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  • Demon Sisters - The Game.mp4



Here is the dynamic duo! ^_^ Posh attitude and all! A fine belated Easter Egg I laid I might say ^_-

Dropbox Link: 



MP4 Version Below!

Long time, days of coding and work, enjoy Les Diabolique ^_^

You know the drill, sleep time 4 me! Here are the spoilers in case anyone needs, so try  them while I get some rest:  https://sta.sh/01ws23ihz6mw  The game shouldn't be that hard though ;)




Thanks for reminding me Season 2 never.....


Dang I was going to make a joke about that in this game but totally forgot XP Something about how all these demon ghosts will ever fill the void of there being no Season 2.

Dark Desires

Spectacular job! ^__^

BoostCrisis (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-13 20:23:54 How is it that every time you come out with something new I think it's the GREATEST thing you've ever created?! Oh my god there is so much to love about this! The references, the music, the humor, how god damn sexy this all was, all of it! Oh and don't think I didn't notice the teeth thing ;) Such an amazing job, yet again, you are incredible! I've said it in the past, but THIS is probably my favorite piece you've done. <3
2019-04-23 10:36:03 How is it that every time you come out with something new I think it's the GREATEST thing you've ever created?! Oh my god there is so much to love about this! The references, the music, the humor, how god damn sexy this all was, all of it! Oh and don't think I didn't notice the teeth thing ;) Such an amazing job, yet again, you are incredible! I've said it in the past, but THIS is probably my favorite piece you've done. <3

How is it that every time you come out with something new I think it's the GREATEST thing you've ever created?! Oh my god there is so much to love about this! The references, the music, the humor, how god damn sexy this all was, all of it! Oh and don't think I didn't notice the teeth thing ;) Such an amazing job, yet again, you are incredible! I've said it in the past, but THIS is probably my favorite piece you've done. <3

Lusty (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-13 20:23:55 Really happy to hear that, I grinded a lot of hours on this baby. I will always love Panty and Stocking &lt;3 I can't help but go all out on the ones I adore. I really hope it is well received ^^ Now I crawl back to my sleep coma haha
2019-04-23 20:52:35 Really happy to hear that, I grinded a lot of hours on this baby. I will always love Panty and Stocking <3 I can't help but go all out on the ones I adore. I really hope it is well received ^^ Now I crawl back to my sleep coma haha

Really happy to hear that, I grinded a lot of hours on this baby. I will always love Panty and Stocking <3 I can't help but go all out on the ones I adore. I really hope it is well received ^^ Now I crawl back to my sleep coma haha


Great job on this! Been looking forward to it ever since they won the poll, and you didn't disappoint ^^


Fantastic! The cam mode was a surprising edition, too. I get so much nostalgia from this! Also, I liked the idea of them repeatedly failing to get pregnant and eventually realising another of their master plans had failed...but that's just my mean streak showing through. :P


Good game Wish there was a option for no clothes ^w^ but that might not be possible ree

Dark Desires

I'd imagine Lusty might be able to add some extra features, for a small fee of course. And when she's got some time to spare. ^_^


That would be a great thing to do! I might include a little gif of that before the month is out XD Maybe... I still have a lot of work with the final animation, so I am probably "pushing" it


Thank you for submitting such a fun character!! Having two fully rigged characters in one animation was surely a pain, but so worth it. And I'm especially glad the person who submitted it liked it too! ^^


I'm sure they hated every minute of it XD I just like the punchline of the routes revolving around propagating lol Glad you liked it Comv!

Ian Frew (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-13 20:23:54 I enjoyed it so much I wrote an epilogue. There would be a time skip showing Daten City looking very clean and organized with the angles and their allies being “rehabilitated” at a prison camp run by the one of the demon-ghosts while the other one would be head of an R&amp;D department building super weapons strong enough to break down the gates of Hell and even Judgement herself in order to invade heaven. The screen would fade to black and would say “With the powers of Panop and Ticon the rules and laws will never be broken, their mothers are so proud of them”. The names of the babies comes from a prison, known as a Panopticon . It was designed in 1787 as a "humane" way to detain prisoners, with prisoners held in cells along a large circular building with a single warden watching them from a guard tower in the middle (The weapon made to break into heaven would look just like it). The warden could see them all, but the inmates can't see the guard tower or interact with the other inmates, and are held in check by their own paranoia. This concept was so disturbing that it created an entire new social theory known as Panopticism, which refers to the 'systematic ordering and controlling of human populations through subtle and often unseen forces', I'm sure the demon sisters would relish that idea.
2019-05-19 00:00:38 I enjoyed it so much I wrote an epilogue. There would be a time skip showing Daten City looking very clean and organized with the angles and their allies being “rehabilitated” at a prison camp run by the one of the demon-ghosts while the other one would be head of an R&D department building super weapons strong enough to break down the gates of Hell and even Judgement herself in order to invade heaven. The screen would fade to black and would say “With the powers of Panop and Ticon the rules and laws will never be broken, their mothers are so proud of them”. The names of the babies comes from a prison, known as a Panopticon . It was designed in 1787 as a "humane" way to detain prisoners, with prisoners held in cells along a large circular building with a single warden watching them from a guard tower in the middle (The weapon made to break into heaven would look just like it). The warden could see them all, but the inmates can't see the guard tower or interact with the other inmates, and are held in check by their own paranoia. This concept was so disturbing that it created an entire new social theory known as Panopticism, which refers to the 'systematic ordering and controlling of human populations through subtle and often unseen forces', I'm sure the demon sisters would relish that idea.

I enjoyed it so much I wrote an epilogue. There would be a time skip showing Daten City looking very clean and organized with the angles and their allies being “rehabilitated” at a prison camp run by the one of the demon-ghosts while the other one would be head of an R&D department building super weapons strong enough to break down the gates of Hell and even Judgement herself in order to invade heaven. The screen would fade to black and would say “With the powers of Panop and Ticon the rules and laws will never be broken, their mothers are so proud of them”. The names of the babies comes from a prison, known as a Panopticon . It was designed in 1787 as a "humane" way to detain prisoners, with prisoners held in cells along a large circular building with a single warden watching them from a guard tower in the middle (The weapon made to break into heaven would look just like it). The warden could see them all, but the inmates can't see the guard tower or interact with the other inmates, and are held in check by their own paranoia. This concept was so disturbing that it created an entire new social theory known as Panopticism, which refers to the 'systematic ordering and controlling of human populations through subtle and often unseen forces', I'm sure the demon sisters would relish that idea.


Oh wow that's quite a detailed story :o I'm glad you enjoyed it enough to provide an epilogue! Certainly sounds like something within their character! Good show!

Ian Frew

I tried to stick with the humor of series by saying that Panop and Ticon's mothers are so proud of them. Also their names are not very indicative of what gender they are so the reader can imagine what sexs they are.