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 Thank you for your continued support.  First of all, about the release of the trial version, we are planning the end of May. As a content, it is a demonstration of battle only, but I think that you can fully enjoy the charm of UnderTheWitch, so please look forward to it. . . 


 The character model of Hero began to create in January is completed. As a result of reviewing the tools and workflow in making this character, the quality of the model has been improved than before.  Please rest assured that the next character is a woman. 


 For the release of the trial version at the end of May, we are putting sound effects and making details.


 The logic of the battle itself is almost complete, so in the remaining two months we will make animations and dialogues and release them. 

  For future plans, we will first try to release the trial version in May and then move on to the next medium-sized content.

 But above all, the trial version is the first. We will continue to work on development so that we can deliver UnderTheWitch to all our supporters. Thank you for your support.

twitter: https://twitter.com/NumericGazer 



Development should not just be work. Enjoyment is important to maintain motivation. Please continue with this outstanding work. Everything takes time.


 I have a lot of sleep and I eat properly. Please rest assured. Development is at my own pace. There are even days when I do nothing.   I use “We” but I am only a member of the team. I use it in anticipation of increasing number of people in the future.  Thank you!