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Just a reminder I am on break for November! No New content will be made this month! Pledges paused, you won't be charged until December unless you pledge before then!

Wanted to wish everyone a Happy Halloween! It certainly feels like an odd one this year but hopefully you guys can still find the spirit in watching some spooky stuff on the net or just some holiday classics!

As for Samus, you can expect her release tomorrow. (It will be sent out via message to everyone) I really appreciate the compassion I receive from you guys as I try to compact some goodies in while hitting the deadlines. Lately I've wanted to add a bit more polish to my animations which does come at a bit of a cost--especially since they are both full length and there is no longer a quicky animation--but if I am sensing correctly people will prefer quality over speed. I don't think I've ever been more than a day late for an end-of-month so relatively it is not too big a delay, but it is something I take seriously. I'm also trying to take feedback as I create the project to hear what you guys want to see most. Balancing art/voice acting in these multi-media projects can be tricky. 

Either way, I've loved trying to improve my works and this whole thing has made me a better animator so thank you all. 

Look forward to Samus tomorrow and have a Happy Halloween!




quality preg animations > Quantity. Take time to rest!


I’ve come to see your delays as a good thing. Because it’s always worth the wait.


*files a lawsuit* Kidding! I may be slightly biased, but Patreon creators should absolutely not worry about "delays", especially if it means the art is much better. Take your time!

Dark Desires

No worries here, better late than never, haha. Think of the delays as prolong labor. 😜