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- PRE-RELEASE - (01.02.2022)
- PUBLIC RELEASE - (07.01.2022)

Most dental problems can be prevented by proper oral care - tooth and tongue brushing, flossing, and a proper diet. However, sometimes this may not be enough. The most common oral diseases are tooth decay/erosion/sensitivity, gum disease, or improper bacterial flora. In addition to mouth pain and discomfort, it can also lead to bad breath and mouth sores.

- DENTAL REPAIR & RECOVERY - a comprehensively designed production created for proper dental care and promoting oral health. Binaural beats and 1⁄f noise will stimulate the body to improve regenerative processes - accelerate gum regeneration, reduce inflammation, strengthen teeth (promoting tooth remineralization), prevent periodontitis, tooth hypersensitivity, mouth ulcers, and other oral diseases. In addition, it reveals a potential to strengthen the replication of stem cells in the teeth, accelerating regeneration after moderate dental injuries.

For best results, listen 2-3 times a day.




helps receding gums?


Will this straighten teeth as well or just help with damage?


Help with damage/prevention mainly. Though there's a chance that exposure to that frequency could line up teeth a little, the composition wasn't pre-tested for that purpose, so I wouldn't like to promise you that. Anyway, feel free to listen to it, then notice your results. It definitely won't cause any harm and will be highly beneficial in general, even if it won't straighten teeth right away.


Really glad you made this. Had a piece of my molar fall out recently despite the fact I'm taking care of my teeth and making sure I have enough minerals.


Does this strengthen teeth and gums aswell to prevent future damage like decay or receding gums provided we follow good oral hygiene?


Yes, as it's one of the primary purposes of the product (recovery, strengthening + oral cavity diseases prevention).


Teeth whitening?


By preventing diverse diseases, it'll make teeth more healthy and preserve their color, also whitening them to a lesser extent. However, like about teeth straightening (referring to my other comment), it would require me to create a differently-working product (noted).


Missing tooth regrowth is needed badly please!


Can this repair chipped teeth?


Unfortunately not, as secondary teeth can't grow back on their own despite dental stem cells. However, it'll ease the pain if the damage is severe.


Alright thank you, there was no pain. My teeth were just slowly chipping away even though I practiced properly hygiene since listening to this production my teeth have stopped breaking and my gums are healing