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Hi! So it has come to my attention that my many of my flash files aren't visible on D.A for whatever reason right now 0.o I think it is because D.A has been deleting a lot of my public releases and now they're going after my stash, at least in terms of making it view able. Great. 

Not to worry because everything is still there! It just needs to be downloaded to be viewed! (Button on the lower right corner) swfs are completely safe ;) 

 Currently looking for backups, thanks to Comv 's suggestion, I might have a few leads. Worst case scenario I'll just make a different d.a account not affiliated with my current one lol

Also as KnoxNicks mentioned for himself, I just binged on the entire season of Panty and Stocking to get into the spirit of our Demon Sisters Game! (As you can tell by my little psg credits avatar :p) 

I've already built a lot of the art assets and should have some pics soon!




We could always try Pornhub... Also I need to rewatch P&S and build up the hype. Looking forward to it!


Panty & Stocking hype!

Dark Desires

Cute new avatar, nice little nod to the ending sequence. I could imagine a lewder version, with a cutout for your belly as it bobs to and fro like the head. XD

Hold me close

I feel like the internet is trying to censor everyone just like tumblr


Keep the struggle, they will not stop you Lusty! ✊


Haha, love the bobble head!

pickle 45

Getting really sick and tired of this censor BS all over the net... If they don't stop this crap soon they will feel the wrath of the internet. On another note have you and comV thought of doing a joint project?


Maybe someday! He knows I like his narrative fiction style, but as of now I really gotta learn how to handle what's on my plate currently with all the collabs and rewards I have going on x_X haha

pickle 45

Well that's good to know will look forward to that one day in the future. but as always 1st things 1st logistics and optimization. You just started doing this full time recently. So we all got lives to live and are patient about it so don't fell rush and do what you can at you're own pace. We are all here to support ya so keep up the good work!


That makes me happy to read ^_^ I've definitely had more pressure, also I like to push myself to keep improving. But it relaxes me a bit when people are understanding and I also make my best work! (I think) :p

Tom Titov

I never noticed that your avatar wore glasses until now.