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Additional descriptions: To further elaborate: Wii Fit trainer will be striking poses during pregnancy that will lead to birth. Yuri Sakazaki will be video taping herself doing lewd poses, will have a belly size progression and an x-ray option

Too many to grab individual pictures of right now! Definitely look some up that you don't know, they're pretty this month ;)



Belly sizes I believe ;)

Dark Desires

If it is the Isabelle, hope it's the human version, that one's pretty cute. Though maybe it could be an option to switch between the canon and fan version *shrugs* :P In any case, it'll be fun to see how this ends.


I think there needs to be a bit more detail included on each idea. "Interactive Dialogue + Birth" is easy to understand, but I wouldn't know what "Pose Labor" meant if I hadn't seen the original comment by the suggester.


Tight race 😳


Mmm true, I didn't know if there was a word count so I didn't want to make some too big. Although I can't seem to edit them in the poll now that it is up. I elaborated in the description above for some of the more complex ones.^^


This one will close right when September ends at midnight^^

Dark Desires

Can only wonder if this will end up with a quick tiebreaker or if we'll see a few options beat out the others before a deciding vote caps it all off. Though I guess if there had to be a bonus lightning round for the current top picks, that could work as well.


I was thinking about a 3rd round, since this first time was kind of a learning experience. Although Bowsette just took the lead it seems :o

Dark Desires

Oh gee, that new flavor of the month. :P Just hope people don't go overboard with her here, lol


I’m wondering if you should expand the voting to all patrons, and not just the $10+ ones. It seems like the group consensus wasn’t very demanding on any character. I feel if you expanded the voting to everyone, you’d find better results in what your fan base is looking for. Another issue I’ve thought of is the possibility of the $10+ patrons who lost just putting their last suggestion again in the next poll over and over until they win. Perhaps the rules should be modified a bit to be more inclusive but a bit stricter on the qualifications for a nomination.


Yeah, I'm looking into making some changes for next month, since this was really a trial run. It might be fun for there to be a certain "theme" and possibly a third round for general voting to to sort out any tie breakers.

Dark Desires

That could maybe work. Start of the month sees everyone who's interested submitting their character, then picking a situation/theme and whatnot until around the middle of the month to finally decide where it goes and with what character(s). Gives everyone a chance to play and maybe even workshop each other's pick in some friendly way.


I feel like having separate polls on character, scenario, and any other details that might pop up is a good idea. It facilitates people coming up with ideas on the spot rather than throwing in a suggestion they've had in their heads for a long time. This also alleviates the problem of people giving the same suggestions until they win, like Nick said.(I know that's exactly what I was going to do.) However, I will say I think Lusty should choose the subjects of the first poll herself. (The "subjects" should be aspects like: Character, Scenario, Setting, etc. and chosen at random for that month) Full disclosure: I'm a super picky person, so I'm 99% sure what I say next won't apply to anyone but me. But if I suggest a character, then I probably had a specific scenario to go with that character or vice versa. If the character I suggested won, but then something I don't care for ends up happening in the animation then that feels like it was ruined. I find it easier to swallow if I'm choosing from a group of things that someone else put in front of me and adapting to that, rather than hoping for one thing but getting something else. EDIT: Man I really hate patreon for ruining the raffle. I've become so terrified that I'm never going to win anything with my obscure tastes, that I'm writing paragraphs.


Yeah, I wish I could still even just pick a random person every month, but I'm afraid that would be too much like a raffle. Building a character could be an interesting experience, but like you mentioned, it might come as a cost to the original suggester. Themes might be fun, whether monster girls or choosing from an option of older games that month like Final Fantasy, Pokemon Zelda, etc of which we have a lot of fans here of it seems. I like to keep to the spirit of doing nostalgic, less popular characters so I'm sure there will be a way to keep that alive somehow ^_^


@Heatsphere I understand your dilemma, but I do believe that if you find yourself in such a predicament where you would really like to have your idea put into a piece of work made by Lusty, you always have the option to commission. I understand preferring the free route of winning a raffle or poll, but depending on how much you're looking for, you may end up paying in upgrades anyway, similar to what I was looking for in my Breath of the Wild 'free' commission. Definitely message Lusty on what you could do. I'm very curious what your mind can come up with. @Lusty I believe the idea of themes can really solve the problem of people throwing in the same idea over and over again. Though I feel it would be better to expand the theme or make it a bit more general for those who are not fans of the FF franchise. Perhaps expanding it to JRPG or anime video game characters could cover most if not all nominations. Since we have October coming up, maybe a spooky themed poll can take place. Your choice of course. Regardless, it seems this poll ended with a tie. Maybe make the tie breaker available to all patrons to get a solid choice of who's the most wanted?


Ah yeah I might have worded that strangely, but I meant doing themes in addition to various titles (FF was just an example, like Pokemon, Zelda, choosing which one that month, etc.) Heatsphere and I have a FF history XD . But yeah I get keeping the theme general to include more than just one specific title, game themes would be a lot rarer.We might even have patreon vote on the theme of the month the same way we do sketches. That way, we can get even a bit closer to what people want. It will be interesting to see the system develop ^^