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Whew, that was a perfect break. Thank you all so much for that! I've never done a midmonth break like that before but I assure you it was much needed! <3 As you noticed, no one has been charged for this month! That's because I'll be focusing on 2B for April! (Since I took a break in mid March) All voting for May has already taken place and we have our next Character Rosalina ^^ I'm very excited for her! I adore our Peach animation so I can't wait to see what we come up with for her! 

Look forward to a new comic very soon! Also all voting for May has occurred, but I might have a few surprise polls to share ^^

More coming soon! ^^




First Coffeeslice’s series, now this. Rosalina’s on fire this year

Dark Desires

Will be interesting to see what happens. Given the kind of critters seen in the Mario series, no shortage of things for Rosalina to pop out of her belly! ;-)