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I have awakened from my end of the month recovery coma (Well I did a bit of travelling momentarily so I'm not sure if that counts) .... and the winners!

Yoko has won for red heads and you can expect to see quicky of her somewhere around the 15th! I'm open to what scenarios of something simple and quick you'd like to see.

As for Miia the monster girl, she finally has her time to become a mama in her own interactive dialog game! You can see it as a very close race and those extra votes definitely helped!  

Lastly I'd like to open myself to some feedback and if there is anything I can do to make your experience even better here ^_^ I am constantly trying to grow and improve my animation and interactives, but I'd love to hear from you guys of what you think of the direction and what you'd like to see more of! Or even how it is done! Likewise if you're happy with it, that is cool to hear too! (Note: I probably can't do anything like "Make more animations per month" Cuz I am already at capacity there haah ^_^;

So if someone comments an idea you agree with, just like it below so I can get an idea of how many people feel the same!   I'm sure everyone has their own subjective wants and not everything can ever be covered,  but maybe this will give us a feel of what a nice range will be! ^_^

I'm excited to begin work soon on Yoko!




Dark Desires

Yoko definitely needs something suited to her badass sniper skills. ;) While it wouldn't have to be a shooter like the recent Seras piece, maybe something with Yoko giving sniper support to Simon and Kamina could work. With of course some little interaction with Yoko's bodacious body, heheheh.

Tom Titov

The elements I like are controllability/variability, dialogue, engagement, the on-screen character’s enjoyment, and an emotional connection between the two characters. I will now break down what I mean about each category. Controllability the feeling that you are affecting the outcome. The best examples of your work so far for this I believe are sunset shimmer and the bird character from Zelda. Two of my favorites. When you go through these you can go to different paths and feel like you’re impacting what happens. The next is dialogue. I personally like dialogue that is engaging and is as if the character is talking to you. Especially if she is asking you to do something or it is her describing movement. The best example of this is Sunset shimmer and the line “do you want to feel your baby in my belly.” Engagement is close related. It’s making you feel like an active participant. This is why I like the bird character from Zelda better than the 2b animation. I’m not being critical of it but the dialogue was more personal and emotional in the Zelda animation and was in first person making it more engaging like it was happening in real time. On screen character enjoyment. I want the female character to be enjoying yourself including having an orgasm. Once again the Zelda animation excels in this. Also love the ability to go again in that one. That goes back to variability. Having little things like that in the animation makes playing through different each time. The bird person Zelda animation and the sunset shimmer animation excel in emotional connection between the character’s i’m a sucker for that kind of stuff. I would also like that pregnant belly Simon says thing where she describes where you can feel the baby moving but that’s more of a specific thing I wanted to give you broad strokes of what I enjoy and I hope others have enjoyed of your animations.

Colin Warmbrodt

I don't know if this would count as "anything you can do to make our experience even better here," but maybe you could try various kinds of births, such as water births?


Awesome, and thank you for the detailed feedback! Always nice to hear what people like the best for an idea of where to go. Yeah I know what you mean in the comparison between 2B and Medli, first person can add to that intimacy like you mentioned XD Although 2B's general nature was more stoic vs warm etc, but she does open up a bit at the end. I love doing emotional stuff so that's cool it is something you like! ^_^ Thanks again


