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Hello again. Im never really good with sad moments such as what Im about to say here...

Once July 1st,I will be officially unemployed... Turns out the mall that Im working in are making changes. Due to the losses of CoVID they had to sell most of it to some other management... And they deemed us old shops not suited to their vision for the layout of the mall. So they straight out refuse to take in us old folks that has been working there for years... 10 fucking years for me. With that... I see no point staying...

I guess I should apologize first and foremost..

So how does that effect my perfomance on the project? I have been drinking for the past few weeks straight without doing much. Im sorry that I just can't help it... 

But there's a good news regarding the project!

We have finally enter the final arc,Lets put it that way ^^;

So no more models holding me back and Now I can just focus on producing the pages since every one of the models are all set up accordingly.

A huge thanks to all remaining Patrons that have choosen to stay. I will keep continue the projects despite my unemployment.



hey ma i hope things are getting better for you! it must be hard, stay strong!


Thank you for the kind words. Things aren't exactly easy right now.. But I'll manage ^^