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This announcement has been redacted!^^ Go here for more info: https://www.patreon.com/posts/68415448


Hi everyone. I'm sorry to announce this so late into the month, but I've run into some intense fatigue. Usually when I feel this way I will just  keep pushing forward, but now my body seems to be hitting a full stop. >.< I honestly think it might just be a bit of burn out. I am going to set up a doctors appointment about it.

Also in terms of Komi, it is not at all where I want it to be. It is largely my fault because I've had a hard time working on it, but some assets are still running late. I am quite a bit far behind, and I'm hoping to release it by the 10th of July or so. I am truly sorry about the delay. I am always grateful for everyone's patience, but I always hate being late with works.

That said, I will be taking off the month of July to figure out my health problems. No one will be charged for the month of July, it automatically stops payment so no worries about doing anything. I will also message out Komi to all patrons rom June as well.

 I will keep you updated with how things go below. Thank you. 


Dark Desires

No worries, just take care and be well 😁

Tom Titov

Please take all the time you need. I hope you feel better.

Shadow ace

best wishes, hope you feel better soon


Animation is so much more demanding than anyone realises! Caring for yourself takes priority. Get well soon!


It's cool take your vacation we understand


Take your time and take care off yourself. Your community will be behind you, whenever you need us.


If you're feeling burnout, it's not your fault at all if the project isn't where you want it to be. Make sure to rest up, as frustrating / annoying as it may be to do so when you're trying to finish a project and return strong. Also, if there's anything I can do to help with the project, lemme know!


Such a sweet thought. Yes it is, I feel most don't realize the juggling between all the parts involved, always a difficult thing to explain XD Thank you so much


This might sound cheesy but I got a bit choked up with your offer. XD No one realizes how invaluable of a suggestion offering that kind of help is. I'm truly grateful and would hope to return the favor as well one day ^^


Thank you Tom! I've decided I am going to try my best and push through to next month ^^; I made a new post but all the support has really lifted me up. I'm going to try a bit longer I think.