Indeed! Looks like we've got back to back badass mommas XD

Alan Slykes

I've gotta say, these interactives as of late have been steadily becoming some of my favorite content. The Seras with the push button was quite a treat, though I would add the idea of maybe recording extra audio for the failure loops. Like, when you don't make the push limit, and you hear her pushing and groaning, but it cycles through a couple extra audio clips to give the player something, even if they fail (And maybe a huge bonus for those birth denial fans in the crowd!). Also, with the belly rub interaction is quite a nice recent addition as well. Your Pokemon trainer blocks the path animation is in my top three because of the addition belly rub/dynamax mode/struggling birth trifecta. Also love the harsh strain that your voice actor uses; really sells the struggle. As for future animations, I've been ruminating on some classic scenarios lately. There's a drawing on DA that someone did of an alien impregnation, that clearly happened rapidly, causing the woman to go into labor and deliver as the alien speeds her to the hospital. Perhaps a nice interactive of a backseat birth, with whatever girl involved is pushing the baby out as you see the background zipping by. Maybe have the baby continuing to grow on unsuccessful pushes, and the player loses if she gets too big to deliver? Maybe have the player race to deliver the baby before the timer runs out? Or hold it off until they reach the hospital? Beyond this, you've been seriously rocking it, and I'm loving all the different scenarios and new interactions you've been including. Thank you for all your hard work, and I seriously cannot wait to see what you do for Yoko! :D

Tom Titov

One thing I would really like is if the belly rubbing could be interactive. For instance, she would say different things depending on what section of the belly you felt. This could even be directed by her dialogue, like sexy pregnant Simon says. She could say “She is really kicking up a storm over here.” Then you would direct a hand to that area and if you do this all correctly it could create an easter egg progress the story or even make her bigger.

Tom Titov

I was thinking that if you did certain sexual acts or pleasure her better she would be bigger in a further on scene. Like she would conceive more children if she orgasms more. There would be a game element to it.

Tom Titov

I also wouldn’t mind seeing cunnilingus.


While I love the belly movement in your animations, I think there could be different kinds to spice it up. What I mean is like, instead of just a bunch of little wriggly kicks, it could be like a couple of focused ones, the kind where the tummy dweller is really thumping at their mama's womb. Best example I can think of is Gabrielle's Hope (Xena episode); Gabby is in denial of being pregnant, baby proceeds to thwack her tummy like "Don't ignore me!", Gabby gasps in shock and surprise.


I made mention of this in the comments for the Seras animation, but is there a way to do like a "Pick a Scene" thing for certain animations? Like you get to the end and you want to jump back to a favored part like, in the personal case of the Seras animation, her belly moving from her point of view. I'd love to watch that for a while without the zambinos - or the gameover screen 🤪 - getting in the way.

Tom Titov

Going off of what you said I think it would be cool to have more stuff from the pregnant woman’s perspective.

Tom Titov

I also agree with what you said about to be able to go back or stay on certain parts. Especially when it comes to dialogue. There are certain lines that I kind of want to hear over and over again. At this point I think everybody knows I’m a sucker for dialogue:)

Tom Titov

This idea of the baby growing too big is very interesting. It’s a kind of no gold can stay type thing, try to get as close as you can without going over the edge.

Tom Titov

Another idea I have is for the Grand Tour end of year round up. This would be a greatest hits where there would be dialogue hosted by your avatar and depending on how you answer questions it would bring you to different classic animations you’ve done. I was also thinking depending on how you answer the questions there would be one new animation with the lusty avatar. There could be a vote on which animations to include.

Tom Titov

Another thing that would be kind of neat is if things you do caused such kicking. This could be things like having her eat sugary foods which are known to cause kicking and of course sex some people even cause kicking by shining a flashlight onto the belly I just watch that xena scene and the only thing I would say is I don’t want the character to be in pain but I understand that some people might be into that.


Lots of great ideas! I'm going to have to paste them all in a little memo-pad! Thank you Alan! The "Fight" in these flashes really adds somethin', don't it? ^_^


Ah I see what you mean here better! It can be tricky sometimes like with the Seras animation due to coding it might be a little rocky with the coding to get to those parts via button. I might be able to isolate the belly for you a bit later ;)

Tom Titov

Also think dialogue about pregnancy attraction would be cool. Something like, ”I’ve seen you looking at my belly. Do you like what you see.” The kind of dialogue that says yeah she knows what’s up and she’s cool with it:) An alternative could be the woman talking about how no one finds her attractive and you could choose from different options to cheer her up.

Eric Evan Althoff

When it comes to the Monster Musume girls, I would like to see Suu the slime have a pregnant belly. 😏