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Been awhile since we've done a little poll like this!

So I've been curious for awhile now what percentage of patrons feel about "Birth" content in general. I do my best to censor it when I can because I know some people come here for other stuff which is cool ^_^ I am happy to accommodate. 

My goal is to have a little something for everyone! So a poll like this can give me a general idea where people stand in terms of what they want to see.

Either way I am planning to continue doing Birth and non-Birth works, this is mostly for my curiosity and knowing my audience! Even if a majority of people like Birth, I will always try to add non-Birth elements to spice it up.

That said, if there is content you'd like to see that you think needs some attention (Which fits in my rules of course) feel free to post it below! And if you like what someone said, give it a "Like" and I will keep it in mind for future works!

Let me know which category(ies) you fall in! 



I'd honestly like to see more preggo sex, if that's alright. Also, having the new VAs come in has given your content a nice bit of variety, so do keep that up as well. ^^

Dover Light

Belly noises and movement are my favorite parts. The birth scenes are just extra to me. On a side note. Belly worship would be a welcome addition 😊


That's one of my favorite things too, so thank you for the suggestion!


Interesting point! :o I forget how big of an attraction that can be! Thanks!


Preggo sex leading to birth is my jam. 😄


Belly movements, Noises and Growth are all things I'd like to see for your animations, but birth is good too.


I enjoy the birth, but the growth is my favorite part. Movement, too.


Diddo, it's why Mina animation is my favorite. :D


I love Swelling, movement and birth, so I'm pleased nearly all the time. XD Only things I can think to maybe add are the breasts swelling and becoming engorged as well, the belly isn't the only thing that grows during pregnancy. :3 Or how about some contractions between the expansion and waterbreaking?


I love belly movements and growth!!


Ooh I also love your facial expressions! Of course I'm happy when my waifus are happy, but expressions like surprise, strain, exhaustion, desire, and sighing/heavy breathing are 🔥🔥🔥


I love the loving intimacy between the mother and the baby. Having her just adore being pregnant and creating life.


Birth? Yeah, I like it *smirk*

Colin Warmbrodt

Honestly, I'm all for natural birth, although I'd like to see different *kinds* of natural births, like water births and the like.


Big bouncing bellies with a side of birth is good !!👍👍


Thank you everyone to your input so far! I do love me some belly movements as well, but it's nice to hear how high it is on everyone else's radar too! A birth scene by far takes the most time to animate, so maybe I can reallocate those energies to some more belly interactivity as well! (Probably after Lusamine, since she is already in the works, although I do have some belly stuff planned for her as well!)


(Screwed up, didnt know how replies worked) Probably an unpopular opinion but I really liked the xenomorph content from ages ago, that said everything's been a knock up out of the park recently so you do you man.

Dark Desires

While I don't mind some artists being "one note", I wouldn't object to seeing the range of content expanded (heheh) to other things, even to the point that maybe it's something without pregnancy/birth at all. I'd totally be open to the idea of something that branched out beyond the usual sphere of kinks we've seen. ^_^


I really love the belly shapes, movement and different POVs. Birth is fine though.

Tom Titov

I really like interactive elements like conversation trees like what was in the sun set shimmer animation and I also love dialogue especially about belly movement. Like in the Zelda one where you eloped. I also like things that are active voice where she is directly interacting with you. I especially liked the one where you clicked on different parts of her belly and she would say different things. I think my favorite line in any of yours was “You want to feel your baby in my belly. He’s kicking up a storm right now.” I also love belly expansion especially when there’s segments in between where she’s describing how she feels.


What about something like oviposition with an X-ray view showing the eggs sliding into the girl?


more belly growth would be nice, perhaps showing more of certain areas to combo as a result.


I agree, some more heavy breathing or out of breath dialogue would be nice.


Birth is my jam. Difficult birth is even better. Birth *denial* where there is a reason for the mom to try and not give birth is best! At least for me.


I would love to see more pregnant sex. Also, Queenie is doing a great job, but it would be nice to hear your sexy voice Lusty once in a while again.


I think I will have to have a little treat in store for the preg battle next month! ^_^


I love the birth so much honestly you’re my favorite because you do birth!

CDCA Scientist

I don't like birth, but absolutely love all the other aspects of your animations. I knew birth was very popular, but didn't expect to be in quite such a minority! I just feel bad for the poor cartoon ladies being in pain lol.