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The votes are in! and by LITERALLY 1 VOTE lol Tifa beat Garevoir. (After the additional votes were counted in from the 10 and 25 tier) Darn I was looking forward to revisiting that character finally, alas I absolutely respect the vote and will dive into the world of Final Fantasy head first! 

My quest will be a deep one... to find what "Baby Fever" meas to Tifa... Since I'm not too familiar with FFA in general, I'm open to suggestions! Always love to learn about new characters.

Another Konosuba character with the fun theme of Easter Egg Surprise has won as well! The details of that theme are as follows: A Waifu finds herself suddenly laying an egg in class while trying to go unnoticed! Gunna have some fun with this one hehe ;)

I like to rest a bit in the early part of the month before I begin working so that's why I tend to be a little quite around this time. Hoping to assemble themes and get votes ready for tomorrow! Thank you all again for sticking with me at this time, I hope to do my best to keep you entertained and dream fulfilled~ Take care ^_^ 




Can’t wait :)


Tifa => fertility materia resulting in 5 or more kids


5 kids would be Master Leveled materia :>

Alan Slykes

Perhaps her time after the events of the game have left her with a yearning for a child of her own. With the world recovering after a near-apocalyptic catastrophe, and Cloud being distant after the events of the game, Tifa gives in to frustration and seeks out a means to have a baby on her own. Little does she know, however, that the doctor that she goes to see was Professor Hojo, cloned through a defunct Shinra experiment, and he is still looking to create more Sephiroth clones through the use of a new fertility materia, which not only accelerates the time of gestation, but enhances the capabilities of the one using them, allowing them to gestate multiples at a time, or perhaps even a super enhanced version that is more fully developed, though exponentially larger than a normal baby. The scenario kicks off shortly after she's had her visit. She prepares for Cloud's arrival at her bar, the 7th Heaven, by equipping her materia. Noticing that the fertility materia is blue, however, she knows it must be paired with another type to take effect. Using one of the few she has on hand at the time, her choice of pairing will effect the outcome of the pregnancy. - The Mime materia will make the baby she conceives multiply, causing her to become pregnant and birth an endless stream of clone babies. - The Transform materia will make her pregnant with frog eggs, causing her to spawn a whole clutch of frog eggs. - The secret Holy materia will do two things, depending on where you place either of the materia in the clip; If you place it first before the fertility materia, you will cause her to get pregnant with Cloud's baby, and you will get the good ending. If, however, you place it after the fertility materia, she will become pregnant with a huge baby, and instead of being able to deliver it, you will end on an endless pushing loop. The materia itself does all the work, so as soon as they're slotted, the pregnancy will start, and play out to its logical conclusion That's my idea, hopefully it's not asking too much, but it's one I've considered ever since she made the finals :)

Xylon Lionheart

I promise that Gardevoir will have her day again. <3


yessss Tifa! My favorite ff girl, im really excited for that one!


Darkness, now Megumin? We need to complete the Konosuba trinity some day XD.


I love the idea of being effected by exposure/equipping fertility materia. :D


Awesome, reading this now thank you for the description! You might see a few of your ideas show up ;)