip. “Are you?”

There were any number of things that Harry could have said in response. He could have said that this was a dream come true; that he’d always wanted a family and starting one with her had been on his mind since the first time they’d had sex and he’d made her his. He could have told her how much he loved her, and how this had already been the best day of his life even before she’d asked him this life-changing question.

Much as he’d felt with the vows, though, Harry didn’t believe he needed to say any of those things. Words could never do justice to the way he felt about Hermione Granger-Potter, and the joy he felt in knowing that she was ready to be his wife and start a family with him. Rather than trying to figure out how to tell her any of this, he tried to show her. He dropped his hands down to her lower back, pulled her in and kissed her.

Hermione must have gotten the message, because she didn’t pull back to try and ask him any more questions. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him back, moaning into his mouth as they embraced. They’d done plenty of kissing today, especially since they’d made it into their wedding suite. But it took on a different meaning now that she’d shared what she was thinking with him. From the beginning, it had gone without saying that they were going to have sex tonight, and likely loads of it. But now they both knew that it wasn’t just going to be sex. As amazing as sex always was between them, whether they were alone or had company to share their bed with, it had just taken on a brand-new meaning tonight. They weren’t just going to have sex for the pleasure and the intimacy of the act. Hermione, the girl who had been an unshakable pillar of Harry’s life since he was eleven years old, wanted him to try and get her pregnant, starting now. As familiar as he was with the desire that snogging Hermione always instilled in him, he had never needed to have her as badly as he did in this moment.

Upon feeling Hermione’s hands moving to grab the waistband of his boxers and start tugging, Harry realized that she was as ready to move to the bed and get started as he was. He stepped out of his boxers and kicked them aside once she pushed them down his legs, and then he got to work on stripping her down too. His fingers undid her bra and pulled it away while she squeezed his cock with her soft hand, but he didn’t take any time to grab at the prize that was her bared breasts. There were more important things for him to be doing right now, like picking her up in his arms and carrying her over to the bed. He still didn’t carry her bridal style. Instead, he held her by the ass and walked her over to the bed, stepping slowly as she kissed him over and over again on the way.

He finally broke the kiss and laid her down on the bed gently. Hermione wiggled and scooted until she was more or less in the center of it, and her head rested on the pillow. He gave her more kisses as he hovered above her, and then kissed his way down her throat before finally taking the time to squeeze her breasts and give her nipples a brief lick, one after the other.

Hermione sighed and ran her hands through his hair as he kissed down towards her belly, but when he moved onto his stomach to get himself into a better position to go down on her, his new wife’s hands grabbed his head.

“No, Harry,” she said. He looked up at her in surprise, never knowing her to turn down oral sex when he offered it to her. She shook her head as their eyes met, but she was smiling. “I can’t wait another second. Inside of me, please.” Harry’s cock twitched.

“I don’t think this first time is gonna last very long,” he warned her.

Good,” she said, voice firm. “I want you to cum inside of me as quickly as you can, husband.” The way she called him husband like that, all aroused and needy, made Harry’s nostrils flare. Fuck, he needed this woman badly! She grinned up at him, and she began to rub his sides with her stocking-clad legs and feet. She definitely knew how she was affecting him, and leaned into it.

“I figured I’d get you off with my mouth before we started, just so I can make sure,” he explained, even as he adjusted his position so he was up on his knees between her legs. Hermione scoffed and rolled her eyes.

“As if you’ll have any issue getting hard again!”  “You’re going to make me cum many times tonight, Harry. And I want you to be inside me every single time. You can eat me out in the morning, if you still have the energy for it. Tonight, I want you to cum inside of me as many times as you physically can.”

Hermione, his best friend turned wife, wanted his cock inside of her all night long. Who was he to deny her? Harry moved her thong to the side, grabbed his cock and guided it inside of her. Their eyes met, green staring into brown as he penetrated her for the first time since they’d sworn their vows and become man and wife. Even if their bond had already been unbreakable and permanent in their hearts the moment she’d asked him to make her his while they were shagging at the Burrow, there was still a sense of that bond becoming even stronger now that he was pushing into her on their wedding night while she wore her bridal stockings and garter belt. And on top of it all, of course, was the fact that she had asked him to try and get her pregnant.

