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The arrival of Leon’s retinue back in the Bull Kingdom came without any fanfare. They’d hitched a ride on a tribute ship, not with the Legion armada, so those who awaited them at the docks of one of the southern trade cities were not cheering throngs grateful that their task force returned home victorious, but rather a number of low-ranking Legion knights and a handful of dry, boring bureaucrats there to inspect the tribute.

There was no reason for them to stay on the ship while the Legion went about their inspection, so as soon as the customs paperwork had been completed—and it went veryquickly once the bureaucrats realized who Leon was—Leon led his retinue outside.

It had taken more than a month to reach the Bull Kingdom. The tribute ship was faster than a Legion dreadnought, but not by much, and it was much less stable and secure—just about everyone had gotten seasick at one point or another, and Leon found himself sharing the technique that Xaphan had given him long ago for dealing with such sickness with the rest of his retinue. Still, even with that helping them, Marcus and Alcander practically fell to their knees once they’d stepped out onto the docks, and Leon wondered if they were going to try and kiss the stone bricks in celebration of their return. Alix and Anshu maintained slightly more dignity, but Leon could tell both were happy to be back on solid ground.

Anzu, on the other hand, leaped about with unabashed, almost child-like glee. He hadn’t been able to get much exercise while the ship was sailing, with the captain of the tribute ship being even less accommodating for Leon than the ship captain from the fifth island to Kraterok had been.

Leon was tempted to join in Anzu’s celebrations, and he vowed that he was never going to travel by boat if travel by land was an option. It had been so uncomfortable of a journey that he hadn’t even managed to get any enchanting work done.

The retinue hadn’t left the dock before one of the Legion bureaucrats, a young-seeming fifth-tier man, disembarked from the ship and approached.

“I’m sorry to disturb you, Sir Leon,” he said as he approached, looking practically beside himself with anxiety and fear as if he were afraid that Leon would smite him for the disturbance.

“Drop the ‘Sir’,” Leon sternly ordered. Once the knight hurriedly nodded, Leon’s tone softened and he asked, “What do you need?”

“Uh, Si- I mean, um, Leon… His Majesty sent us orders to watch for your return. A ship has been prepared to take you back to the capital as soon as possible.”

Leon didn’t bother hiding his scowl. “Did he say why he wanted you to watch for me?”

“Only that he hopes you can report to him as soon as possible…”

Leon banished his scowl with some effort, and after a few more short exchanges, the knight shared with him where the transport ship was located.

To call it a mere ‘transport ship’, however, was to not do the ship that much justice—it was far more of a yacht, sleek and practically sparkling with magic. On both sides of the beautiful ship had been prominently painted a golden bull, signifying that this was one of the Royal Family’s personal ships.

Once the crew of the yacht learned that Leon had arrived, they hurried him and his retinue aboard, and then set out with all haste up the Naga River toward the capital. Leon wasn’t too happy to find himself so soon on another boat, and neither were most of his retinue, but every second brought him closer to Elise, Valeria, and their home, so he was able to bear it.

Fortunately, the yacht ride north was much more comfortable than the previous two ship rides had been, with every one of them getting their own personal cabin and plenty of private space. Leon was somewhat concerned about the crew and kept his magic senses trained on them for much of the journey, but it seemed they weren’t anything more than the personal servants and guards of the Royal Family who weren’t trying to spy on him or his people.

During the northward cruise, Leon learned from the yacht captain that his orders were to carry Leon directly to the Royal Palace upon arrival back at the capital, but with some intimidation, coercion, and light bribery, Leon managed to have him schedule one stop before heading to the capitol island.

Their arrival in the capital came with a little more fanfare than their arrival back in the Kingdom, though that wasn’t saying much. Two small Legion escort ships were waiting for them in Calabria, and once they reached the capital’s city limits, one of the escorts suddenly sped up and proceeded on to the capitol island. Leon was told that this was to inform the Bull King of their arrival.

But as far as he was concerned, the Bull King could wait. He had a much more important reunion to see to. To that end, as the ship sailed up the Naga River, Leon let his magic senses loose until he saw what he was looking for: his home, the relatively small villa that he and Elise had bought a few years ago. It had a dock on the Naga River, but Leon didn’t even wait for the yacht to get closer; he, almost without telling anyone, simply got on Anzu and prepared to fly off, only waiting long enough for Maia to climb on behind him.

Then, with only a quick barked instruction at the yacht’s commanding knight to meet him at his villa, Leon, Maia, and Anzu took off from the yacht’s deck and soared through the sky.

Wind magic propelled them on at great speed, as if Anzu could pick up on Leon and Maia’s anxiety and need to return to their home. Neither could see within the villa thanks to the defensive wards Leon had woven into its structure, but there were enough servants and others around that Leon felt confident that Elise and Valeria were inside.

And then his belief was at least partially confirmed when he saw Valeria wander out into the backyard, dressed in simple, loose training attire and wielding a short practice spear. She looked like a star had come loose from the sky and landed at his home—her silver hair glittered in the light of the afternoon sun, her body almost glowed with strength and health, her sapphire eyes were narrowed with deadly focus, and her fifth-tier aura soared with power and vigor.

