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I've been working on a map over the past few hours to help me keep everything straight in my head. Still requires a lot of work, so expect at least some of this (possibly including some of the names already on the map) to change before it's finalized, but at least most of the geography is where I want it. This map largely only shows off Archelaus' Despotate, so it's only a small portion of the Storm Lands as a whole. There are between 150-200 more Despotates within the Storm Lands, and though not all are the same size, Archelaus' is pretty typical.

Beneath every Despot will be 3-5 Strategoi. Archelaus' Strategoi are based in Ishtorpor, Joystone, Irinion, the City of the Bells, and the top city in the upper right whose name I'm still ruminating over.

You may notice a few 'IO[num]' labels, these are castles of the Iron Orders - IO3 is the home castle of the Third Iron Order, for example. The Iron Orders are sworn to defend the Storm Lands from monsters and incursions from other Elemental Lands. In practice, their duties are largely to watch out for relatively weak monsters in border zones, watch out for raids from pirates and non-Nexus powers, and maintain military infrastructure.

The Lion's Portal north of Artorion is where Leon's expedition entered the Nexus.

I'll leave the explanations there since, again, the map is still unfinished. I'll try and get this thing finished soon, but I figured letting everyone see it now, unfinished though it is, would help with getting a sense of geography given how much traveling around Leon's been doing these past few chapters.

Let me know what you all think down below!



Logan Hippard

Love the very Tolkeinish look of the map! Nice to be able to better picture what you describe in print. Thank you for sharing this, even if incomplete.

Leo Cooper

Love the Map! What app or program do you use to make them?