He couldn’t help but want to move quickly, especially when she was staring up at him with such desire in her eyes. Part of him felt like their first time as husband and wife should have been slower and softer than this, but Hermione had made it clear what she wanted. She wanted him to cum inside of her as quickly as he could, and he could feel his body itching to give her what she was after. His hips moved briskly, thrusting his cock deep into the woman who had given him everything, from her friendship to her love and now her hand in marriage. He couldn’t get enough of her. He would never be able to get enough of her.

Despite how quickly he was thrusting into her, their first time as a married couple still managed to feel quite romantic in its own way. Hermione’s legs bend at the knees, and he could feel her heels rubbing against his arse and her stockings brushing against his side as he leaned over her and shagged her in their luxurious wedding suite. Hermione’s hands were on his neck, and their lips met in a kiss as passionate as any they had ever shared. Any time their lips parted, it was only for a few seconds before they went right back to kissing. Their emotions weren’t as volatile as they had been the first time, when they’d laid their feelings bare and committed to make their affair into something much deeper. But that was because they knew where they stood now. They’d made their commitment known to the world, and this was the culmination of all of it. Harry was kissing and shagging his best friend, the love of his life, his wife, and the future mother of his children. If they had their way, she might become that last one far sooner than he’d expected her to be before they made it to the suite.

He couldn’t help the urgent snap of his hips, the groan against her lips or the orgasm that erupted out of him. Hermione moaned into his mouth as she felt him begin to cum inside of her. She wasn’t at her own climax just yet; he hadn’t been fucking her long enough for that to be possible. But this was exactly what she’d requested, and she was getting it. For the very first time, Harry was cumming deep inside of her without any protection in place. Throughout his orgasm, he was very aware of the fact that he was actually trying to breed Hermione. Maybe it was just his imagination, but it felt to him like he pumped more cum into Hermione’s pussy here and now than he had ever cum in a single shot.

He pulled out of her after he was finished cumming, but his desire did not cool just because he was fresh off of an orgasm. He sat back on his knees and stared down at her, naked save for her white stockings and garter with some of his cum trickling out of her pussy. Hermione Granger-Potter, his wife officially as of a few hours ago, was all his to love, to touch, to fuck and to hopefully impregnate soon. It was very possible that he’d already succeeded in getting her pregnant, but he wasn’t about to leave it there. Already, desire grew within him again.

“That’s a good start,” Hermione said, smiling up at him. She stretched her right leg up so her toes were rubbing against his chest. Before she could say anything more, he grabbed her leg by the ankle, and used his other hand to lift her left leg up off of the bed too. He bent her legs back until her knees nearly touched her shoulders, and he moved up to squat over her.

“This feels familiar,” Hermione whispered, her voice shaky. Harry knew it wasn’t out of fear. Her voice was so shaky because she was incredibly aroused. She remembered the first time he’d bent her legs back and squatted above her like this. It was right after she’d told him she wanted him to claim her for real, and he’d grabbed her by the Gryffindor tie, claimed her and then bent her in half just like this to give her a proper fucking.

He hadn’t really planned to shag her like this on their wedding night. In his head, tonight was going to be purely soft and romantic. But that was before she’d asked him to try and get her pregnant tonight, and to cum in her as many times as he could. If she was going to make that sort of request from him, it was only right that he fuck her just like he had when he made her his.

Hermione definitely approved of this return to their memorable first night together, as she made clear by squealing when he slammed his cock back inside of her pussy. He’d more than shaken off his last orgasm and was ready to jump straight into fucking Hermione, so he held nothing back in rutting her in the middle of the bed on their wedding night.

Their first time as husband and wife had been quite romantic, regardless of the speed with which he’d been moving his hips. But romance was the furthest thing from his mind now as he pinned Hermione’s legs back and slammed his cock down to fill her pussy up again and again, grunting and fucking his wife like an animal. The bed was better able to take this kind of pounding than Ron’s old bed at the Burrow, which had sagged beneath them as he went all-out to claim Hermione’s body.

But the same could arguably not be said for Hermione. Her reaction had been powerful and enthusiastic the first time he’d fucked her like this. All he had to do was close his eyes and he could still remember the way she’d screamed his name over and over again that night. But her voice was weaker this time, constantly breaking into groans and gasps any time she attempted to say a word. Harry didn’t mind. He understood what she was trying to communicate to him through her groans and gasps, and he knew why she was even less in control of herself now than she had been the first time he’d shagged her like this what felt like ages ago now.

