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Like the title says, this Patreon will be breaking for March, but we'll return in April! Don't worry pledges have automatically gone on hold and you won't be charged! In the mean time, you can expect Peach around the 5th of this month! A short month combined with a corona scare has really set me back. Thankful for everyone's patience! We'll get you those tums!



Dark Desires

That's just fine with me, it was an unexpected development. I'm sure everybody will understand the delay. All that matters is that you're doing well and still kicking ass. 😁👍


Enjoy your break!


Here’s a hug from me Lusty! Have fun with your break!

Tom Titov

I just want you to know that you shouldn’t worry if you’re not able to get the animation done tonight. It will simply make it so we can ration the animation to last longer during the break:)


Cant wait