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- PRE-RELEASE - (08.03.2022)
- PUBLIC RELEASE - (27.03.2023)

Androstadienone - an endogenous steroid and a highly potent human pheromone; a component of male sweat secreted by the apocrine glands, frequently used as the main ingredient of perfumes. Its characteristic scent modulates women's behavior. Androstadienone increases their interest, counteracts anger & irritation, promotes a sense of safety and security, and maximizes the sexual attractiveness of men secreting it,. Sensed by heterosexual men, it promotes cooperative behavior, whereas by homosexual men it may increase interest.
In addition to pheromonal activity, androstadienone, as a powerful endogenous neuroactive steroid, promotes neural processing and improves decision-making skills, confidence, and mood, making you sociable and mentally sharp.

ATTRACT WOMEN - is the upgraded, more efficient version of Attract Females released in 2020. This composition of binaural beats, isochronic tones, pink noise, and subliminal messages increases androstadienone synthesis, secretion, and its activity in the body, emphasizing all of the benefits that come with it.

For best results, listen to 2-4x daily.




Yes, that's what the third part of my answer refers to. It improves self-confidence and mood and promotes sociability.


Yo BN, So I'm listening to this with be a sex machine. Do both these do anything on the thinking and mindset? I swear I had both on repeat for about 12 times scattered throughout the day and when I went to the store right now it was like a fuse something clicked in me, had all eyes on me, turned into a social animal and even got pulled to a separate check out so I was the first and only person in the line, it was like I had VIP treatment or something .


Both affect the mindset, attitude, and mood directly and indirectly - through, i.a., the gabaergic and dopaminergic activity of pheromones and subconscious programming. As for pheromones, they also directly modulate people's behavior in the environment.


As far as I know, the side effects of Androstadienone cause anxiety. Does this audio also have to overcome the effects of anxiety? *Sorry my English is bad


This is a misinterpretation. The effects of androstadienone are modulated by anxiety, but this only applies to men with high social anxiety who encounter a man releasing this pheromone (a person listening to this audio, for instance). Androstadienone makes them considerably more compliant, causes gaze avoidance, and promotes cooperative behavior. As for the endogenous benefits (benefits for the person secreting it), it improves self-confidence, promotes a good mood, reduces social anxiety, and increases sexual satisfaction.

iuf 09

About how long do you think it would take to notice changes in others behavior?


Idk but in medschool we’ve learnt that pheromones receptors are the receptors with the most affinity so I think that even if it rises a little bit u'll notice a big change

Brian O

Awesome, thanks!

Blueflame J.

How long will the increase in secretion last after listening?

Hanzo Hasashi

"Whereas homosexual men may show interest" I mean don’t get me wrong i want women to be attracted to me …not gay dudes lol


Nothing to do there. Even with Androstenone men around me act like little girls. I already have an intimidating presence, that coupled with pheromone boosters seem to be doing the trick. Stopped using all types of pheromone boosters (Used those as a test) as I aim to be "Out of sight, out of mind" kind of guy, Nevertheless, BN's productions seem to be the most effective.

Hanzo Hasashi

With androsterone is normal since is the most "fearsome" pheromone from all it gives vibes of extremely dominant Alpha Male pair it with the intimidating presence you have -i have (6ft3 bald jacked etc) .. but i don’t wanna have gay dudes hitting on me that’s cringe lol


That's the essence of androstadienone and many other pheromones bro. Nothing you can do about it lol


Maybe it's coincidental, but my gf and a friend at work acted differently after I used this yesterday and today couple of times. Much more politely, submissively etc. But... yesterday was international women's day... so it's hard to estimate. Anyway, IMO it works very fast. I will update in a couple of days :)


It'll promote androstadienone release right from the first listening, reaching its peak between 1st - 3rd week. It depends upon the individual, but there's a high chance of noticing the first effects even the day after (especially while being a little sweaty).


Well, pheromones affect the behavior of both women and men, so it's no surprise. As Crusher mentioned, men will respond variously to androstenone, being more submissive, while men with more dominant-like nature may react aggressively. In contrast, Androstenol will promote GABA-related response mainly in both sexes, or be neutral to some men, while androstadienone will work, as mentioned in the description. That's the nature of these compounds - the human organism responds to them given sex, individual predispositions, and sexual preferences.


It's tough to estimate it accurately, as it depends on how efficiently your body was secreting androstadienone beforehand. However, the longer you listen to it regularly (and thus teach your body to increase the release of androstadienone), the longer the continued secretion afterward - beginning from hours to more extended time.


"while men with more dominant-like nature may react aggressively" - That's the problem and the main reason I couldn't put pheromones to a proper test. Haven't seen an Alpha in years (In person, besides from my Father and Grandfathers). All I see are Beta Males filled with Lust, Rage and the insane desire to hurt innocent people.

Cioroaba Eduos

Man, check out Masculinity Rediscovered chanel, he stole you r productions, i write you on private, make sure u check DM s


Thank you once again for reporting that! Problem solved. "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Binaural Nutrition."

Cioroaba Eduos

Check out also grow taller, it is you r production also the subliminal one

Cioroaba Eduos

Okay, just wanted to let you know


There is probably a mistake - the description says "- PRE-RELEASE - (08.03.2020)".


Have a couple of questions - since the production's name is "ATTRACT WOMEN", not "ANDROSTADIENONE" or anything, does it contain affirmations specifically for attracting women, other than pheromone release? And why, in your opinion, it is androstadienone that is the best pheromone for attracting women? From what I've heard - androstenone should be the most potent one for that purpose. But I may be wrong because I'm far from being a specialist in this topic🙂


Yes, it does. There's not a single best pheromone for that purpose, as the responses always vary among women, depending upon the day of the menstrual cycle, relationship status, the intensity of sexual activity, etc. However, I chose androstadienone due to its endogenous effects on the mindset and "stable" influence on women sensing it (positive/neutral), not strongly dependent on the mentioned variables. Androstenone is commonly known as a pheromone of sex and domination, and by its chemical specificity, it may have an unpleasant odor for some women. It exhibits the highest potency in women during ovulation and during sexual activity (while we sweat). Preferably should be combined with, e.g., androstadienone to mitigate some of its effects. On the other hand, androstadienone shows high neuroactivity endogenously, improving self-confidence, and promoting good mood and sociability. Among women, it enhances their interest, mood, and feeling of safety and counters anxiety.


Thanks for the detailed response! One more question tho - does androstenone affect the mindset/mood of a person releasing it?