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  • Aisha Clan Belly Growth.mp4



Thank you to  Valentia Jinxx  for providing voices! This little project turned out to be quite the collab! If you guys like her voice, let me know! I will consider bringing her on for more future projects! I still hope to do voices on occasion myself, but it adds to the quality when there is a pro on board!

Also if you notice the animation to be a bit different in anyway, a good portion was done by my new assistant! I touched it up in certain places, but so far they seem like a good person to work with so far! A good amount of promise as they were willing to improve places where I asked them too. I hope to continue training them in how I do things. Let me know what you guys think ^_^

MP4 Version Below!

Dropbox Link:



So for funzies I added a little puzzle. It is definitely easier than it looks, but might throw you for a little loop ;) Should it prove too tricky, I've provided a little cheat sheet ;) sigh always the easy way  hehe  





Cheat sheet link is borked. >_< (I solved the puzzle first I swear!)


Dont know if its a bug or a feature but there isn't any transition between scene 3 and her giving birth.


Personally would have liked some boob growth (Let the kittens free!) but looks great otherwise!

Dark Desires

Great work as always. Certainly interesting seeing a piece that isn't voiced by you. :P


Should have fixed that! Also the assistant animator didn't leave a transition originally but I whipped a little one in there -_^


Thanks! I have been wanting to to some more boob growth so I will keep that in mind for future stuff ^_^


I know right XD It felt odd at first it not being me during the lipsync :p. Definitely like how Valentia Jinxx commits to the intensity of it ^_^ I might save her for certain situations down the road!


During an interview bonus for Panty & Stocking (yes, I watch those...), one of the voice engineers states he felt uncomfortable giving instructions to the voice actresses, like "Okay, could you please cum now?". Not to mention that many of the sessions took place early in the morning... I bring that up for context to this question: did it feel weird to give certain instructions to Valentia (who was great, btw)?


is there a way to download this to play it offline? i've tried, and it doesnt download...


Hmm if you follow the stash link and then go to the bottom right there should be a "Download" button ^_^


Gotta say I really like her voice. She gets a bit more "panic" into it, where as you tend to sound more... well... Lusty, for lack of a better term. She would be great for more Horror-esque scenes.

Dark Desires

I would say her Aisha was a bit off sounding, but can't expect everyone to imitate these characters perfectly. And by no means do I think Valentia did bad, she was great with the little "meow" of Aisha's, and the birthing moans were just as great as the ones you've done in the past. ^__^

pickle 45

Only thing i could really say is off setting is her right boob looks like its trying to hang over to the left side which looks visually awkward. The voice is as close as you would get since the dubbed voice of her is rather similar to the voice of Rita from power rangers. Also prior belly inflation she has a pudge which is odd for her since she is a rather really fit individual if you check out her other pics online from the show. Other than that i would say good job and would like to see Valentia voice again in future projects since she has a good horror voice and rather confident voice which would be useful for future characters and you have more of a mellow type of voice which is great for docile and motherly type chars. Enjoy your're month off!


Thanks! I fixed the blouse a bit so it might take care of some of that breast problem. I originally wanted it this new way, and just decided to fix it now :p I was hoping the pudge might look more like ab ripple, but that's how it goes hehe Glad you liked the voice! I'll definitely keep her in the arsenal for the kind of stuff you mentioned, and thanks for the vacation wish!


That's super hilarious, thank you for sharing that about Psg! Animation staff can be pretty awkward and quiet so I would love to be a fly in the wall in that studio hehe. I relate to that a bit.I was recommended to her by a friend, but yes, I was generally apprehensive about explaining the type of work I myself did and what I needed done. But she was super professional and took to it without question! I told her to make it feel natural and unforced, and I believe she said she tried to add a little sexy to spice it up as well ^_^ I'm happy with how it came out personally


Got a little more free time now, so here's my week-late review! I liked the puzzle this time around, it was fast and simple but made the 'game' engaging enough to be a little fun without detracting away from the animation. The replay button restarts the whole thing from scratch however, which is a bit of a bummer. Personally, I like single births or at most twins/triplets instead of a mass horde of babies, makes the pregnancy feel more personal and special, but again that's just my own personal tastes. The birthing animation was pretty simplistic, nothing revolutionary like your last couple of works, but that's to be expected since most of this was done by your assistant (I think) and this was probably being worked on concurrently with the other projects. I miss the option for character-themed background music too, it was a fun small touch that added to the atmosphere of your animations and helped make them more unique than other bland flash works.


