One Giant Animation for April (Possibly?) You Decide! (Patreon)
Getting into the spirit of Panty and Stocking (As you might be able to tell...) But before that, I had a quick question for you all! How would you feel about the possibility of one giant animation for a month instead of two normal length ones?
Rewards would be the most complicated part. To factor that in we would have the 10+25 tier have special voting power over what happens and possibly gain access to a few bonus features in the animation. I wouldn't want there to be too many left out features for the general tier however, and I think they would also have voting power in certain ways.
Regardless of how the polls turn out, I take what you guys think into account, especially higher tiers who will be effected the most.
But with a bigger animation means the inclusion of more stuff and deeper exploration into what makes pregnancy so wonderful~