Leon didn’t think he’d ever been more physically attracted to her than that moment. She was more angelic than even the angels he’d encountered, and his hands unconsciously tightened their grip on Anzu’s saddle in longing. He wanted to land right in front of her, leap off of Anzu, and take her into his arms. He wanted to do so much more than that, but with a deep breath and more than a little regret, he tempered those feelings. They still had to work things out between them, but the simple fact that she was at his home had him hopeful for their future.

While his eyes were locked on Valeria, it seemed that some of the servants noticed him and Maia flying in on Anzu and had run inside, for the only possible person that could distract him from Valeria right now was led out into the villa’s front courtyard by one of the Heaven’s Eye gardeners, who then pointed right up at them.

And there she was, her hair shining like fire, her eyes glimmering like the finest of emeralds, her hands rising to cover the smile of absolute joy that had come to her lips as she laid eyes upon them. Even from as far away as he was, Leon could her sobbing and laughing at the same time as they approached as quickly as Anzu could carry them.

Anzu flew over the noble district like white lightning, but as fast as he was, Leon was barely able to wait long enough for him to land. As soon as Anzu was close enough, Leon slid out of the griffin’s saddle and let his momentum carry him the rest of the way. As soon as his boots touched the grass just past his front gate, he was sprinting for Elise, lightning surging through his muscles to propel him even faster. She, too, started to run forward, but with Leon’s lightning magic, she barely got in two steps before his arms were around her and he was lifting her into the air with a joyous cry. He spun her around and sealed her lips with his.

Their kiss was long and passionate, filled with longing and unfulfilled desire. Elise’s hands roamed Leon’s body, while his were almost frustratingly preoccupied with holding her aloft. They only parted when Anzu landed and Maia rushed over to join them—the gardener had made himself scarce as soon as he could, leaving the three about as alone as they could be in front of the villa where many others were working.

Eventually, though, they had to part, but they did so slowly. First, their lips unsealed, but Leon and Elise still pressed their foreheads together as Maia embraced Elise from behind. Then, they leaned back a bit so that they could look the other in the eye.

“You couldn’t have sent word that you were coming?” Elise sarcastically asked as her face split with an enormous grin.

“We traveled as fast as we could without abandoning everyone else,” Leon whispered as he leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek.

[Faster than a messenger, even,] Maia said as she kissed Elise on the other cheek.

Only then did Leon and Elise start to properly separate, though Maia remained locked around Elise.

“It’s… about time you came home,” Elise said as she took a deep, steadying breath, the heat in her eyes that had ignited upon seeing Leon and Maia remaining, though. “You are… back, right?”

“Yes,” Leon replied. “Though, I have some business with the King, first. There won’t be anymore journeys like this—at least, not for a long while. I can only speak for myself, but I want to stay home for a while with you two.”

[I agree,] Maia said as she subtly began to steer Elise back inside, to the red-head’s delight.

“Get that business done, then,” Elise impatiently said. “You two have been with each other for months, but I’ve had none but my own fingers to comfort me!” She then disentangled herself from Maia just enough to lean over and whisper her pent-up desires into Leon’s ear, “I needyou. If you don’t come home and fuck me until I see stars as soon as you possibly can, then we’re going to have a problem…”

It took a titanic amount of willpower for Leon not to immediately tear her clothes off right then and there and carry her to their bedroom, but he somehow managed to refrain. “I’m going to say hi to Valeria, and then I’ll be off. I’ll not stay long with the King.”

[You’d better not,] Maia said, speaking for both herself and Elise as she practically lifted Elise off her feet and began to carry her toward the bedroom.

Leon was left standing in the atrium with a smile and a look of longing as he fought to contain himself. He could hear Maia already starting to pull Elise’s clothes off, and Elise’s shrieks of bliss, and in that moment, there was nothing he wanted more than to join them.

However, a moment later, he bit the insides of his cheeks and turned away. There’d be more than enough time for that later. He calmed himself down and then walked out to the backyard, where Valeria was quietly performing some moving meditations—her eyes were closed and her movements were slow and flowed like water. She was using her training spear more like a dancer’s baton than a weapon, and Leon found himself completely entranced with the sight.

Valeria’s hair was like a river of silver flowing behind her, lustrous and unconstrained. Her clothes were loose, but showed enough of her body line than in Leon’s electrified state, she seemed a goddess of beauty.

He wanted to go over to her, but any words he might’ve said in greeting evacuated his mind as soon as his eyes landed upon her. He could only stand there, entranced, as she moved.

And then she froze, her sparkling blue eyes opening slowly and turning in his direction.

A smile broke out across her face as she saw him standing in the doorway looking at her. It was a loving smile, devoid of any lust or antipathy, and Leon felt almost ashamed of his attraction to such a vision of beauty.

But then the moment was over; she gave him a quick wave, and he came back to his senses.

