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I've gotten some reports from patrons saying that they can't see the chapters that they should be able to at their pledge tier.  It seems to only be affecting those who need to edit their pledges down to the cheaper tiers since new patrons don't appear to be affected.  From what I can tell, though, the issue seems to be resolving itself once this billing cycle is has been processed (basically, when you get the receipt).

Patreon should be finished with processing pledges by tomorrow, so if you're affected by this issue, things should work themselves out by then.  If, by tomorrow, you're still not able to see the chapters that you should at your tier, please let me know in the comments down below, and I'll do what I can to help.  Unfortunately, there isn't much I can do from me end, but I did send in a support ticket to Patreon Support, and I'll keep everyone updated whenever they respond.

Thanks for your patience, hopefully this problem will get worked out in the next day or so.



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