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  • Larxene's Labour.mp4



 Contains: Unrelated Offspring Birth, Belly Movements 

Here ya go!

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MP4 Version Below!

I put a VERY find-able Easter "Egg" in here, play the game for a minute and you will find it. Lmao. Nothing worth having an eggistential crisis over... :x Oh my.

I will be posting more info on Rewards and the Raffle in a few hours! In the mean time, enjoy the flash ;)  


Much Birth

Must be rough being the only female member of the organization. I imagine this happens a lot whenever the troops need replacing. I can't wait to get to the computer to give this a look, it's always so exciting to see new stuff from you!

Broken Eclipse

I can't wait to check this out!!


Haha, double trouble!(triple if you're patient no? XD) You were right, I was very surprised. That definantly explains the kicks too! Nice voice acting by the way, (that was you, yeah?) and this is one of my new favorite interactives. Very well done! Can't wait to see who's belly is next on your list of Labor! (Does that even make sense? Eh, who cares. XD)


Oops, haha I probably converted it to a button by mistake. It happens in flash ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ nice catch though.


Sounds like a good start up for a short story ^_^ Hehe


Thanks!~ Yup! It was my voice ^_^ Might have a preview of the next mommy before the month is out :x

Much Birth

*quietly begins writing up draft ideas...*

Isaiah Herd

Yeah! More awesome content by Lusty!

Isaiah Herd

Ahh I love this one so much! Well done and I really want to see more of the Gardevoir pregnancy. It was awesome to see the heavy and big pregnancy move around like that. The secret ending of it though was cool to haha. Oops my bad for rambling lol


lol im crap at finding easter eggs :/


It's honestly the scene where she is producing eggs haha. You just have to watch both scenes to activate it.


Thanks! Glad you liked it. I hope to do more interactive stuff in the future like that ^_^ Possibly a different Pokemon in the future :x hehe


oh i see it XD