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  • Medlis_Story.mp4



Thank you all for your patience.  My animaiton assistant came through with the remaining lip sync, and after much testing, I've uploaded it here ^_^   The long awaited "Lusty's Pick" is finally complete. Originally this took the spot of our "Quicky" animation, but it has obviously become far more than that.

I want to thank everyone for allowing me to do this project, it has been one I had been wanting to do for a long time, and I feel like I truly gave it my all. May this forever solidify Medli x Link above all Tetra x Link! >:3..... Well I can't say that completely... Maybe Tetra deserves some fun in the sun too... someday... If you guys like ;)

 Now without further ado,  Here's to a character from a game I so dearly love, Medli. 

Dropbox Link:



MP4 Version Available  Below!

For some cheats, go here:  https://sta.sh/09mwoamd8mx   Although I encourage you to enjoy the game first silly ;)  

Special thanks to Dark Desires and Zaceria for bug testing!

Spooktober is on the horizon! Incase you didn't hear, the 10 and 25 dollar tiers will be voting on the runners up from our previous poll! Arachne from Monster Musume  has won the quicky, but your waifu still might have a chance! It is Spooktober all month long! OooOoOoo


Whew... Now to get started on Xiao Yang, even though I've spent the whole month on Medli as my passion project! That's just how it goes ^_^ Expect her (I'm hoping) before the month is out!





Oh how do you mean? This is an older animation, were you asking about a recent one? ^^;


I can probably look back into it at a less busy time for myself for you ^^ Maybe this coming month

gianni lucci

You know , this really touched my heart. Seeing the passion put into this through the writing, the animation, and the evolution of your skill. I really enjoyed it. On the other hand, I don't think bird people do it for me. Either that or all the blood went to my brain.


Thanks! ^_^ I appreciate your comment! That's fair, I guess it is a niche haha. Don't worry there will be a human one coming up soon!


"Maybe you will see that some other time" Hmmmm.......

Xylon Lionheart

This is indeed my favorite thing you have ever created. Such a sweet story, such love, easily the most touching flash thus far. <3 I'm a huge sucker for romance, but even then I could tell the extra passion you put into this. Thank you so much for such a lovely story!


Such a great animation! The art was fantastic: it gave me some strong nostalgia for the original game. Oh, and the sex / birth scenes (both of them) were excellent, of course. Medli's facial expressions were particularly nice in those scenes. All in all, superb stuff! I'm happy you've gotten to fulfil a dream of yours in the process, too. :)

Tom Titov

This is my favorite. You stated earlier that you were worried that those that are not familiar with the source material might not be able to enjoy it. You have nothing to worry about. I have never played Zelda game and this was amazing. You have a gift and I’ve worked very hard to get to this point. All of You deserve all the success that comes your way. You will be at 1000 patrons in no time:)

Dark Desires

A truly fantastic, amazing job. The choice of music, audio snippets, and the fluff of the romantic plot making for one of the most endearing experiences yet. ;-)


You just took passion project to a whole new level! Oh my gosh, this has to be your most ambitious project yet! And don't get me started on how flippin' adorable it was. I'll admit, that ending got me a little choked up TT~TT Such a great art piece, one of my favorites yet!


Thank you mr. man of many names! ^_^ It was much fun to finally take on a passion project like this! Not to mention doing a narrative based one which you're used to ;) You probably remembered how much I wanted to do this after we talked a bit earlier, and thanks for the support there as well. Here's to the prego Renaissance!


Been wanting to pay homage to every aspect of the Wind Waker style for so long... Glad to do justice to our gal -_^~ Thank you for all your help!


Glad it is a fave! 0.0 Ambitious indeed, took me almost all month! I am pretty wiped and I still have yet to start on Yang Xiao ^_^; If it comes slightly late I hope peeps understand. Welp back to the grinding board!


I love non-human characters. I love all your work, but that's where my preference lies. looking forward to your next piece.

Tom Titov

You mentioned in another comment about pregnancy romance. That is exactly why this one is my favorite. The story ads emotional weight to the scene and I love that.


Just awesome. I love it.


:) Me too. emotional elements add to the experience tremendously for me and make it more intense. Although I have nothing wrong with lewd wham bam quickies either hehe I like doing a range of things

Dark Desires

Probably not the sort of homage Nintendo would approve, but none of us here are Nintendo. ;-P Glad to have been of service. ;D


Hip hip, hurrah! *toasts with an imaginary bottle of champagne*

A person that exists

Another great job! The only thing I found distracting was the music. If it’s not too much to ask, would it be possible in the future for there to be an option to disable the music but keep the sound?


Thanks! I still need to find a code that can specifically turn off music through out when it is already playing but I will keep that in mind for future projects! ^_^


Are you gonna make a visual novel or something? It kinda teases the idea of one and I'd love to see a pregnancy-centric visual novel.


I'd really like to do a big visual novel in the future! Also another dream project would be working on a sort of sim-date type one with multiple characters in it as well ^_^


This Game has changed my views of Link Entirely!! you know what? Leave Tetra be! Medli x Link FTW!!


Strikes the perfect balance between wholesome and lewd. You knocked it out of the park with this one.