“Gonna knock you up, Mine,” he growled while fucking her. Hermione instantly let out a raspy squeal in response, and he knew it wasn’t just because he’d dropped back down to give her another deep thrust. This was what had her unable to even form intelligible screams this time around. He’d already claimed her as his. The first time he’d claimed her, just between the two of them, had been immediately before he’d bent her body in half and fucked her just like this. Earlier today, they’d formalized that she was his and he was hers. But this, right now, at this very moment, was him doing his absolute best to impregnate her, and that was why she couldn’t control herself. He wasn’t just bending her in half and fucking her relentlessly for the sake of physical gratification. These deep, frantic thrusts that shook the bed as well as Hermione’s body were meant to help him force his seed into her unprotected womb as quickly as he could.

“Breed you,” Harry muttered. “Gonna breed you, Mine!” His eyes narrowed and his hips dropped with even greater emphasis as he told her what he was going to do to her. It had been meant to turn her on, but he was finding that it was getting him going just as much. She’d made the request, but he wanted to get her pregnant just as badly as she wanted it to happen. Talking about it and telling her he was going to breed her only made him want to work harder to make that happen, and it naturally translated to him fucking her with even faster strokes than he already had been. Even this bed, clearly designed for supporting the passions of just-married couples, creaked as Harry hammered his wife.

Predictably, it didn’t take long for him to get there. He groaned and squeezed Hermione’s ankles as he began to cum inside of her for the second time that night. Hermione shouted and trembled as she shot over the edge right along with him, hitting the climax that had been building since before he’d pushed his cock into her for the first time tonight. Harry kept her body bent back and held onto her ankles as he continued to fill her with his cum. He groaned at the feeling of her pussy squeezing around him through her own climax, almost like she was trying to milk it all out of him. His groans weren’t particularly quiet, but Hermione’s cries and squeals easily drowned them out. Just how loud she was being made him wonder how much of it was because of the physical pleasure, and how much was her excitement at the possibility of him actually impregnating her then and there. He knew how much the thought turned him on, and she definitely seemed to find it just as exciting.

Her demand that he cum inside of her as many times as he possibly could tonight was not lost on him, and when he let go of her legs and allowed her body to unfold, he knew that his job was not done. But after a fuck like that, he would need at least a little bit of time to recover. Fortunately for him, he could tell as he pulled out of her that Hermione was unlikely to complain. She was red-faced and panting, but there was a bright smile on her face all the same.

“Amazing,” she gasped. “So bloody amazing.”

“You said it.” Harry placed his hand on top of her belly and moved it around in circles, imagining what it would feel like when she grew large with their first child. She looked down at his hand, and her smile widened as she put her hand over the back of his and joined it on its circling. When she looked back up at him, there were tears in her eyes.

“I love you,” she whispered. “So much.”

“Not as much as I love you, Mine,” he said.

“Don’t bet on that, Harry.” She narrowed her eyes at him, but her lips quirked as she fought not to smile or laugh.

“I’ll go back to trying to put a baby in here in a few minutes, if that works for you,” he said. Hermione laughed lightly.

“My legs are still shaking, so yes, a few minutes to rest isn’t the worst idea.” She held her arms out to welcome him as he settled down to snuggle beside her, and they shared a slow, soft kiss. “But you will be going back inside of me as soon as you’re erect again.”

“Try and stop me,” Harry said. Their kiss remained soft, but his hands went down to squeeze her bare arse, mixing romance and lust as he and Hermione always seemed to. Hermione climbed on top of him while continuing to kiss him, doing her part to get him hard again so he could take another shot at getting her pregnant soon.

It was a good thing they had reserved this room for a full day, because Harry could already tell he was still going to be filling his wife with his cum when the sun came up.



I love the sincerity you’re able to convey through the way Harry and Hermione are looking at each other as she walks down the aisle and they put the rings on each other’s fingers.


I also love the little snippets about Harry grabbing Hermione’s ass cheeks when they’re making out before the breeding conversation and at the end when they are cuddling.


I'm glad some of the softer romantic aspects of this story are appreciated, as unlikely as that turn in the story would have seemed back at the beginning considering the scenario that started it all. 😆


The Harry of this story can't get enough! He said he was an ass man, and he wasn't lying!