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Right now it seems to be between Felicia from Darkstalkers and Cerberus from Helltaker! feel free to brainstorm away what you might like to see! Since the theme was just picking a new character from a new series, there is a lot of potential for what we can do! Maybe too much freedom 0.o We'd better figure out some concrete ideas ^^; Like your favorites!

Idea submissions close the 4th of next month!


Dark Desires

Mirror birth: A girl gives birth while in front of a mirror, either facing it or turned away, letting the reflection handle either her facial reactions or displaying the birthing action.


I'll be honest. I've got nothing on Cerberus and all I remember is that Felicia is a nun that runs an orphanage lol. :p

Tom Titov

For Cerberus the three of them could be trying to outdo each other for how sexy they are pregnant. According to the lore I saw in a web comic about this character they are one soul inhabiting three bodies. For this reason them trying to outdo each other wouldn’t be a rivalry but more trying to make them selves even sexier in a cooperative sense. Imagine the dialogue being something like one of them is wearing a one piece swimsuit. Another one comes in wearing a bikini the first one would go that’s even sexy. The switching between the three of them continuing escalating the sexiness. But through the proper dialogue choices you get them to work together to really make things heat up;) Some very interesting things happen when they simultaneously reach climax. Once all experiencing three orgasms at the same time that could make for some very interesting results An item you could unlock would be the prism of raw the Egyptian sun God. With the prism you can split parts of your body into three duplicates or your entire body. The way a prism splits up the rays of the sun into the different colors of the rainbow. Three because of the three sides of the prism. This will allow you to do three simultaneous sex acts at the same time. But this prism when inserted into the birth canal causes the babies to split into three making them even bigger.


Sold. The shared senses angle would be very unique and interesting. Can imagine 1 having a contraction could set off a chain reaction! Hang on… if things get heated wouldn’t it technically be masturbation lol.

Tom Titov

I was also thinking that for Cerberus since hell taker took the women out of hell they need to create a new generation to replace their jobs down in the fiery pits. Thus the need for a breeding program. It could start out with the hell taker music of sperm maneuvering through a maze like in the game in order to reach the egg.

Tom Titov

Cerberus idea again. Somethings they say in the game is it is time to corrupt the mortal realm. It might be interesting to have them try to get more people into pregnancy attraction as a way of corrupting. Very broad idea I’m gonna try to expand it


Ramona from Scott Pilgrim, probably scott making her pregnant or mistakenly using subspace door to end up in ger belly and be reborn