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Hey guys and gals! So I've been talking a lot with the 25 dollar Patrons about what rewards  they'd like to see included in their tier. (Still figuring things out since the switch over from the raffles.) So you guys can now choose what "Theme" you'd like the animation from next month to be! People in +10 tier will still be able to submit and vote on what character / scenario you'd like to see that fits within the winning theme. (Although that will come later on in a separate post after the theme has been decided;)

So for example if bird girls wins, then the "character" you'll submit will have to fit within this theme. Example: Medli and Papi would be appropriate characters, etc. Let me know if you guys have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them!


Dark Desires

Papi huh? Hmm, that'd be quite the treat to see as she's trying to lay an egg and crying out "Boss!" or something to that effect. :-)