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- PRE RELEASE - (04.09.2021)
- PUBLIC RELEASE - (11.06.2022)

here is a strong reason why I named composition the same way as the legendary nootropic from the "Limitless" movie - a pill that allows people to acquire superhuman mental abilities. This composition of binaural beats, appropriately modified brown noises, and comprehensive subliminal messages is designed to mimic the activity of this highly potent smart drug as closely as it could be ever possible through exposure to rhythmic auditory stimuli.

- NZT-48 | Limitless - will greatly enhance neurogenesis, neuroplasticity, and neuronal responsiveness while simultaneously improving basal brain functions (i.a., problem-solving, decision making) by moving brainwaves to a high beta/low gamma activity pattern inducing positive short and long-term effects. As a result, the composition will take listeners' cognitive functions to a higher level, promoting brain cell growth, positively affecting mental endurance, memorization, mental acuity, and increasing focus directly - binaural beats and indirectly - through subconscious mind programming led by subliminal messages. Furthermore, induce a slightly stimulating effect, thus positively affecting motivation, allowing you to finish your daily tasks with the highest efficiency.

Listen to 1-2x daily for best results (best in the morning/midday or noon). Due to its slightly stimulating nature, I don't  recommend using it right before sleep time.



Luig Shen

Does it have strong long-term & built-up effects too?

Seville teddy

is it good as a preworkout?


That's right. Thanks to subliminal messages, the effects will be long-lasting, and a build-up effect may occur. The effects induced by strictly binaural beats, at some point, will also adapt the brain (build-up-like effect) to work daily with higher efficiency by allowing it to reach with ease beta and gamma range whenever it is needed.


Yes, it should be. Even though I didn't make it right for this exact purpose, the way it affects the body and mind may be very profitable during a training session. I didn't say "definitely" because it will depend on individuals. For example, some people prefer to train in a "semi-meditative-like" state (the brain enters alpha activity) when others tend to train on the border of the "fight-or-flight" response. Just test it once, and you will be sure if that's what you are looking for.


That's crazy!!! It feels like yours modafinil x10. Maybe just a little bit too stimulating. I didn't drink coffee today but I feel like I drank two cups. Before answering to a question I don't overthink. Just like it is my subconscious answering. Hard to explain, but its the real deal.


No, it won't. This composition is made to be just perfectly balanced between strongly focused mindset and slightly stimulated body.


This works well. Was tired, listend, started cleaning and played the piano for about an hour before noticing. Kinda weared off by then, but it feels like the effect are kicking back in after I took a small break. Amazing! wouldn't mind if it was stronger :) Anyway: Great job BN, this is incredible! Have an fantastic day!


To fight tiredness, - Armodafinil - or - Ritalin - would be the better choice. - NZT-48 - acts more as a nootropic rather than a stimulant. Thank you, have a great day too!


Thanks for the advice, I think I try the flmodafinil tomorrow pared with NZT :) Ps: Tried the NZT today as well, worked great, actually better than yesterday (studied, but the difference was very noticable for me). Thanks for creating these BN! Edit 2: Realized that it has increased my hunger, will test it further for some days to see if that's the case. Also motivation is no joke, it's not overly exaggerated or forced, but it comes naturally. I am looking forward to when this is more documented! Maybe I'll update tomorrow :)


Day 3: Tried NZT way earlier, so I did not see the difference in the same way as the two other days. However, despite that, I did find my day in a way more packed and fullfilling. Combined later in the day (like 5 hours ago) with Flmodafinil binaural, and practiced archery for the first time, and I will say the NZT still had some lingering effects (like the subtle strong motivation and faster learning cure (compared to myself)), but I am unsure yet since I don't have enough quantitative evidence. Anyway: Great binaural, will now try the CBD (tried it yesterday evening) to relax + IQ binaural. Nice, have a nice day everyone :) Maybe I'll update tomorrow as well! Edit 1: Flmodafinil canceled the hungry effect I have realized with NZT (both yesterday and today), will check if it's just the FLmodafinil or if it's the combination of both :) Edit 2: Hungry effect from NZT reminds me of Ibutamoren's hunger stimulating effect (not right there, but quite similar to 10mg of Ibutamoren/ mk-677). It can be due to me just using my body alot more, both mentally and physically, since the motivation-part of NZT have helped me so far alot (ALOT). Have a nice day :)


