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It's coming down to a very close release on Marin Kitagawa! The most outfits of any animation so far ^^; Doing my best to have her finished by the end of the month. All ovens in bun baking mode!

I've noticed that Patreon has trouble with the messaging system for me to get my works to patrons from the previous month! I really don't like how it does that so I will be putting the link to the project from that month in all of the posts of that month in the case that I  become out of reach with people. The link will be below!


 Feeling good about this one, so stay tuned! Hope everyone is having a happy new year! ^^




Hey lusty how many babies is Marin Kitagawa having / expecting


The theme is "Double Pregnant" but there might be a little surprise there ;)

Dark Desires

Looking great so far

Kiersten Falon

There isn't a link yet is that intentional?

Maiesio Phil

Hi Lusty! Posting this here in case Patreon's messaging system wonks out again: Would you mind checking your DM's real quick?


So Marin’s the winner of double preg? I could have swore that Yor had the most votes


She is making such a cute face! The art is wonderful, as usual, Lusty. Looking forward to the animation. Don't forget to take a breather here and there, where possible!


Don't forget the additional votes from 10 tier and 25 tier in the comments, adding them up makes Marin win against Yor


Damn. I forgot. I’m in the 5 tier, so that makes sense. Next time there’s a double preg, Yor or Bea has to win.


Hi everyone! I will be needing a few more days to complete our animation at touch up the parts I have received to get them up to quality^^ Planning by this weekend. voting will resume in Feb!


Looking forward to it! And as always, take your time!


2/4 update hoping to finish tonight or early tomorrow!^^


It will be out early tomorrow! ^^