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  • Planting Paya.mp4
  • Planting Paya - Bad Ending.mp4



Posting as fast as I can to make it in time! Will write proper description soon!

Warning, secret ending is not wholesome! Avoid pulling the blinds at a certain point if that is something you don't wish to see!

Dropbox Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/fa2ggwkxqiunl78/AAAxKHWE8M587xD4_0mSJYH4a?dl=0


 MP4 Version Available Below! Bad Ending in separate file below!

I don't know why I am always blitzing on things until literally the last minute...Please enjoy ^_^




Anyone else having trouble with the blinds? o3o


Same here


There has been an update! The alternate ending was not accessible before, so make sure you play this latest version in the description ^_^


Just fixed! The version in the description should be updated ^^


That was fast. Lol

Dark Desires

Very nicely done! Loved all the little diary entries and the backstory for Paya, and her "backstory" as well if you catch my drift! >:-P Great job, Lusty! ^__^


So glad you liked it hun! Always fun to do a character I enjoy! Makes me especially excited for Scanty this month ^_^ Also: dat ass

Tom Titov

Excellent work as always. I specially like the voice acting coming from her perspective. It makes her feel like she is a real person which makes her even sexier.


Lovely work, great job keeping up the character. The writing was very well done and made the piece something truly believable in that world.


I suppose this is the ending that happens if you take all your clothes off and hang around Paya's room in BotW. N-not that I did that? Don't judge me! :o Serious though, another great animation! The diary was a cool feature! Also: dat ass.


Thank you ^_^ I worked really hard on it. I've been hoping to have an excuse to do some more dialog heavy voice acting and Paya was the perfect opportunity >:)


I think the one nitpick I'd have is that there's a lot of spoken dialogue but no subtitles for metalheads like me who have absolutely destroyed our hearing. A visible diary page on the side in that empty space below the selection menu wouldn't have gone amiss. other than that, fantastic, great work as always.


Good point! I wish I had the time to include that &gt;.&lt; Incorporating subtitles can get a little tricky with the framing and coding during a blitz, but I will keep that in mind for the hard of hearing! ^_^ I've dumped the script here hopefully that helps a bit! <a href="https://sta.sh/024qk0zzzg3t" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://sta.sh/024qk0zzzg3t</a>


The birthmark is such a nice touch! Guess we know why she was so embarrassed when Link asked about it...

viking tunacat

it seems that the mp4 doesn't contain the alternate ending.


Thank you for letting me know! I had the conversions outsourced, so I will fix that for you today!