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Well, I wanted to make this post earlier, but the end of the month has kind of snuck up on me... Anyway, as the title says, Patreon rewards will be increasing on Thursday, Nov 1st. This will probably be the last increase for a while, as all the bonus chapters and reward increases over the past few months have been making me write at a rather tiring pace. So, there might be bonus chapters (for everyone, not just for patrons) next month, but there definitely won't be on New Year's - the regular chapters will still be posted, though.

So, without further ado, here's what the patron rewards will look like on Thursday:

$1 tier: 1 bonus chapter (no change)

$3 tier: 3 bonus chapters (1 chapter increase)

$5 tier: 5 bonus chapters (1 chapter increase)

$10 tier: 10 bonus chapters (2 chapter increase)

$15 tier: 15 bonus chapters (3 chapter increase)

$20 tier: 15 bonus chapters, plus your name in the credits of every chapter released! (3 chapter increase)

This will bring it up to $1 = 1 chapter (last tier excluded). I like having the rewards at that level, but I'm not going to rule out any further reward increases. They're just not going to happen until sometime next year, at the earliest, if they happen at all - as I said above, getting out all the bonus chapters over the past few months has been quite tiring, so I'm not going to commit to anything right now.


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