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It's a close running between several characters! Haruko from FLCL may finally get her day for Tom! Rebecca from Cyber Punk Edgerunners and Mipha are close! Feel free to submit ideas for any character!

Like your favorites! Brainstorm! I try my best to use some little piece of everyone's~

Also little health update, I feel a bit better, actually worked a little today instead of full zombie mode! ^^; Still sucks but trying my best! <3


Tom Titov

I’m so glad you’re feeling better. I’ve been in your position with covid and it is a difficult thing to get through.

Tom Titov

Haruko finding a new way of bringing mechanical creatures into the world by stimulating her nether regions with her guitar but she summons more than she bargained for. Just because they come into her womb doesn’t mean they can get out, leaving them to thrash and throb. If only there was somebody that could rub her out of control belly to soothe the beast within but who would want to do that;)

Dark Desires

For Rebecca. Could be some kind of back-alley womb augment that ensures the girl with it has no less than triplets, but could have far more In Mipha's case, she's perhaps holding off on laying her eggs for longer than what most Zora are capable of holding, resulting in her belly surging from the massive clutch inside her


Arasaka has completed thier research on ways to replicate David and Adam Smashers affinity for mechanical augmentations. Rebecca has been dubbed the perfect candidate to bear the experiment. Due to this being first human trials, things don’t go exactly as planned and Rebecca has multiples that take longer to gestate. These babies are much more active past the 9 month period so they are constantly kicking hard as they try to be born.


Rebecca tries (and succeeds) at giving birth to the experiments before they are born “Alien style”


Maybe Mipha can only lay them in the water and she's currently being taken to the ocean by wagon?


I don't know any of these girls well enough to suggest anything character related. The belly throbbing should start out as a pleasant sensation but as it progresses and grows it becomes painful or too intense making the girl begging for their labour to start. Think the belly should be visibly veiny during the bigger throbs to really highlight the skin is being stretched to it's limits. Maybe looking like it's in danger of bursting open which the waifu could be fearful of. For Rebeca, the veins and belly throbbing could be up to 11 because... "studio trigger" XD For Mipha she could be pregnant with a clutch of eggs, but is unable to lay them outside a pool of water or the ocean. Either because she can’t biologically no matter how hard she pushes, or is resisting through willpower as the eggs being born anywhere else would be bad. All this causing her belly to throb painfully as she sits/lays in the back of a cart or wagon. When she gets there the built-up pressure causes a surge of movement as the eggs come out fast, leaving her gasping or to cry out in agonizing ecstasy. :3


Since Haruko won the poll, I was thinking it could mirror abit of the events in FLCL and Progressive, but with a twist. Haruko's goal in the series had been to chase after a character named Atomsk; he's known as the Pirate King in space, but he's portrayed more as an abstract phoneix-like creature. Haruko is after him due to wanting to "absorb" him and gain his powers. I was thinking that the animation could start after where she caught and "absorbed" Atomsk, but it leads to Atomsk being "reborn" inside Haruko's womb and she becomes pregnant. From here, Haruko's belly expands in a growth spurt, with her belly throbbing and glowing. This could potentially lead to Haruko giving birth, but since she refuses to lose the power, she could fight against and try to keep Atomsk inside. Her belly could grow even more the further she fights the urge to push