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  • Rig1.mp4
  • Rig2.mp4



 Thank you for your support. And happy new year. I am NumericGazer.

This month, Alice (twin-tailed character) setup and new character modeling were performed in parallel.

First of all, about setup 

 I was doing a steady work of adjusting the movable parts by inserting bones in this way.

I make the movement of the armor like video ”Rig1”.

And I've added a controller for Buttocks like video "Rig2" that I didn't have last time.Wider animations than before are now possible.

Also, I'm talking to a great animator now, and if it works, I think the speed and quality of the game development will increase.

And modeling of new characters dressed like merchants is also ongoing.  Modeled by 3D character artist Seeun Park!

twitter: https://twitter.com/eWhitewolf_

Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/wbeye

The following is WIP.

 She has turned Jujunaught ( https://twitter.com/Doonaught )amazing character design into a beautiful 3D character. I am really looking forward to its completion!

This character is a more mature character symmetrical to Alice. Having already written some of her lines, I am sure this character will be great!

Next month, Alice's setup and merchant 3D modeling will take place in parallel. And I will do the work of handing over the character to a great animator.

Thank you for your continued support of UnderTheWitch this year. 




Super excited to see more of this game. Thanks for your work! <3




Holy sweet mother of THICC




The new girl is perfect, I'm glad the negative comments from her reveal didn't change her design. She's absolutely stunning!


Can you add the option to have their feet dirty and with jewerly?


although I don‘t like this character(she is not to my taste),I still think this is a good try . It is hard to please all !!!!!


Outstanding work. Also please sit on my face and fart Jujunaught!

David Uryus

All that fat is really too much, it makes her disgusting and destroys all her sex appeal. Please make some corrections yourself. I honestly prefer that the good job with the angel be completed first than this...


Disgusting to you...not everybody likes stick figures. Corrections? Shes perfectly fine the way she is. News flash, not all women look like thin models. Please stop the body negativity.


She looks amazing! Please don't listen to these people calling her fat and disgusting...their attitude is disgusting. Her design is refreshing and unique. Please don't change her to please the vocal anti - body positive crowd.


She looks much better now compared to the concept art.


Really excited to see the amount of progress you've made this month. Honestly, I wasn't expecting to see a 3D model of this merchant this early. But boy howdy I like what I'm seeing. If all goes well and you get help with production from this new person that'd be awesome.


For me the characters weight or appearance wasnt an issue her head just looked abit disproportioned is all.


I love her eyes. Looks really fierce.


Oooh a mature personallity fits her and Alice very well! This update has me excited~

john turner

she doesnt look as fat as i thought she was going to, came out better then i thought it would


If like me, you share in the opinion that this character's design is grotesque. NumericGazer has bluntly ignored our concerns and thoughts, has not communicated with us, and fails to compromise. Stop supporting his work and this project. Between the lack of a road map and little to no communication, I will no longer be paying NumericGazer to do things his way. My money has a say and I decide where it goes.

David Uryus

Read up my previous comment... In this chat there are some good people but "someone" (2 of us) are really very very VERY crazy and fanatic for the "fat girls". I think that NumericGazer is a great Creator and him previous job was incredible and I like it so much, the "Alice" is another fantastic job but that "too much fat model"...omg no. Me too interrupt the support until I see some good news fo Alice or others that it isn't that Jujunaught's model... I can't wait that happy moment for return to support him again.


Wow, i promise i'm pledging the moment i get a job xD


I love the attention to detail. The bag of potions and toys I think is a great idea. Perhaps the potions hold an alchemical solution to change her body type or make her more muscular? On further inspection, I don't see this unhealthy level of fat people are talking about. Her upper thighs do not have so much thickness they rub together. You can see this in the 5th image. Her stomach seems covered by the belt so we can not know for sure if her gut is "fat" or not. Her arms appear normal though the type of sleeve makes them look large. Google puff sleeve if you are not familiar with this type of clothing. The face is slim and pointed, an indication she is just large-bodied not fat. Finally, the character appears to be wide via her hips and very large breasts with an extreme hourglass shape. I'll reserve judgment over the new character design until the final product is complete. As an artist myself I understand the creative process and want this team Numeric Gazer is putting together to succeed. We could sit here and keep dishing out this destructive criticism or offer alternatives to the current design if you are displeased. Personally I dislike both new characters for various reasons, but I'm not trying to shut this project down because the creators won't bend to my opinions. I don't know of somebody doing this level of work for a femdom game please keep at it.


please add pissdrinking


When is it gonna be released?


Hello, I love your work and from today I am supporting it, I would love to have a piss / scat bathroom slave mode impatient for the new update


I am not fond at all of this new character


lovely new character




when next update Q_Q


I like curvy girls but that just looks terrible. Please don't go through with those proportions.


This is......so fat......


Awesome! Dat ass is magnificent, fits perfectly for facesitting)


You sound like a progressive SJW. Check your privilege, everyone has a right to an opinion not just yours.


I love the larger one!