Thank you for such detailed feedback! Well, it seems like some pretty good results in their full spectrum (i.a. increased motivation) may begin to occur even more rapidly than I supposed. I'm very glad to know that you noticed such significant effects even just after a couple of listens. "hungry effect (...) it can be due to me just using my body alot more, both mentally and physically, since the motivation-part" - yes, it should be the exact reason. Even though thinking does not burn a lot of calories, spontaneous activity resulted from enhanced motivation, and performing planned activity with higher intensity will greatly affect calorie consumption. Well, now I'm unsure if to call it a "side effect"! I look forward to your further updates!

Luig Shen

well, in the film, the effect was also something like rewiring his brain, is it the case of this as well? Or it's just making the brain work with higher frequencies? And also, have you done studies with this?


Haha, no problem BN. Also noted: I remember my dreams alot more (noticed the effect 2 days ago, this night it was more subtle (nothing crazy, but definitely enhanced))- like being alot more vivid in terms of imagery and "story"-plot. Also memory overall has begun to form occationally (like 4-6 times a day now) in these flashes (lasting for mere a second), which somehow makes me remember the memories better and relativly instantly (have been paring the binaurals with Lion's Mane 1500mg and B12 0,25ml + some creatine monohydrate (around 3mg)). Visualization in terms of drawing (I do this sometimes) has become more "stand-still" (being able to hold the visualization longer), same with planning moves in chess. Also yesterday, I was unable to try it before later at the day, but it seemed like resulting effect were lasting, with no awkward tieredness except the first-like 3/4 hours of the day. Will without doubt say it works, but I personally need to experiment some more to discover the effects. Anyway: The hungry effect seems to be that as you describe; "due to being more active and persuing more things/ doing more things," but it's no problem anymore, only a little unusual (for me). Next week I will try to see how the results are when used more than once (2-3 times of NZT). Will be gone for some days, so I will test the duration without the binaurals for those days to check how it will be. Write you guys later. And a question BN (if you have time): What field/binaural do you recommend for increased tendon strength and lean muscle mass? ->For specifically archery? I want to improve, but unsure what is the best one for increased accuracy, so- if you have any such programs, then I will gladly accept them :) Ok, I may come back tomorrow! Have an amazing day ahead everyone.


I think, the production: "Mind-Muscle Connector" will be helpful for archery. And the "Testosterone Therapy" Morphic Field will be helpful for everything.


Absolutely! No need for overthinking, and as you write so perfectly "just like it is my subonscious answering!" :) I am curious: After using this for half a week: Have you (like me) also experience flashes of memories (like seeing certain memories in a flash of 1-3 seconds, and just know what had happen in them) -and are you still using this? Edit 1: Unsure about the modafinil (I have not tried it), but in terms of promoting motivation to just do productive things, yeah for certain. Great description btw :)


Thanks Crusher, will try that tomorrow :) Edit 1: Worked well, almost hit my target today! I used the Mind-Muscle Connector 4 times, then Testosterone Propionate 4 times. Shot about 4x30 sets of arrows (45lb), and all of them were pretty accurate (did hit the target twice, which is big since it's not so long time since I started)! Edit 2: Did not update yesterday because I was so inspired (started writing, something that I have wished to do in a very long time- about 4000words ish, which is good (for me)). Memory is clearer, waking up is clearer, speaking in the mornings are clearer- The NZT, works very well so far! PS: Will try the NZT multiple times today to see the effect range (how the progress will be).


