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Still to be determined, but it looks like Ryuko and Lulu are in the lead, but feel free to share your general idea for what you'd like to see for this animation! I always try to take little pieces of everyone's idea but I mainly include the most highly "Liked" one! Be sure to like the comment which hosts the one you'd like to see the most!

Idea submission closes a week from now on the 3rd! ^_^


Dark Desires

If Ryoko wins, she should be acting cocky as she often does, taunting an off-screen Ayeka (or maybe having Ayeka be there until Ryoko's baby-bump knocks the princess offstage, lol). Ryoko could be showing off her belly proudly, reveling in the attention it's getting her, declaring that it must be Tenchi's, and just being a massive spotlight hog before the time for her to finally give birth in front of the audience

Tom Titov

The announcer character could also have a funny line where they say Ilulu has really big … Hands.

Tom Titov

I was thinking that we would be the announcer character choosing dialogue choices that would affect what the characters would say and do. It would be like we were interviewing them. As they usually do during real pregnant bikini contest. Come on we’ve all seen those videos;)

Tom Titov

Ilulu is the exact opposite of the character I suggested but that will not stop me from trying to come up with ideas for her:) I was thinking she has very large breasts so one thing we could do is have those be pregnant too. She could explain to the audience that she is pregnant with triplets. The host of the competition could say wow there are three babies in there pointing to her belly and she goes, “There’s only one in there” Then some kicking from higher up makes what she is saying makes sense. Since she likes humans again she wanted to give back after trying to destroy the city by becoming a surrogate three times at the same time, helping complete three families. I think this would go well with dark desires suggestion because it makes her motivations very selfless while Ryoko’s would be selfish.

Tom Titov

I think it might be neat to have a stethoscope part where the announcer Aka we get to move around something that allows us to hear the heartbeat, with it getting louder and quieter depending on where we replace it. That’s could also be interesting for if we go with the pregnant breasts angle for Ilulu. I am Magine the announcer going I’m not sure about that and then she saying I can prove it and that’s the motivation for the heartbeat monitor. We would get to place it on both breasts and her belly. Ryoko being jealous of this attention demands that they hear her babies as well.