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Teeth pain ugh

I got a lot of dental visits coming up  they are going to be super pricey, (possibly painful) so I might be a bit slow this week / following week and maybe throughout the month going into the next months

I do however got something new planned for Halloween season Got this worked on, got to get some things cleaned up and also... maybe another scene or two...?

Anyways, hope yall are doing fine and are okay this season.




hope the dentist visits go well and aren't to painful! looking forward to the mew animation. you never see enough of him hehe


Me rushing in when i see a dacad notification


Hey man, take all the time in the world to heal up!


Tooth pain is one of the worst :( Take all the time you need!


Do what you need to do, we'll be here waiting patiently. Tooth ache is just a bit more painful than being burned with boiling water on the stomach (just a tiny bit.)


Tooth pain must be eliminated and treated in a timely manner, otherwise these visits to doctors will turn into something similar to going to work. Get well soon!


I'm sorry to hear that your teeth hurt ... I don't want to upset you, but you definitely need going to the doctor right now. Good luck.


Dw, I did go and I have several trips planned with the doc. After the consult yesterday I got some work to be done