“Hey there!” he called out as he slowly walked over to her. “Naiad and I are back…”

“Bringing word of victory, I hope,” Valeria replied. “I’m… sorry I couldn’t go with you. I know that I should’ve been there as your retainer, but I—”

“No need to finish that,” Leon said with a wave of his hand, as if her expressed regret was something he could physically disperse. “Family should always come first, no matter what. Speaking of, how’s your father?” He tried to keep his voice neutral and curious, but he strained a little as he asked his question.

Valeria seemed to pick up on it—if Justin had died, then Leon wouldn’t have cared that much. His only emotional investment in keeping Justin alive was the impact his death might have on her. Her face fell a bit, but then perked back up.

“He’s doing fine,” she said. “Heaven’s Eye has skilled healers seeing to him. He’s already healed enough to start recovering his magical strength.”

Leon wasn’t sure how he felt about that. He was an eighth-tier mage, now, but that ascension had come at a price that prevented him from making further progress—at least, for the foreseeable future. Justin had already ascended to the eighth-tier once, and Leon could easily see the man ascending much faster now that he was doing so again.

And he couldn’t help but wonder what Justin would do if he were to surpass Leon in raw power. It would certainly cast some doubt in Leon’s mind over whether the man might stick to his agreement not to interfere in Leon and Valeria’s business. He might even try to fulfill his original plan and attack Leon in the hopes of killing him and being able to return home to Lord Kamran.

“That’s… good to hear?” Leon responded, unable to keep the question from coming out a bit.

“It is,” Valeria said without batting an eye.

Leon nodded, suddenly feeling incredibly awkward, all the passion he’d felt at returning home dissipating in a matter of seconds. The two stood there for ten painfully seconds before either said another word.

“So, anyway,” Leon said, breaking the silent tension, “I have to report in at the Royal Palace. Shouldn’t take too long. You’ve been staying here, yes?”

“These past few weeks, I have,” Valeria replied. “Elise was kind enough to give me one of your spare rooms. Said it’s mine as long as I want it.”

Leon smiled and nodded again. “Then let’s talk again tomorrow. I’m sure we’ll have much to say, but for now…”

“There are other people who need your attention?” Valeria asked, finishing his statement, to which Leon nodded once more, this one with his fair share of awkwardness and regret. So, she took a few quick steps forward and suddenly pressed her lips against his in a soft and rather chaste kiss, stunning him so much that she’d pulled back before he could even physically respond. “I look forward to having that talk, then,” she stated as she gave him a promising grin and walked several dozen feet back into the yard.

She returned to her moving meditations, and Leon could see the tip of her training spear sparkle as snowflakes began to fall from it. He had to go, but he also wanted to stay and watch for a little while longer. Maybe even have that talk right now instead of later.

But then, the yacht that had ferried him and his retinue came into view, quickly steering itself in the direction of his villa’s dock. The members of his retinue were all on the deck, getting ready to themselves disembark.

So, Leon took one more deep, steadying breath, and then sought out the person in charge of the Heaven’s Eye servants around to inform him of the incoming guests. Then, he and Anzu returned to the yacht after making sure that his retinue were being properly seen to.

He had a King to see.


King Julius awaited him in a small private meeting room buried within the main building of the Royal Palace complex—out of the way enough to be relatively deserted, yet more than decorated and ostentatious enough to be fit for a King to meet with another powerful mage.

The Bronze and Penitent Paladins both stood guard outside the door—the rebellion in the Western Territories that had drawn the former away during Octavius’ escape apparently having been already wrapped up. Each gave Leon a nod of greeting, but neither spoke a word or so much as blinked at Leon’s changed aura.

Leon returned their greetings and then walked into the room.

There, he found the King. Julius looked to be in much better health now even than when Leon had left. His frame was filling out with respectable amounts of muscle, his eyes were sharp and bright, and there was an energy to his movements that indicated he was past the worst parts of his recovery and already starting to approach his peak once more.

“Leon Raime,” the King growled as Leon was shown in. The room was fairly small, with only enough space for a few chairs, a table, and a hearth, but the walls were completely covered with sound-dampening curtains, and Leon could sense a great deal of magic flowing through the walls, making this one of the most heavily-defended rooms within the palace. “You’re back, and without any of the fleets…”

“I wanted to return as soon as possible,” Leon said with a shrug.

“I can understand that,” the King said. “But is that something that you should be so flippant about? Dame Basina sent word back to me a couple weeks ago accusing you of all sorts of misconduct, including desertion. And here you are all-but admitting to it…”



Thank you to my Seventh-tier Patrons:

Efflorescence – Scarab6 – MildWhiteGuy – Ray Ibit – ZRhulad – Michael Mooney – Tim Fleper – DJ9warren – Neptune - Ari Noordemeer - Jeremiah - Ricardo - Orims - Derek Rogers - GroteZiel - JC 


Jamie Celtic

What a point to end the chapter 😅 , now i cant wait till friday to see if it will all kick off,

Raymond Lenihan

I honestly thought for a minute you forgot to upload the rest of the chapter, then I remembered what a cliffhanging bastard you are lol. Seems like if Leon gets blue balls then we do too, at least it's not a Friday.


Don't encourage him! Warden be like "Indeeed, not yet friday it issss - muhahaha"