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A lot of my listeners requested that I create productions solely using classic subliminals and morphic fields without the use of binaural beats or isochronic tones. After several years of holding off, I did meticulous research again and decided - Let's do this.

For this purpose, I created an additional tier named "Chemical Processes" that will include access to:

- the latest productions based on subliminal and morphic fields

- additional votes

Up to the end of this month, I'll release three productions, from which one will be available on YouTube [update 30.08.2021/ - Androgen Receptors - ; - - Trenbolone - ; - Testosterone therapy -]

By subscribing to this tier, you will gain access to all the rewards available in the lower tiers, such as the "Active Substance" and "Essential Knowledge" tiers. If you previously chose the Active Substance tier but are not interested in subliminals and morphic fields, don't worry. Nothing will change for you. I keep on producing binaural beats and further improving their effectiveness. My scientific research continues.


Okay, but does morphic field-based programming work? Wasn't BN skeptical?


There is a common misconception that the subconscious mind is the 90% of the brain that we don't use, as popularized in the movie Lucy. While we use most of its capacity, the actual fact is that we don't have conscious access to 90% of the processes that occur in our brains. Let's have a computer, to illustrate. While reading this article, even though you're completing only two tasks - viewing and reading it, your device runs dozens of processes in the background, enabling it to operate fully. Your subconscious mind is like the background operating system with a large sieve in the bottom. It processes all the information and sifts through unnecessary data that finally reach the consciousness so that you can fully concentrate on single, essential tasks and not be overwhelmed by the billions of stimuli that reach it every second (so exactly what people can experience under the influence of psychedelics, which blur the line between consciousness and the subconscious) as well as don't have to focus on, e.g., breathing or digestion.

The subconscious steers the entire organism. It's a region that creates the core of consciousness, defining all thoughts and actions within our awareness and storing every stimulus, experience, thought, and belief, alongside millions of information we don't even realize know - both negative and positive.  When some information repeatedly reaches the subconscious mind and/or induces a high-stress response (so including audible affirmations, mantras, or subliminal messages), it becomes highly profound, as a result forcing the body to trigger a whole cascade of processes depending upon the exact information processed, to deal with it or respond correspondingly, inducing a short and longer-term impact - "subliminal response." Back to the computer example - even a slight modification in the background processes impacts the whole computer's functionality.

Subliminals belong to a broad field that combines both psychology and biology. They're mental processes or stimuli undertaken and processed by the subconscious mind, without the active engagement of its conscious awareness. By listening to auditory subliminals / subliminal messages, we understand messages (e.g., affirmations) perceived below the absolute threshold level (ATL) of conscious awareness. When subliminal messages are played repeatedly, they will first begin to affect subconsciousness, then indirectly conscious perception and finally induce diverse mental and physiological changes.
Subliminals have a vast potential to rewire the brain. A few days of exposure to subliminal stimuli is sufficient to perceive significant differentiations in the thinking patterns and behavior of the body. No wonder this phenomenon was being researched in depth during the Cold War in both the Soviet Union and the United States (e.g., the famous MKULTRA subproject of the CIA). Numerous controlled studies have proved their influence on human behavior. Interestingly, the use of subliminal messages in, i.a., commercials is strictly banned in many countries around the World.

At this point, I will merge two subjects: affirmations and subliminals. Did you know that both are broadly used in professional sports? You may have watched the last Olympics and noticed how many athletes used to quietly speak to themselves right before attempting, e.g., a high jump. The same thing does coaches to their proteges. Does it remind you of the use of affirmations? Let's have another example. Statistically, football teams perform much better when playing before an audience that cheers them. On the other hand, teams perform worse when the crowd whistles on them, although while playing, players don't consciously notice what's happening on the grandstand, and are fully focused on the game.

Sooner or later, athletes reach a natural genetic limit of their bodies. At this point, they must intensely focus on performing one of the most challenging workouts - exercise with a psychologist - training of the conscious and subconscious mind (example - Eddie Hall and his road to 500kg in deadlift). Without going into psychology details, I want to introduce you to an exciting mechanism that can be greatly affected by affirmations, which likely many of you didn't hear before.
Our bodies consists of an organ called the Golgi tendon organ. One of its primary functions in muscles is regulating muscle stiffness and preventing muscles from being damaged and torn. The more an athlete trains, the less Golgi tendon limits muscles, allowing one to engage more muscle fibers with higher efficiency. While performing resistance training, amateurs usually engage only 20-25% of their muscle capability. Well-trained athletes can exceed this limit up to 40-60%. How about the rest of the spare potential? Whenever the CNS (central nervous system) becomes strongly stimulated by, e.g., a stressful event, through triggering the fight or flight response, the activity of the Golgi tendon becomes reduced, allowing a person to utilize maximum muscles' capacity (e.g., life-threatening events). While the brain modulates the functions of CNS, you can "trick" your brain to induce a particular bodily response by, e.g., believing/imagining particular things and actions (consider hypnosis, increasing body temperature following visualization, placebo effect, etc.). That's where affirmations and subliminal messages can get into action.

