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Let's give the lesser known characters some love! Now you may be asking, what is the definition of minor character for this poll? Well for the sake of simplicity, it is going to be any female character that isn't one of the major flagship characters in their respective series. Example: Zelda would be out, while Medli would be in. Katara from Avatar would be out Ty Lee would be in—just spit balling here, but hopefully that make sense ;)

Not sure about your character? feel free to ask! There could be some wiggle room for you to make your case. If you know my work I've always has a space in my heart for minor characters, so I'm very much looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with!

Who will finally get their chance in the spotlight? It might be your most cherished waifu!

Please submit before the 21st so we have enough time for the vote!

10 + 25 dollar tiers comment below! 

I'll separate out all the 10 tiers for the first poll. 25 Tiers will make the final round automatically of course! If you're above the 25 tier and have an extra character, just note which one you'd like to be in the final round, or for the first round ^_^ 




Inko Midoria


Kii from Monster Musume.

Dark Desires

Paya from Breath of the Wild, being forced to birth baby bokoblins, guardian cores, shrine orbs, and possibly more.


Tharja from Fire Emblem Awakening

Shadow ace

Lily Enstomach from one piece

Gabriel Angelos

Majolica From Okami San and her seven companions. Rapid pregnancy from an experiment gone awry.


Launch from Dragonball Z, she deserves better than drinking herself to death in a bar 😥


Mitsuka Yoshimine from DearS, impregnation/birth. She is just so eager and passionate with herself.


I just saw the birthmark part hehe that was great XD Aww she's such a nice girl u meanie :p