Despite all my old comments I've made but this binaural beat is feeling very effective & anti depressant on the first listen. I'll update if needed. Update: The memorization benefit is definitely noticeable. My dreams became more memorable/clear, lesser Brain fog. I'm also remembering lot of my past childhood, my addictive personality has disappeared, I become more productive. My priorities in life changing for the better. I started following my old healthy diet again. I became more logical & my self esteem has improved. My life goals has more reasoning to complete, just in general better quality of life. My expectations were low, this is a feeling i would never expect from a binaural beat. I don't want to get too much into detail my of personal life but this binaural beat is beneficial.


Update of understanding: This works so well! It have had until now prominent cognitive effects like Motivation, Memory Enhancement, Ability for empathy, Ability for reasoning, Ability to adapt, it has done so much for me, so this for sure works. Will take a break from updating for now and may return in the future to give a more clear and objective report around the usage of this NZT binaural field. Great work BN, thanks for doing this and making such content for people to explore. I think I can say that we recognize and appreciate your work, despite it being pateron (free on Youtube)-but with greater quality! Have a wonderful week ahead! Edit 1: Fixed some spelling mistakes.


I still use it, but only once in the morning. It really stimulates me the way I like (I also quit drinking coffee!) and makes me go easly through the day. I didn't experience flashbacks and.. I'm glad I didn't! :) And your description is great!! I enjoyed reading it a lot! I think I will make one free spot in my daily binaural routine and use this one more regularly like 2x daily.


Nice :) That's cool, great to read that it helps. It's quite captivating how it affects motivation (as well as other procecess)! "I didn't experience flashbacks" maybe it's due to me being a person who's very visual in thinking?- like picturing things such as objects when drawing or ocationally forming profiles of things like car engines or anatomy charts (no special reason to, it has fairly simply been my interest these past years). Anyhow, it's sort of exciting that the NZT works in these ways. "I think I will make one free spot in my daily binaural routine and use this one more regularly like 2x daily" go for it! The NZT works wonders! Also thanks for the reply Kosiar :), I am glad you liked my journey rapport! Kind regards Rex'T.


So i'm in med school in France and before the start of the class i listen to this one single time. The next 4 hours i am so focused i understand everything the Professor says it's really very powerful

Luig Shen

well, in the film, the effect was also something like rewiring his brain, is it the case of this as well? Or it's just making the brain work with higher frequencies when speaking just of binaurals? And also, have you done studies with this?

Moritz Alexander

Am I right in making the assumption that this upregulates dopamine receptors?


Though it does positively affect dopamine release and the response of dopamine receptors, it won't upregulate them significantly.

Moritz Alexander

Ok I wasn't exactly sure what ,but I estimated it had some effect on the dopamine system... Does it also have the social benefits implicated in the movie limitless?

Moritz Alexander

Does it make you feel like this ? Good . Then it works Haha https://youtu.be/TrDAuU8Blhc


"NZT-48" is made of both binaural beats and subliminal messages, and they work simultaneously. Binaural beats allow the brain to work with higher efficiency at higher brainwave patterns and positively affect cognition. Thanks to subliminal messages, the production affects the brain even more comprehensively. Yes, it does "rewire the brain," as it also promotes neurogenesis, neuronal responsiveness and adapts the brain to function more efficiently. Sure, I studied the frequencies quite a lot (first, while working on Armodafinil, so three years ago. To avoid questions - it is composed differently). I also did proper research of publications, as there is quite a lot of data available about the influence of binaural beats on cognitive functions and neuroplasticity.


Could you make a CPH4 type of formula? Its from the movie ‘Lucy’.. very cool


Though the statement "people only use 10% of our brains" is a common neuromyth, I still partially agree with that sentence. It's all about the current state of mind - brainwave activity, which can be manipulated and changed accordingly to our needs. (the higher frequency, the more efficiently the brain is functioning). For sure, neuroscientists would agree that when we take, e.g., modafinil, our brain begins to use more of its capacity than without it. Thanks for the suggestion. I've already begun working on an alternative to NZT-48, and CPH4 seems to be just the right name.