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  • Hex_Maniac.mp4



Well you guys won't believe what happened while making this. I was suppose to be finished yesterday, but them flash literally crashed on me completely corrupting the file losing all the work I had done this whole month.... After crying for a good few minutes in the corner, I pulled myself together and with the help of some fellow online animators was able to salvage/ repair about 30% of the file. Fortunately it was the important stuff like the rigs, but yes today was one hell of a blitz. I didn't want to make a post about it since it might further stress me out, and I wanted every energies I had going to Hex! Behold the Christmas miracle! I'm pretty happy over all. ^^ 

Dropbox Link: 



MP4 Version Available below!

I hope you guys enjoy it. Thank you for your patience and for those of you that offered emotional support at that time. Now since I've been up since 5, I will get some rest now ^_^ If there are any bugs I will fix them in a few hours.  

Featuring additional art by Drakanoms!  https://www.deviantart.com/drakanoms (Haunter and background) Very cool she let us reprise Haunter for this ^_^




so sorry you had to go through that!


Sorry to hear about that, Lusty! This is a nightmare I imagine every day with my own work, so that it happened to you makes my heart sink. Kudos for pulling through, though!

Tom Titov

I commend you on being able to recover from such a devastating setback. Thank you for your hard work to get this out. So far I do not see any glitches with it. It seems to be working perfectly.

Dark Desires

Oh wow, that sucks the program crashed like that. -__-0 Thank goodness for helpful friends, huh? Nice to know you didn't have to drive yourself mad with the recovery all alone. ;-)


You managed all that within a day? The animation was amazing! Major kudos to whoever helped you out. 🥳


Well fortunately the parts that were saved were some of the core designs of the flash but much of the actual animation had to be re-done hehe ^_^; Glad to hear!


It really was. I'm my own worst critic sometimes, but I'm always happy when everyone is so understanding when this stuff happens :)


I will never not back up my stuff again! Trust me as many useless extra files lying around as there might be, it will beat losing everything 10/10 times. I highly recommend!


"Shudders at the memory of a similar experience" That is the worst. Still Fantastic Recovery and amazing work! As always love the voicework, you should try having a character endure a very intense orgasmic birth in 2020. -w-

Tom Titov

I second that. I love this idea. You know I love the voice work.