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As an early Holiday gift, we came up with an amazing new addition for ANYONE subscribed to SILVER or higher!   Every few weeks we will be releasing a COMPLETE SKW CLASSIC VIDEO from our archives!

Our first selection is truly amazing:  A NEW CHAMPION (starring Angelina and Vanessa Harding!!!

CLIP FILE: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ub8q6bbqVhuHzNi2NjiZ3gzsuaIT5sLA/view?usp=drive_link

Reply and click LOVE if you want MORE!!!

Synopsis: "We’re not quite sure what Angelina was  thinking when she put her title on the line against Vanessa Harding, but  the attitude she puts out during her pre-match interview is one of pure  self-confidence, laced with the kind arrogance and aggression that gets  people into major trouble. Vanessa Harding’s interview is the complete  opposite, depicting a wrestler HONORED by the opportunity to take on  SKW’s top girl.

As the match begins, it seems that  Angelina’s skills are there to bac her trash talking. She nails VANESSA  with a brutal slap to the face, only to follow it up with a Flatliner  that leads to a long series of belly blows to soften the veteran pro up!  Angelina wastes no tme, trapping the tall brunette in a vicious figure  four neck scissors that puts her to sleep in record time! Going on to  wake her up with a vicious boston crab, Angelina follows it up with a  back-bending camel clutch, talking as much trash as humanly possible as  she makes Vanessa scream in pain!

And the SKW champ ain’t done yet, folks.  She drops Vanessa with a sudden KO stunner…finishing it off with a  long-held and successful sleeper hold KO! At this point Angelina can go  for a final pin…but her boastful attitude gets in the way as she picks  Vanessa up…not even seeing Vanessa’s arm pull back for a sudden low blow  that sends Angelina crashing to the mats in sudden agony!

What Angelina unleashes in Vanessa’s fury  has to be seen to be believed, folks. When Vanessa finally takes over,  it becomes a one-sided bash filled wth pain, KOs, submissions…and more.  And as much as we’d love to tell you that Angelina came out on top at  the last second…as much as we’d love to say that she remains the SKW  champ…

Well…if we did so, that would make us big fat liars.

No matter who lost, it’s the fans that have won in this amazing battle…one that we’re sure you’ll never forget!"




Is it possible to request some D’amo classic? Great work.


One of my favourite matches ever. The piledriver at the end is 🔥 + Angelina in a 2-piece workout gear 😍