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Pretty much exactly what it says on the tin; all the changes that I announced last Sunday are now in effect.  There are now only 2 tiers: the $5 Mage tier and the $10 Apotheosis tier.  The Mage tier gains access to all 40 advance chapters, while the Apotheosis tier gets that, plus getting their name in the credits of each chapter released for the duration of their pledge!  If you weren't pledged to the $5 or $10 tier before this, you're now 'tier-less', and don't have access to any chapters at all, so please be sure to edit your pledge so that you're in one of these two tiers.  Everyone this affects will be getting a PM shortly as another reminder ;)

Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys these new pricing changes!  I know I'm certainly going to relish not having to manually maintain the permissions for every single chapter now that both tiers have access to the same content.

Do be sure to let me know if I screwed something up somewhere, there were a lot of chapter permissions to edit, and while I don't think I did, it's possible that one was missed.



As much as I wish I could keep supporting at the original level this will be better for my bank balance


Hmm all chapters back to 630 seems to be locked for me as an Apotheosis. Giving me the "Unlock this post be becoming a patron" message.


That's strange, they should all have the correct permissions. Are you trying to read the chapters using the Patreon phone app?


Worrisome. I don't have the slightest clue what the problem might be because there doesn't seem to be one I can find. All of the chapters have the right permissions, but I'll keep digging and see if I can find anything. Please let me know if anything changes! =)


It's telling me I need to be the mage tier to read it for me, maybe the roles got reversed?


If you press the "locked" icon/text it shows what tiers can read and that says Apotheosis and Mage for me so no idea what's wrong. Mage tier didn't fix it for me when i switched so. I've sent a support question too patreon but i'm not having any hopes about them answering anytime soon given that its new month billing time. Hopefully the new month billing will reset things.


I just went through each chapter, and they're all set with the right permissions, so it doesn't seem like that's the problem. About the only thing that makes any kind of sense to me is that if you were a higher tier patron before this, it still thinks you're at that tier since the new billing cycle hasn't started yet. Since that tier no longer exists, it clearly doesn't have access to the chapters with the new permissions. Just my best guess, anyway. I asked someone who just subbed rather than editing an existing sub, and they were able to access the chapters just fine. So, I'm really hoping that the new billing cycle will help Patreon realize the changes and get everyone set into their new tiers, solving this issue. If it nothing changes tomorrow, let me know and I'll be adding my voice to yours with Patreon Support, because I've kind of run out of other things to try on my end.


For me too 🥳