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I've been meaning to put this out for a while now and was afraid of being rejected...Im changing the prices on my commissions since I clearly can't handle the amount of commissions given to me...

I really,really have tried.. I pulled all nighters until 2 am, I started to neglect my shop and that resulted in my sales dropping ever since the lockdown lifted... At times I forgot to let myself game a little to relief stress cause I just keep telling myself there's not enough time..

The stress is getting to me and Im sure you all can tell..

1. Im stalling pages in the commmissions.

2. I count contextual images as actual pages

3. Im always late 

Even though most of you are kind enough to never pressure me I still feel like there's something poking my back... 

This may be my last changes to the commission list..

If I failed once more I will consider stopping monthly projects

and just focus on Monthly commissions...

I hope everyone understands my position im in.. 



No problem i don't mind changes to the list, whatever best helps you not get burnt out or sacrifice other aspects of your life just to be on time, i enjoy your work, so whatever best works for you ^w^


I appreciate your understanding,Bud... I'll make sure making less panels will be just as effective.