Finally, subliminal messages are directly connected to the law of attraction, which is a scientifically recognized and well-understood phenomenon, despite its "new age" connotations. The subconscious mind has a hundredfold higher processing capacity than the conscious part. Research discloses that people who make decisions without engaging their conscious mind have an 80% less probability of making mistakes in stressful situations. Since affirmations can program the subconscious mind (by repetitive messaging), as a result, the subconscious will attempt to process all the necessary data essential to reach your goal, sort it and manifest through your everyday conscious and unconscious choices, thus pushing you toward fulfilling your purposes and attracting "coincidences." That's called a subconscious programming - conscious decision-making dependence.


Morphic fields are non-physical fields made of morphic units that form a collective group of information transferred across space and time. Accordingly to the hypothesis, every experience by every living organism (both mental and physical) is being stored in an external database (a library) through the activity of morphic resonance. The human organism can get accustomed to a particular field (and become affected by it) by repeating similar acts, thoughts or listening to specific auditory stimuli.

Morphogenetic fields - the subdomain of morphic fields. A group of cells found in every living organism that can respond to biochemical and energetic signals (e.g., electromagnetic wave or acoustic wave (sound)) thus become programmed to develop in a particular way. So, for example, a group of yet undifferentiated cells in response to the "muscle morphogenetic field" will create muscle tissue, while the same group of undefined cells in response to the "bone field" will form a bone tissue.

The idea of morphogenetic fields was first put forth by a scientist named Alexander Gavrilovich Gurwitsch at the beginning of the 20th century and explains many of the missing elements in biology and genetics until the present. Biologists have been in conflict when discussing the existence of morphogenetic fields for over 100 years. Many don't believe that the morphogenetic field of intelligence is the exact "library," a "source," or a "cloud-like online disc" that informs each and every living organism of how and when to express specific genes. By many they're still called "a hypothesis." But, on top of that, many researches proved this theory to be true. The most famous one was carried out at Harvard in the 1920s. Rats learned to escape from a water maze and every subsequent generation, genetically unrelated, learned faster and faster. Gathering the collective research, in 1980 a british biologist Rupert Sheldrake formed a general concept of morphic fields, uniting and expanding many outdated definitions.

Energy programming

An average human, at rest, produces around 100 watts of power. All physical and mental processes occurring in the body utilizes energy and generate it. Every thought and emotion is based on neuronal responses, which occur through electrical and chemical signals. For that reason, many people directly link morphic fields with energy programming and the initial theory of the chakra system, which can vibrate at a frequency of a specific morphic field (or of a acoustic wave).
New research in quantum physics suggests that morphic fields may indeed exist, which aligns with primary assumptions in this physics domain. Once this theory is accepted, it could finally answer the long-standing question of why undifferentiated cells can develop into vastly different organisms, like a crocodile or a human.

But can we, while listening to an audio stimulus, affect the body and mind through morphic fields, thus becoming energetically programmed? What if morphic fields don't exist?
hen it comes to frequencies or audio stimuli, it doesn't really matter if you're skeptical or not. It is well known that music and rhythmical drumming can intensely and comprehensively affect the human organism, beginning from impacting mood, well-being, up to improving blood circulation and cognitive functions, increasing arousal, enhancing brain cells development, and stimulating the central nervous system. It means that even if what we call "tuning up to a morphic field through listening to acoustic waves" are just effects of the auditory stimulation by itself, it's still a very potent tool.

Regrettably, the field of science in question was severely overlooked. A significant amount of research, including many promising studies with interesting findings, was either unpublished or classified during the Cold War. Nevertheless, there are still numerous studies accessible through public medical databases. At the same time, we cannot disregard the dozens of statistically significant feedback reported by individuals from all over the world.