The belly noises and gurgles were a lot louder than usual in comparison to Aisha's voice (although you might've always done it like that, I just had my volume turned up louder than I usually do and I noticed it now). It's a little bit silly sounding and immersion breaking, but shouldn't be too hard of a fix. Changing it so that it is the same volume as her voice or even a bit quieter for a more natural realistic volume should fix that. Since I'm already talking about sounds, the soundbytes here that are also sometimes used in your other animations for belly movement and stuff are also pretty comical, it sounds more like your girls are suffering from indigestion and gas rather than birth contractions (would be great for vore if you ever go that route). However, I don't have many good suggestions for alternatives since this doesn't get portrayed in media all that often; real life doesn't make a sound at all which doesn't help any. Maybe a thumping heartbeat-like sound for each contraction? I've seen that a couple times in Hentai. >_> I also personally wasn’t a fan of the screaming, very distracting and unnerving. Some people are into that but not me.


Wow this took me an hour and half to write all this. >_< Good job on the Aisha Clan animation! I still think it was a pretty fun concept. I hope my walls of negative nancy criticism didn’t damper your mood, I still think you’re the best animator out there. See you back in July! Enjoy your vacation! ^^


<i>This reply got deleted somehow, not sure if that was you or a bug in the system. If that was you just lemme know and I'll take it down. Sorries in advance. :( </i> I never talked about your voice acting previously because voice acting is hard and scary and I thought (and still think) you're super brave for voice acting your own work. Like I'm too shy and paranoid for anyone to know what I sound like IRL. But back to the main point, since you’re branching out for more VAs, generally I find the voice acting work in your animations to be a bit unnatural and awkward a lot of the times. Usually I tune them out, but it can be a bit much at times, too the point where I’ll avoid your animations with a lot of voice acting. Your recent hire (or volunteer? I don’t know the dynamic between you two), Valentia Jinxx, voice acting is different, but I wouldn’t necessarily say better. That could also just be because of the writing, it’s hard to tell from only one animation. Her mic quality is a lot more clear however, and I didn’t notice any recording artifacts in the background so that’s a big plus. Ultimately, despite my complaints, I think you should still have voice acting in your animations (whether it be your own voice acting or someone else’s). Most people probably aren’t going to be picky like me about dialogue, and your voice acting is still a big selling point for many compared to other preg-animators who have none at all. Voice acting is hard, and I think you’re really brave for still going at it. <strike>Maybe you could make it a toggleable thing in the future?</strike> ^_^;


Hi Penny! No I don't delete replies, (Unless they are revealing spoilers on d.a) so it sounded like the system, or something. Maybe it just got overloaded with how much you write :p Just teasing haha. It's good to get feedback for the new voice actress that's what I wanted ^_^ I think I can give her some direction, because maybe to her that was her interpretation of birth because I kind of let her do her own thing. She is someone I have hired, so I'm sure she is willing. I'm sorry you feel that way about the voices, I understand, everyone has their own opinion. ^_^ I've heard good and bad feedback about it. I can only hope to get better, and I am currently looking into a more polished set up to remove background noise. there is a possibility I might be switching to a permanent v.a.but I am still seeing my options. And yes in terms of animation my assistant is still learning, and there still might be a learning curve, but they've show a lot of potential so far. I will still have to do clean up here and there so a perfectionists work is never done. A toggle button for all the different voices might require I learn a bit more coding, since they are multiple lines and not just one like the music, but it could happen in the future!


Thanks for the feedback btw! I was curious, if there were words that you'd like to hear during birth, which ones would they be? We might have some overlays there hehe


Hi Lusty! I love your animations. This one is no exception, but I do I have to say that I, personally, really like the process of the belly button popping out when the character's belly expands. I don't much like the screaming, and like Penny, I find it unnerving, but I still really love your animations and I'm sorry if my opinion was unwarranted or anything. Just personal preference! Keep making awesome animations, and enjoy your month off!


personally I love the screaming, I like somewhat painful births. I also like the looping births because I don't have to resent it while doing other stuff