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Hey Patrons!
It's been a while since my last Patreon post, mainly because progress has been minimal and I have felt it hasn't "warranted" enough work for it to be worthy of an update, as well as the fact that I've been updating via other platforms. But I am going to make an effort to focus more on Patreon specific content. Starting with soon to come Patreon exclusive timelapses.

The timelapses will cover the off-stream work I do mapping wise to Return to TranZit. You can expect the first timelapse to come in 1-2 weeks, then ideally weekly.

So super thanks to all you that have stuck with me!

Total Progress
Right now as it stands, Bus Depot Survival is roughly 95% complete and close to a proper beta test prior to releasing; and Farm Survival, i'd peg at 70% complete.

When both Farm Survival and Bus Depot Survival are complete, I will dedicate myself to working on Diner Survival, which should absolutely go the quickest.

Other Projects
For my own sanity between churning away at my two main monolothic projects (Return to TranZit and Terrak Games), I've, for fun, started a retro / nostalgia / ps2 style map for Black Ops 3, which internally i've called "demastered". For now you can refer to it as the "demastered project". 

Here's what the first demastered map looks like right now:

Farm Survival
Anyways, returning to farm returning in return to tranzit, I've recently churned away at the all new underground section in Farm Survival, the Bunkers & Tunnels, as well as general progress around the map as I get it prepped for playability.

Farm Tunnels
After making these tunnels, I now officially hate making tunnels. Doing repetitive tasks over hours and hours isn't fun, and so many hours went into just placing wood around. At least the end result looks nice I guess:

That's it for this post, thanks again so much for supporting!