Now. Let's put auditory stimulation aside (as its influence on the human organism is already well-proved) and energetical programming-related theories. Let's be a skeptic biologist and assume that morphic fields never existed. Including that what "guides the cell" to develop in a particular way is still unknown but related to genetics strictly (and only). What if morphic fields are "just a placebo"?
Even a placebo isn't "just a placebo." It's a phenomenon that must always be considered very seriously and a powerful tool of which everybody can make good use. Well, that so-called placebo effect by extremum is capable of curing diseases, triggering severe stress responses (ending people being hospitalized), or even causing the so-called false pregnancy. It is indispensable to treat the placebo effect with the utmost seriousness.
My favorite research was officially published in 1972. Two scientists, G. Ariel and W. Saville, have proved that the intake of placebo steroids will tremendously affect athletes' performance, peaking strength just like actual androgenic-anabolic steroids. No wonder the placebo effect is widely used in professional sport. Athletes are often provided with placebo drugs a few days before a competition, considering they take a performance-enhancing agent not banned by WADA, or if doping is allowed, a potent compound like fluoxymesterone (halotestin). Almost everytime it significantly peaks their performance. The fun thing is that it is often a "double-blind trial". Neither coach and athlete know what drug was provided. They just trusted their crafty nutritionist—the very powerful tool - the human brain. So every time you say, "it's just a placebo," bear in mind the human mind, by extremum, is capable of inducing a false pregnancy (pseudocyesis) ("People with pseudocyesis have many, if not all, symptoms of pregnancy - with the except for an actual fetus.") Therefore, even if you are skeptical, there is a strong need to stay open-minded. Whether the body is affected through actual morphic fields or auditory stimulation by itself, we should never underestimate the potency of the human brain.

| Conclusions

During the winter and spring, I dedicated much of my leisure time to reading various books and notes on physiology, biology, and astronomy from reputable sources in the scientific community. Additionally, I explored the realm of parapsychology, delving into topics that modern science has yet to fully explain, such as telepathy, near-death experiences, and psychokinesis. Finally, I had the opportunity to peruse certain CIA documents from their archives on these subjects. Even though I had doubts about morphic fields, every year I see more and more how full of hubris scientists are and how they forget one of the basic principles - "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence." In the entire Universe is dozens of unknown and undiscovered phenomena. Despite our superficial advancements in science, we don't understand how the Universe functions, why it exists, what is the 67% of "dark energy" that makes it up, and above all - why we, humans, exist. We still know nothing about how the Universe works, even if some ignorant claims differently. It begs the question: Can modern science provide answers to the questions that have puzzled humans for centuries?

Let's closely examine scientific theories that have been dismissed by mainstream science. People tend to underestimate the power of the human brain - the most complex and advanced machinery in the entire known Universe.


Polo Marco

Thanks for this article BN!


Binaural Nutrition getting into Morphic Fields? I wouldn't have thought that this day would come.. I am excited though :)


Super excited

Seville teddy

crazy news bro keep the good quality work up always


If these upcoming morphics do actually work I'm definitely upgrading my patreon tier. I will be awaiting for the upload on YouTube.


I like your essay!


This is the best article I have read about these subjects.

Rocco De Francesco

Best article I read on the subject. Is the creation of morphic fields audio purely a scientific process (just like binaurals and subliminals)? Some morphic creators make it sound like magic and esoterism is involved (which I like to stay away from)


Glad you enjoyed the read. As I mentioned in the article, it's a phenomenon pretty well described by science, and that's how I determine and understand it. People tend to call "magic" everything they don't understand clearly (nota bene, most of the so-called magic phenomena also have their scientific explanation). If a "morphic creator" establishes a shell of mystery around morphic fields, it means that he doesn't clearly understand this concept, is unsure whether his productions work or not/through which exact mechanism, and can't explain it to the public in simple words, or has his own interest in determining morphic fields as "magic" publicly.

Rocco De Francesco

Thank you so much for clarifying. It is important for me to know that what I use is strictly scientific or based on energy work (chi/prana). When people use the word magic they purposefully enter the realm of the occult, which I do not appreciate. I particularly enjoyed that you used the reference to studies. It would be amazing if you could illustrate more studies and literature about morphic fields and binaural beats. So many articles online say that these is not science, but I have already found so many studies on my own (besides feeling incredible effects myself). I had been holding off on using morphic fields for that reason, but I will start using yours now. Thank you so much.


" The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. " - Nikola Tesla