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Hey guys, I hope you are all doing well during this time. Right now, I am working on Tifa Lockhart, but it's been rough getting to work on it because I've been feeling fatigued/burned out lately. I think I am due for a bit of vacation like I did last year, so I've decided to take the month of May off. No-one will be charged on May 1st; all payments will be on hold and will resume June 1st automatically.

I'm sorry to make people wait a bit longer for the upcoming themes I'm really excited about... But I think it will be better for me to tackle the themes once I feel fully refreshed and I can give 100%! Villain in Labor will be an awesome theme and I would really like to knock it out of the park, especially since it will likely be a character I know well. I haven't been too familiar with the Konosuba girls or Tifa, so it can be a bit of a chore to do research on them and figure out their personalities in addition to whipping up an animation. I strive for accuracy ^_-

Also due to the current circumstances of the world, I've been forced to stay inside just like a lot of other people.  Being able to work from home right now with all of your support is really amazing. Usually though, going out and doing things with friends regularly was a great contrast from working on the computer all day. Now since I am forced to be home pretty much 24/7, it's become particularly draining. I hope to use this time to become refreshed, and maybe do some private art pieces for myself which I haven't had much of a chance to do. ^_^ 

TLDR; Taking the month off to avoid burnout. Will be back with a vengeance in June!

I hope you'll all continue to take care, and thank you for your ongoing support! Expect Tifa Lockhart in the coming week, with some nice prego sex options!




No worries. You need a break since it feels like work 24/7 more that your home all day. Once you feel refreshed you’ll be back in action again like last time.


“MAYDAY! MAYDAY! Lusty is going down... for May” XD Everyone deserves a break now and then and given the Quality of the last series of animations you’ve earned it.


No worries! Everyone needs a break every once in a while.


Enjoy your break! ♥


So, could you call this time-off "May-ternity Leave"? 🤪 Enjoy the break, Lusty. 😚

Commander G

You do what you need to do. No one faults you for that. Stay safe now!


Thanks, I'm glad you noticed the work I put into the last few animations. ^_^ I'll be back!


Damn that should have been the monthly theme XD Thank you!


It did me a world of good last time~ Thanks for understanding!

Tom Titov

Everybody needs a break sometime. Have fun on your break:)


Hey, it's totally alright if you take a break, I was just wondering will you stil realese the march animations on Deviantart/Pixiv ?


I'll be releasing one, I've just been lazily enjoying my break XD lol