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TranZit Video
After a 23 day delay in shipping, I have finally received the mixamp I ordered (thanks to yous!) for my mic which means now I can get back into making videos again!

This was just a little snippet of the progress & meme'ry occuring in the production of this video lol

The full video will cover story elements, map changes and additions, pap name winner announcements, a special teaser and more.

Patreon Updates
I've completely overhauled the landing / about me section to be more up to date with my new projects and to go into more detail about them.

Along with updating my about me, I've finally added rewards to the ??? Tier and renamed it to Neverworld, along with that I added 2 new tiers Orymas & Vaith to fill in the jump between 100 and 1,000.

Poop of the Dead 2
With Hackerspace being almost completely finished, I've switched my primary focus as of now to Poop of the Dead 2, the fifth and final map in the five-map venture before going back to 47 Berkerly Lane. 

Here's how it looks at the moment!

Mount Seela
Further progress on Mount Seela has been made primarily focusing on getting the base layout made, I've begun blocking the cave system section. At the halfway point up the mountain you go into a cave entrance and continue your ascent through the cave system (this is for optimisation as going higher outside would mean a ridiculous amount of vista would be required).


Behind the Scenes of: I'm Remastering Tranzit for Black Ops 3.

Patreon Exclusive